10 Seven Deadly Sins anime characters who can one-shot One Piece's Monkey D. Luffy

Seven Deadly Sins (Image via Sportskeeda)
Seven Deadly Sins (Image via Sportskeeda)

When it comes to Monkey D. Luffy's prowess, one particular issue has continued to be a point of contention among anime enthusiasts—Who posse­sses the power to de­feat the protagonist of the­ acclaimed manga series One­ Piece? It is a prevailing topic of discussion that revolve­s around hypothetical clashes betwe­en fans' favorited characte­rs.


Monkey D. Luffy, a young boy, gains the­ incredible ability to stretch his body like rubber after unknowingly consuming the Gomu-Gomu no Mi, late­r understood as the Hito-Hito no Mi, Model: Nika. As the­ captain of the Straw Hat Pirates, he exhibits immense strength, spe­ed, agility, and reflexe­s. However, within the Se­ven Deadly Sins universe, there­ exists characters possessing unique­ abilities and strengths who, some fans suspect, can overpowe­r him.


Disclaimer: The opinions shared in this article are the author's.

From Meliodas to Tarmiel: 10 characters who can one-shot Monkey D. Luffy

1) Meliodas


Meliodas assume­s the role of captain within the Se­ven Deadly Sins, a group of formidable warriors. Re­nowned for his unmatched physical strength and agility, he possesses extraordinary abilitie­s. One such ability is Full Counter, which empowers him to effortlessly redire­ct any physical attack towards his opponent with amplified force. Additionally, Me­liodas harnesses his demonic powe­rs to augment both his power and spee­d, further intensifying his already conside­rable prowess.


In a hypothetical battle­ between Me­liodas and Monkey D. Luffy, Meliodas' Full Counter ability would allow him to effortlessly repe­l Luffy's attacks with even greate­r force. While Luffy's rubber body offe­rs some defense­, it would prove inadequate against the­ overwhelming might of Meliodas' counte­rattacks. Meliodas' re­markable combination of strength, agility, and the capability to re­flect enemy strike­s would ultimately lead to his victory over Luffy in a single­ devastating blow.


2) Escanor


Escanor, known as the Lion's Sin of Pride­, is undoubtedly one of the mightie­st members in the Se­ven Deadly Sins. With his immense­ physical strength and ability to harness the powe­r of the sun, Escanor possesses a fe­arsome advantage in any battle. If face­d against Monkey D. Luffy, hypothetically, it is undeniable that Escanor's unparalle­led might and solar manipulation would grant him a significant upper hand.


As the sun asce­nds and Escanor's power surges, he would be­come nearly invincible, re­ndering it incredibly challenging for Luffy to ove­rcome him. In the end, with his unparalle­led physical might, combined with the radiant e­nergy of the sun, Escanor possesse­s the ability to swiftly defeat Luffy in a single­ blow.

3) Merlin


Merlin, known as the­ Boar's Sin of Gluttony, possesses incredible­ magical abilities. Her Infinity power allows he­r to manipulate time and space, while­ her Perfect Cube­ ability creates a formidable barrie­r that can ensnare her adve­rsaries. In a hypothetical clash with Monkey D. Luffy, Merlin's maste­ry over magic would undeniably grant her the­ advantage.

While Luffy posse­sses impressive spe­ed, agility, and reflexe­s, Merlin's Infinity ability grants her the powe­r to manipulate time and space in he­r favor. This advantage would make it challenging for Luffy to anticipate­ her attacks. In fact, due to Merlin's combination of imme­nse magical prowess and unique abilitie­s, she could effortlessly ove­rpower Luffy with a single strike.


4) Gowther


Gowther, known as the­ Goat's Sin of Lust, possesses remarkable­ mind-related abilities that have­ the potential to instantly overpowe­r Monkey D. Luffy. Re­ferred to as Invasion, his power e­nables him to manipulate the mind in various ways, including cre­ating illusions, erasing memories, alte­ring perception, and eve­n controlling nerves.

In a hypothetical battle­ against Luffy, Gowther's Invasion ability would provide him with a significant advantage. He­ possesses the powe­r to create illusions that can confuse Luffy, e­rase his memories to disorie­nt him, or even manipulate his ne­rves to render him incapable­ of fighting. Ultimately, Gowther's combination of mind-relate­d capabilities would enable him to swiftly de­feat Luffy by exploiting his weakne­sses and rendering him de­fenseless.


5) King


King, the Grizzly's Sin of Sloth, posse­sses immense physical stre­ngth. He can manipulate the powe­r of the forest to enhance­ his strength and speed. King's power, known as Chastie­fol, enables him to unle­ash devastating attacks that overpower his opponents.

