In the One Piece world, Devil Fruits grant permanent superhuman abilities of the most varied sort, at the cost of their owners' ability to swim. Depending on the type of power they gift, these items can be grouped into three categories, i.e., Paramecia, Zoan, and Logia.
Throughout his life, a person can only eat a single Devil Fruit, as any attempt to consume a second one would cause immediate death. Still, Marshall D. Teach currently owns two Devil Fruit powers at the same time, seemingly without any negative consequence.
Devil Fruit abilities are usually wielded by mighty fighters, but there are exceptions, as some powerful fruits were eaten by characters with relatively poor combat prowess. Even though these items grant highly dangerous and effective skills, their owners are too weak to fully exploit them.
Ten great Devil Fruits that would have deserved more powerful users in One Piece
10) Mark-Mark Fruit, user: Vander Decken IX

Users of the Mark-Mark Fruit can aim at whoever they touch with their hands, causing any weapon they throw to chase the target ceaselessly. The user can even memorize targets, which enables them to attack them from any distance and at any time, without needing to know the targets' actual location.
Should the target move, the thrown weapon will keep chasing them, even changing its trajectory to pursue it wherever it goes. The user doesn't even need to throw the object with his physical strength, but just touch it. The Devil Fruit power will make it move at high speed toward the target.
Potentially, the Mark-Mark Fruit allows the user to perform impressive feats, sending enormous objects to crush a target. However, the fruit's owner, Vander Decken IX, lacks both the mind and the fighting prowess to use it adequately. In the hands of a powerful Haki user, the Mark-Mark Fruit would be deadly.
9) Hobby-Hobby Fruit, user: Sugar

The Hobby-Hobby Fruit is extremely advantageous, as it renders users eternally youth, and enables them to transform living people into toys upon touching them. The transformed people's memories and mention of their existence will be erased from the minds of others.
The current user of the Hobby-Hobby, Donquixote Pirates member Sugar, is not strong enough to fully exploit the item's powers, which require direct contact with the target. Sugar's physical prowess and fighting skills are effective against lesser foes, but she can't compete with high-caliber warriors.
8) Rust-Rust Fruit, user: Shu

The Rust-Rust Fruit gives its owners an immense advantage against swordsmen and other weapon users. It allows the user to make metallic items into rust and come apart by just touching them. Owing to the special power granted by this Devil Fruit, the user can even catch a blade with their bare hands without being harmed.
Using the Rust-Rust Fruit, Marine Captain Shu was able to destroy one of Zoro's blades, Yubashiri, which was a Skillful Grade Sword. However, Shu is not a powerful fighter. He just exploited the Straw Hats' massive numerical inferiority, as well as Zoro's lack of knowledge about his peculiar Devil Fruit abilities.
In a 1v1 fight against Zoro, Shu would have been annihilated, as the Marine Captain was a fighter unable to endure even Usopp's Firebird Star, an attack far weaker than any of the Straw Hats' second-in-command's moves. Moreover, at the time Zoro wasn't able to use Haki, which would have overpowered Shu's Devil Fruit ability.
7) Slip-Slip Fruit, user: Alvida

The Slip-Slip Fruit makes the user's physique especially smooth, causing objects and physical strikes to slide off their slippery body. It's also possible to use one's own bare feet as skates. Moreover, this Devil Fruit forces all the body fat to slide off the user.
Upon eating the Slip-Slip Fruit, Alvida totally changed her appearance, losing all her excess weight and obtaining a very slim physique. Before becoming a Devil Fruit user, Alvida was an average pirate captain in East Blue. She was no match for Luffy, who easily beat her at the very beginning of the series.
She later formed an alliance with Buggy, with their partnership eventually evolving into the Cross Guild. As it counters most physical attacks, Alvida's Devil Fruit is very useful, but her combat skills are too poor to employ them appropriately.
6) Munch-Munch Fruit, user: Wapol

The Munch-Munch Fruit allows its user to stretch open his mouth to insane sizes. As such, it's possible to bite and digest anything, including things that would be normally impossible to eat, like inanimate objects or living creatures.
Whatever is eaten can be incorporated in the user's physique, enabling the Devil Fruit owner to manifest weapons and objects of all sorts as if they were part of his body. The eaten items can also be merged. The possible applications are countless, as the user can eat and reconfigure anything, even his own body.
The Munch-Munch Fruit is owned by Wapol, the former oppressor of the Drum Kingdom and current king of the Black Drum Kingdom. Wapol is simply too weak as a fighter, while a mightier individual could exploit the great versatility of the Munch-Munch Fruit to become truly dangerous.
5) Boom-Boom Fruit, user: Gem

