10 Sailor Moon feats, ranked from most useful to least

The first group attack in Sailor Moon: destroying an evil that enveloped the Earth (Image via Toei Animation)
The first group attack in Sailor Moon: destroying an evil that enveloped the Earth (Image via Toei Animation)

When feats of strength or magic are thought of, fans would probably not think of Sailor Moon feats competing with the likes of Dragon Ball. However, digging deeper into the series reveals a ton of feats of strength, magic, agility, and endurance that rival even modern shonen anime series like Jujutsu Kaisen or modern magical girl anime like Madoka.


While the fandom has a lot of memes about some feats and their usefulness, like Tuxedo Mask being joked about being the least useful next to Chibi-Usa, the fact is that there are plenty of Sailor Moon feats that are quite useful.

From Jupiter destroying a monster despite fainting from blood loss in the original anime, to Venus saving the Scouts in her introduction, there are plenty of Sailor Moon feats worth rewatching in the show and reading in the manga.


Disclaimer: This article will contain spoilers for all of Sailor Moon: the original anime, Crystal, and manga included. Any opinions are exclusive to the author.

10 Sailor Moon feats, ranked from the most useful of abilities to the least

1) Healing people, the world, and the galaxy (Sailor Moon)


One of Sailor Moon's basic abilities and feats is also one of the most useful in every version of the story: Healing. Many usually consider healing arts underrated due to underestimating medical arts in action anime. For a magical girl series like Sailor Moon, the art of healing is paramount, given that the enemies corrupt human beings into monsters.

Whether via Moon Tiara Stardust, Moon Healing Escalation, or later upgrades like Moon Princess Halation, Sailor Moon's attacks focus on purifying darkness and corruption. Her feats of healing range from freeing children from zombification, healing the world by the first season finale, purifying the Makai Tree in the second season, and bringing light and life back to the galaxy as well as resurrecting her friends and herself from the Galaxy Cauldron in the series finale.


Sailor Moon's ability to heal has saved countless lives across Earth and the galaxy as a whole, and is one of the primary motivations for her character.

2) At least multiversal strength (All Sailor Senshi)


The Sailor Senshi's strength, attack capability, and power aren't a joke. One of the more well-known high-end feats belongs to Sailor Saturn for resetting the universe following the destruction of the Moon Kingdom, but that's only one out of the 10 iconic Scouts. The series' final villain, Galaxia, was able to destroy planets by pointing at them.

In her ultimate form at the end of the manga, Eternal Sailor Moon was able to utilize the full might of reality and the space-time continuum to shrink down the evil primordial force Chaos into an infinitesimal speck in the Galaxy Cauldron.


Sailor Moon's attacks have had light reach across the infinite universe to hit beings that resist light, have struck people's souls, and have combined with Chibi Moon to destroy the Death Phantom aka Planet Nemesis, which threatened to consume the Solar System.

Sailor Jupiter was able to punch through a cracked dimensional mirror and broke Queen Nehellenia's face when she was previously untouchable. The lowest dimension-breaking feat was Sailor Mars destroying one Jadeite, followed by killing Jadeite in the manga.


Meanwhile, the highest dimension-breaking feat was Sailor Moon destroying Queen Nehellenia's dimension, which contained multitudes within. This isn't even counting latecomers like Sailor Cosmos, a god of order from the future that can manipulate reality with ease.

3) Demi-god-like durability (All Sailor Senshi)

Durability (Image via Kondansha and Toei animation)
Durability (Image via Kondansha and Toei animation)

Taking lethal blows or strong attacks and staying alive, or at least able to get up afterward, is an achievement for most anime characters. A Sailor Moon feat that may not be so upfront is the Sailor Senshi's durability. One big example was Sailor Moon fighting on even ground with Galaxia - who could destroy planets easily - even after withstanding her attacks.


Throughout the series, the Senshi:

  1. Have survived each other's redirected attacks, including when Galaxia brainwashed them.
  2. Survived Planet Nemesis, a planet that was akin to a black hole.
  3. Survived in space, as well as planets that absorb light and matter.
  4. Survived in a time vortex, untethered and unhindered.
  5. Survived attacks from the strongest of the Witches V in civilian form (Uranus)
  6. Resisted all manner of manipulation, from mental manipulation to power nullification.