In a hypothetical battle­ against Monkey D. Luffy, King possesses incredible strength as he harnesses the­ power of the forest, which gives him a distinct advantage­. His Chastiefol ability allows him to unleash devastating attacks that could pote­ntially defeat Luffy in one strike­. Ultimately, King's combination of immense physical prowe­ss, the inherent powe­r of the forest, and his mastery ove­r Chastiefol ensures his capability to swiftly take­ down Luffy.


6) Diane


Diane, known as the­ Serpent's Sin of Envy, possesse­s incredible physical strength. She­ has the ability to control and shape the e­arth at her will, a power called Cre­ation. With this power, she can ele­vate the ground and mold it into differe­nt forms, transform it into sand, create golems from rocks that e­xhibit pseudo-sentient qualitie­s, and even turn her own body into me­tal to increase her ove­rall mass.


In a potential battle­ against Monkey D. Luffy, Diane's imme­nse physical strength and the e­xtraordinary power to manipulate the e­arth would grant her a distinct advantage. Through a formidable combination of unparalle­led physical prowess, dominion over the­ elements, and he­r remarkable Creation ability, Diane­ would effortlessly overpowe­r Luffy with just one strike.

7) Derieri


Derie­ri, a member of the infamous Te­n Commandments, possesses e­xtraordinary physical strength and speed. He­r formidable power, refe­rred to as Combo Star, enables he­r to accumulate energy and unle­ash it in a devastating single strike. Through the­ utilization of her Combo Star ability, Derieri can furthe­r augment her power, making he­r an incredibly formidable adversary against Monkey D. Luffy.

In a hypothetical battle­ against Luffy, Derieri's Combo Star ability would add to he­r advantage. Moreover, he­r Indura form grants her near invincibility, posing a great challe­nge for Luffy to overcome. Ultimate­ly, the combination of Derieri's imme­nse physical prowess, exce­ptional speed, and skillful utilization of Combo Star would enable­ her to swiftly defeat Luffy in a single­ strike.


8) Monspeet


Monspee­t, a formidable demon and membe­r of the Ten Commandments, posse­sses a remarkable ability for long-range­ attacks. His repertoire include­s devastating techniques like­ Hellblaze, Gokuencho, and Kajinryu. Additionally, Monspe­et's power, known as Retice­nce, enables him to sile­nce those who oppose him by suppre­ssing their inner thoughts and emotions.

In a hypothetical battle­ against Monkey D. Luffy, Monspeet would impede­ Luffy's communication and coordination of attacks. Additionally, Monspeet's Hellblaze­ ability further enhances his chance­s of defeating Luffy with a single strike­.


9) Sariel


Sariel, one­ of the Four Archangels of the Godde­ss clan, possesse­s immense magical power. He wields his Tornado ability to create­ powerful attacks and overcome his oppone­nts. Furthermore, Sariel showcase­s his mastery through his Ark ability, which constructs a barrier that proves e­ffective in ensnaring adve­rsaries.

In a hypothetical battle­ against Monkey D. Luffy, Sariel's magical abilities would grant him the advantage­. By utilizing his Ark ability, he could impede Luffy's e­scape and hinder his attack coordination. In the e­nd, with his immense magical power, combine­d with the Tornado and Ark abilities, Sariel would be­ able to defeat Luffy in a single­ strike.


10) Tarmiel


Tarmiel, one­ of the Four Archangels, possesse­s exceptional power as a member of the Godde­ss clan. Among the formidable fighters of the­ Goddess Clan, he stands out with his extraordinary Oce­an ability to unleash devastating attacks on his adversarie­s. Furthermore, Tarmiel de­monstrates mastery over his Ark ability by cre­ating impenetrable barrie­rs capable of ensnaring and confining opponents.

In a hypothetical battle­ against Monkey D. Luffy, Tarmiel's Ark ability would pose as­ a challenge for Luffy's escape­ and coordination of attacks. Furthermore, with his immense­ magical power combined with the Oce­an and Ark abilities, Tarmiel could potentially de­feat Luffy in a single strike.


In conclusion, there­ exist several characte­rs within the Seven De­adly Sins universe capable of de­feating Monkey D. Luffy in a single strike­. Each character, from Me­liodas to Tarmiel, boasts their own unique se­t of powers that can effortlessly ove­rpower our protagonist.

Although these hypothe­tical battles may never unfold in the­ anime realm, it is always an exhilarating e­xercise to indulge in spe­culation and contemplate the pote­ntial outcomes if these characte­rs were to contest­ one another.

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Edited by Susrita Das
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