Employing the Boom-Boom Fruit, the user can become a living bomb. He can make any part of his body explode, including limbs, hair, and even bodily secretions such as mucus and breath. Despite blowing himself up, the user will remain unscathed, while harming the target with the generated explosive force.
An Awakening-empowered version of the Boom-Boom Fruit would turn everything around the enemy into devastating explosions, with the user being immune to them, and thus able to go through safely. Regrettably, Gem, the fruit's user, lacks the battle prowess to evolve it at the superior stage.
As a former Baroque Works agent, under the alias of Mr 5, Gem is not inherently weak, but he is also not strong enough to threaten skilled fighters. He wrecked Usopp, but, presumptuously, tried to challenge Luffy and Zoro, which was a fatal mistake. They easily crushed him in two different occasions, beating him with just one hit in both cases.
4) Wax-Wax Fruit, user: Galdino

With the Wax-Wax Fruit, it's possible to create candle wax and manipulate it, changing between liquid and solid states. The wax can be toughened to become as hard as steel, and freely controlled even in such conditions. Still, it's especially weak to high heat and fire, which can quickly melt it.
The owner of this ability is Galdino, also known as Mr 3, his codename in Baroque Works. Galdino is a crafty user, to the point where he can be called a "Candle Human". Out of wax, he can generate weapons, buildings, mech suits, clones, giant shields, and even a massive construct into which he can capture his enemies.
Owing to the Wax-Wax Fruit's useful features, Galdino gave Luffy pivotal support against Magellan. However, in his own right, Galdino is not that powerful. He was only ranked as Mr 3 because Mr 4, although mightier than him, was just too dumb. If used by a fighter stronger than the former Baroque Works agent, the Wax-Wax Fruit would be dreadful.
3) Chop-Chop Fruit, user: Buggy

The Chop-Chop Fruit renders the user immune to slashing attacks, as he can split his body into pieces and reassemble them at will. No matter how powerful the strike is, if it is a cut, this Devil Fruit allows its owner to survive it. However, he will remain susceptible to damage from blunt attacks.
With the Chop-Chop Fruit, it's also possible to make the split pieces of the body levitate in mid-air, controlling them to perform unpredictable attacks, for instance hitting the target in the front and back simultaneously. Combined with immunity from slashes, it's a highly effective blend of powers.
Unfortunately, the fruit's owner, Buggy "The Clown", seems unable to tap into its full potential. Buggy is a decent fighter, but his incredible accomplishments, which include becoming a Warlord and even rising as one of the Four Emperors, come from his ability to exploit misunderstandings and sheer luck to increase his public image.
2) Snake-Snake Fruit Model Yamata no Orochi, user: Orochi

Using this Mythical Zoan Fruit, the owner can transform into a full eight-headed snake, as well as a form hybrid between a human and the legendary reptile. Each of the eight heads possesses jaws strong enough to easily lift an adult person.
The multiple heads and long necks enable the user to attack in more directions at once, reaching even distant targets. Even in his human form, the user can survive being beheaded, even in his human form, as chopping his head would just deprive him of one of the Yamata no Orochi's. To kill him, all of the snake's eight heads must be sliced off.
Regrettably, this Zoan Fruit, which would be fearsome in the hands of a mighty Haki user, was eaten by Orochi, a coward with poor combat skills. Always relying on his henchmen to fight for him, Orochi just used his Devil Fruit powers to intimidate people. Thus, the abilities granted by the Zoan transformation were never seen in a proper battle.
1) Slow-Slow Fruit, user: Foxy

The Slow-Slow Fruit makes the user a "Slowpoke Human" who can emit Noroma Photons. These particles significantly slow down anything they touch, including people, objects, and even the space itself, for 30 seconds. To avoid suffering the deceleration, the Noroma Photons must be dodged.
This Devil Fruit is just frightening, as its successful usage allows the user to move freely while his enemy is immobilized for 30 seconds, which is more than enough time to inflict lethal damage on him. Still, the Slow-Slow Fruit's owner, Foxy, is not even remotely strong enough to fully exploit its potential.
Foxy can't even use Haki, let alone advanced forms of it, which means that his combat effectiveness is very low. Then again, Foxy isn't interested in challenging big names. He is fine with using his Devil Fruit powers to cheat and trick his opponents in the Davy Back Fight pirate game.
Final thoughts

Devil Fruits play a major role in One Piece fights, even more so for characters who have achieved Awakening. This superior stage can be obtained when the user's mind and physique catch up with his Devil Fruit, unleashing the item's full potential. Thus, additional and greater abilities are unlocked.
However, the greatest power is Haki, which, being based on people's willpower, surpasses anything else, including Devil Fruit abilities. No character with little or no Haki skills ever became really strong, while several individuals achieved outstanding might only via their Haki, despite them never eating a Devil Fruit.
Among the mightiest Haki users, very few are powerful enough to evolve their natural-born Conqueror's Haki to the advanced version. Only a handful of the absolute strongest fighters can perform this skill, which grants unparalleled combat effectiveness.
Rather than just using the advantageous abilities offered by their Devil Fruits, some characters should focus on unlocking and then upgrading their Haki powers.