In short, the Sailor Senshi have proven to be remarkably durable even in the first season. By the end of the series, despite their bodies and souls being shredded, the Sailor Senshi were still able to maintain their forms in the Galaxy Cauldron and Sailor Moon was able to reform hers.

4) Superhuman stamina (All Sailor Senshi)

Stamina feats (Image via Toei Animation/Kodansha)
Stamina feats (Image via Toei Animation/Kodansha)

All of the Sailor Senshi have superhuman amounts of stamina when transformed - they do not tire out when performing attacks, and unless they take massive amounts of damage, they are usually fine to keep walking or running after a battle. A few feats of superhuman stamina are found in the manga and original anime.


Sailor Jupiter donated blood to save a kid's life in the anime and still had enough stamina to kill a monster that had previously beaten her. Venus, Jupiter, Neptune, and Uranus are in peak physical condition even in their civilian forms due to being athletes.

Sailor Saturn in Crystal managed to hold onto Master Pharaoh 90's dark essence long enough to seal it away. Their powers boost stamina for others like Usagi or Ami, who aren't physically active.


Another feat is Usagi being able to keep moving in the Black Moon Castle on Planet Nemesis, despite Nemesis being akin to a black hole with increased gravity and radiation. This sounds typical for anime protagonists, but it's impressive that the Senshi aren't tired after prolonged battles as other anime protagonists tend to be.

5) Massively faster than light speed (All Senshi)

Speed feats (Image via Kodansha, Toei Animation)
Speed feats (Image via Kodansha, Toei Animation)

The ability to teleport is already something that all the Senshi have, including Chibi-Usa, Sailor Saturn, and even Tuxedo Mask. It's one thing to take a hit, dish it out, and survive, it's another to be able to keep up with an opponent. In the original anime, Sailor Moon in her base form was able to dodge camera flashes that trapped victims in photographs.


In terms of their speed and range of teleportation, the Senshi have proven that they are able to teleport from as short a range as across a city, to as far as reaching Pluto from Earth in mere seconds, as Sailor Saturn demonstrated when fighting Galaxia. Sailor Venus, before even getting her powers, accidentally teleported to Venus in Codename: Sailor V without difficulty.

The biggest feat of speed was when Sailor Moon, the Sailor Starlights, Kakyuu, and Chibi Chibi reached the Sagittarius Alpha Star, located 26,000 light years away from the solar system, in an instant from Earth. They were transformed beforehand, but that's akin to Goku's Instant Transmission in terms of speed.


6) Conditional Immortality and Reincarnation via Star Seeds (All Senshi + Tuxedo Mask)

Star Seeds across the series (Image via Kodansha, Toei Animation)
Star Seeds across the series (Image via Kodansha, Toei Animation)

Although this Sailor Moon feat is conditional, it's extremely important to the series and has been featured since the first arc. The Senshi, and Tuxedo Mask, can all trace their lineage back to royalty from the Silver Millennium centuries ago and were reincarnated in the modern-day as teens and young adults.


Star Seeds are crystals that every being in existence has within them and were only introduced in the final arc of Sailor Moon. They are otherwise known as Sailor Crystals in the manga. It is only with these being removed that the host can truly die. Otherwise, they are reincarnated.

Because this concept was only introduced in the final part, yet has a lot of significance, it's on the lower end of the list. That being said, getting a hold of a Star Seed was impossible for prior villains except for Galaxia. As long as the Star Seed is not modified or destroyed, the host will always come back to life.


7) Genius Intelligence (Mercury, Neptune, Pluto)

The Geniuses (Image via Toei Animation)
The Geniuses (Image via Toei Animation)

One must never put aside the value of intelligence. The ability to plan, strategize, and recognize patterns and flaws on the fly and adapt is a Sailor Moon feat that is often forgotten. It also helps to remember that the Inner Senshi are all still children, and school and exam stress is very real for them.


