Hunter X Hunter is well-known throughout all shounen anime. The 2011 anime adaptation by Madhouse is ranked #9 on MyAnimeList with a score of 9.05. It is one of the small handful of anime to have a score of 9.00 or above on the website.
Throughout Hunter X Hunter, fans were introduced to the complex power system known as Nen. The main limit to Nen is the user's creativity, i.e., the sky is the limit with this power system. While some characters have Nen abilities that are perfect for recreational activities and relaxation, others have abilities suited for an intense battle.
So, here are the 10 most powerful Nen users in Hunter X Hunter.
10 most powerful Nen users in Hunter X Hunter include King Meruem, Adult Gon Freecs and more
1) King Meruem

Meruem is the strongest Nen user in Hunter X Hunter. He was the result of the Chimera Ants' unique and over-powered trait, phagogenesis, which is reproducing through consuming other organisms. The Chimera Ant Queen consumed various powerful Nen users while pregnant with Meruem.
Meruem is a specialist. His main ability is known as Aura Synthesis and it allows him to increase his strength after eating Nen users. He also has other Nen abilities such as Metamorphosis, Rage Blast, and Photon.
However, when he fought Netero, he only used his incredible physical characteristics. His immense power, speed, stamina, and durability are what allowed him to resist Netero's strongest attack and almost kill him before the Poor Man's Rose was unleashed.
2) Isaac Netero
Isaac Netero was the 12th Chairman of the Hunter Association and was revered as the strongest human Nen user in Hunter X Hunter. He underwent training martial arts training throughout his entire life, but when he reached the age of 46, he decided to continue his training on top of a mountain.
During his time training there, he would perform 10,000 prayers and punches each day. After all this training, he was capable of moving his arms faster than the speed of sound.
During his fight with Meruem, Netero used his Nen ability, 100-Type Guanyin Bodhisattva, to keep Meruem at bay. He would swat him like a fly by moving the arms of his Guanyin Bodhisattva faster than the speed of light. However, this effort by Netero did nothing to Meruem because of his incredible durability and stamina.
3) Adult Gon Freecs
Gon's anger towards Pitou for Kite's death was overwhelming. In order to get revenge, he made the ultimate sacrifice. He gave up his ability to use Nen and potential in order to gain a massive enhancement. This allowed him to demolish Pitou.
He was shown killing Pitou, the strongest royal guard, with no difficulty. He used his strongest attack, Jajanken: Rock, to smash their head into the ground, killing Pitou.
Despite his amazing strength, we have seen nothing from him that could potentially put him above Netero or Meruem. If he had more screentime then maybe he could have shown his true strength.
4) Neferpitou (Pitou)

The strongest of the royal guards, Pitou was willing to do anything for Meruem. If Meruem commanded them to do something, they would do it without question.
Pitou's Nen abilities are diverse. Despite being a specialist, they use Manipulation and Emission to enhance their abilities. This variation in Nen types allows Pitou to be a strong fighter, amazing medic, and superb back-up. Their technique, Puppetering, is what allowed them to control Kite even though he had already died.
5) Menthuyoupi (Youpi)

Youpi is the second strongest of the royal guards and is also the youngest of the three. Like the other chimera ants he fights with, he has incredible durability, speed, and strength. He engaged Killua in battle but was easily outsped since Killua had Godspeed activated.
Youpi is an enhancer, which makes sense considering how buff he is. His Nen abilities include Metamorphosis and Rage Blast, like the other chimera ants on this list but also Rage Incarnate. This ability is unique to Youpi and allows him to channel his anger and shapeshift into a centaur-like being. In this form, he is much faster and stronger.
6) Shaiapouf (Pouf)

Pouf has the least physical power out of all the royal guards, but he makes up for this with his manipulation. When Meruem began to develop a relationship with Komugi, Pouf was incredibly conflicted about whether he should obey Meruem's wishes or do what he thought was best. However, once Meruem came back from being blown up by Netero, he had completely forgotten about Komugi.
Pouf took advantage of this opportunity to try and make Meruem hate Komugi so he could her. This would prevent Meruem from becoming more like a human being and remain the sadistic leader he was before.
7) Zeno Zoldyck

Zeno, head of the Zoldyck family, has the most experience fighting with Nen out of everyone on this list besides Netero. This experience and his powerful Nen abilities make him one of the strongest characters in Hunter X Hunter.
As a Transmuter, Zeno is able to shape his Nen into various forms. He then uses these forms to attack his opponents. For example, Dragon Head and Dragon Lance are both Transmutation Nen techniques developed by Zeno. Zeno transmutes his aura into the form of a dragon and uses that to attack his opponents.
When combined with Emission, Zeno is capable of using Dragon Dive. This is the technique that caught Pitou off-guard and allowed Netero to get a clean hit on them.
8) Chrollo Lucilfer

Founder and leader of the Phantom Troupe, Chrollo Lucilfer is an incredible Nen user. He is a Specialist and uses his Nen ability Skill Hunter to take the Nen abilities of other people. He stores them in his book and is able to use them for himself. This ability has incredible potential. If there were no limitations on this ability, it would easily be the strongest Nen ability in Hunter X Hunter.
9) Killua Zoldyck

Killua has a lot of abilities, mostly from his assassin training. From poison resistance to his resistance to electricity, Killua has a diverse set of skills to choose from.
Like his grandfather, Killua is a Transmuter. He took the basis of his resistance to electricity and used it to create his Nen abilities, Whirlwind and Speed of Lightning.
Whirlwind allows his body to move automatically and Speed of Lightning lets him remain in control of his body. These two abilities are known as Godspeed, collectively. While using Godspeed, he was able to engage Youpi in combat for a period of time.
The main downside to Godspeed, however, is the time limit. Killua has a certain amount of time he can use the ability for before his electricity and Nen run out.
10) Hisoka Morow

Hisoka is the most controversial character in Hunter X Hunter. Many fans hate him for how creepy he comes across as, but others love him for his cool attitude. Despite this, however, everyone can agree that Hisoka is incredibly powerful. The secret to his power is how he uses his Nen ability, Bungee Gum.
Bungee Gum has the properties of both rubber and gum. This elasticity and stickiness gives Hisoka the ability to create very diverse battle strategies and counter almost any attack thrown at him. He can attack and defend with ease, and can retaliate just as easily.