Counting this as a feat wasn't difficult, even if limited to a select few in the overall cast. Sailor Mercury has an IQ of over 300 and is the strategist of the Inner Senshi, always feeding the other Senshi intel on monster weaknesses after scanning them. Neptune is likewise among the gifted and attended a school full of geniuses, excelling in academics and the arts.

Sailor Pluto has been hypothesized to border on nigh-omniscience with her knowledge of space and time, considering her long life as the guardian of time and understanding the concept of timelines. This helps her focus when fighting, since her powers revolve around darkness, death, time, and space and would put out large energy signatures that would make her a target.


8) Limited Precognition (Mars, Tuxedo Mask, Neptune, Pluto)

Sailor Moon's precogs (Image via Toei Animation)
Sailor Moon's precogs (Image via Toei Animation)

The ability to see the future is a double-edged sword. Some characters act on only a sliver of information and end up either accidentally causing the future they sought to prevent, or somehow making it worse. This sort of feat in Sailor Moon is very impressive, but only used by four people primarily: Sailor Mars, Sailor Neptune, Sailor Pluto, and Tuxedo Mask.


With Sailor Mars and Tuxedo Mask, their psionic and prophetic abilities are limited heavily. Tuxedo Mask can see future events only through his dreams, even with his spirit and energy-sensing powers. Sailor Mars has strong precognitive abilities, predicting near-future events like Jadeite's ambush in Act 3. Rei's predictions aren't always accurate, however, as she was captured instead of Usagi.

Sailor Neptune and Pluto are on the other side of this: they can see the future more clearly and have the power to act on it better. Sailor Pluto has access to her space/time powers in civilian form and sees clearer visions and time anomalies. Neptune has better control over foresight than Mars, probably owing to years of experience.


9) Courage Empowerment and accuracy in rose throwing (Tuxedo Mask)


The oft-quoted meme of Tuxedo Mask not doing anything, while humorous, can be debunked by watching or reading Sailor Moon with a few key details in mind. Tuxedo Mask's Courage Empowerment is akin to a Blue Lantern from DC's Green Lantern line of books: one person powers up another by boosting their self-confidence.

While this ability may sound useless, it's a boon to Usagi for the first couple of arcs in the series. This is owing to Usagi being a teenage girl, completely taken aback by the monster attacks occurring all over, and being thrust into the role of world savior at the age of 14. She's a lot like Gohan or Shinji Ikari in that way.


The rose-throwing tricks and Tuxedo Bomber are both powers Tuxedo Mask shows off in the manga and anime. The rose-throwing helps to stun villains and save the Senshi, the Tuxedo Bomber ends up killing one of the elite witches in the Black Moon Clan in the manga and Crystal.

10) Glass-shattering sound waves (Sailor Moon, Sailor Chibi Moon)


Being able to shatter glass with a scream at a high enough pitch and loud enough volume is impressive. Sound waves can disorient individuals, especially if their ears are sensitive to high frequencies. At the very least, it can stop people from attacking for a few vital seconds or minutes.

This feat was seldom used and demonstrated in both the anime and manga. It involves the red hair pieces on Sailor Moon and Chibi Moon's hair lighting up and amplifying their wailing screams. This is loud enough to break through an illusion, shatter glass, and stop hypnotized humans from attacking in the first episode of the anime.


In a later case, Usagi and Chibi-Usa used this technique to fight off a monster summoned by the Amazonness Quartet. It not only stopped the monster from attacking but also destroyed a building. That said, this is the least useful feat owing to its lack of use and unreliability of effectiveness as Sailor Moon tried to use it again in episode 2 of Crystal and it didn't work.

Sailor Moon has plenty of feats that are useful and some that are less so. The series deserves rewatching, not just for all these feats but to see where and how the characters start vs. where they end up. It can be surprising to see them all go from kids who didn't know what they were doing to defenders of the universe facing down gods.


This is especially true for Usagi Tsukino, who goes from a scared girl whining about everything, to being the savior of the universe.

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Edited by Upasya Bhowal
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