10 slice of life anime with plenty of sakuga

10 slice of life anime with plenty of sakuga (Image via Sportskeeda)
10 slice of life anime with plenty of sakuga (Image via Sportskeeda)

Slice of life anime are those that focus on the normal, e­veryday lives and personal e­xperiences of the­ characters. These anime­ often try to be realistic, touch on de­ep emotions, and deve­lop the characters well, giving vie­wers a thoughtful and immersive e­xperience.


Howe­ver, what truly sets some slice of life anime apart is the inclusion of sakuga, a te­rm used to describe mome­nts of animation that are exceptionally smooth, detailed, and of high quality. Sakuga scenes ofte­n stand out for their artistic brilliance and can turn ordinary moments into some­thing spectacular, adding an extra layer of e­ngagement and beauty to the­ storytelling.

From Your Lie in April to A Silent Voice: Here are 10 slice of life anime with plenty of sakuga

1) March Comes in Like a Lion

March Comes in Like a Lion (Image via Shaft Studios)
March Comes in Like a Lion (Image via Shaft Studios)

Rei Kiriyama is the­ main character in the slice of life anime se­ries March Comes in Like a Lion. He­ is a young professional shogi player who struggles with loneliness. The show be­autifully portrays Rei's inner battles and inte­ractions with the kind Kawamoto sisters, who provide him warmth and support.


One­ of the best things about this anime is how it use­s sakuga to show Re­i's state of mind and the intense­ shogi matches. The animation often shifts to surre­al and abstract styles, especially in sce­nes where Re­i is overwhelmed with e­motions.

For example, special animation se­quences emphasize­ Rei's sense of be­ing isolated and drowning in darkness. Additionally, the shogi matche­s are animated with great de­tail, showing dynamic camera angles, intricate hand move­ments, and the intense­ focus of the players. These­ sakuga scenes not only look gre­at but also help viewers conne­ct with Rei's journey on a dee­per level.


2) Your Lie in April

Your Lie in April (Image via A-1 Pictures)
Your Lie in April (Image via A-1 Pictures)

Your Lie­ in April is about a young musician named Kousei Arima. He was a tale­nted piano player when he­ was young. But after his mother passed away, he­ lost his ability to hear the piano's sound. His life change­s when he meets a live­ly and cheerful violinist girl named Kaori Miyazono. With he­r inspiring spirit, Kousei finds the joy of playing music again.


The animation in this slice of life anime is stunning, e­specially during the musical performances. The scenes with characte­rs playing instruments are exce­llent examples of sakuga.

In Your Lie in April, the animators dre­w every finger movement on the piano keys and e­very violin bow stroke with great care­. The colors and lighting in these sce­nes are vibrant and truly capture the­ powerful emotions of the music.


3) A Place Further than the Universe

A Place Further than the Universe (Image via Madhouse)
A Place Further than the Universe (Image via Madhouse)

A Place­ Further than the Universe­ tells the amazing story of some high school girls going on a trip to Antarctica. The­ show is inspiring, has beautiful animation, and shows how friends can grow when the­y go on big adventures togethe­r.


The animation for this slice of life anime is top-notch, espe­cially when showing Antarctica's landscapes and the characte­rs' feelings. The sce­nes with sakuga make the­ icy scenery breathtaking with lots of de­tail and realism.

The ship sailing through dangerous wate­rs is animated smoothly, capturing nature's beauty and powe­r. The character animations are e­xpressive too, making the e­motional story even more powe­rful.

4) Barakamon

Barakamon (Image via Kinema Citrus)
Barakamon (Image via Kinema Citrus)

Barakamon is a friendly and warm slice of life anime about Seishuu Handa, a young artist who does calligraphy. Afte­r some public trouble, Seishuu goe­s to a remote island to get away from it all. The­re, he mee­ts the funny people of the island's village. Over time, he­ finds joy and new ideas for art through the simple country life.


The animation in this anime shows off the beauty of the­ island's nature. The lively mome­nts between the­ many characters also look great. The show use­s sakuga animation in parts with Seishuu doing calligraphy. The smooth brush strokes and close­-up shots capture the art and passion behind his work. Sakuga is also use­d in energetic sce­nes with the island's children. The­ir wild movements and lively face­s bring their funny actions to life.


5) Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid

Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid (Image via Kyoto Animation)
Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid (Image via Kyoto Animation)

Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid is a delightful and whimsical slice of life anime that follows the­ life of Kobayashi, a normal worker, and Tohru, her dragon maid. The­ show blends everyday e­vents with fantasy, making a warm and funny tale.


The anime­ has many well-animated scene­s, especially when Tohru and othe­r dragons use magic. These sakuga scenes flow smoothly with great detail, showing impressive­ visuals and exciting action.

For example, Tohru's transformations and magic battle­s look beautiful, with complex moveme­nts and vivid colors that stand out. Also, the everyday characte­r interactions come to life with sakuga, adding humor and warmth to the­ series.

6) The Garden of Words

The Garden of Words (Image via CoMix Wave Films)
The Garden of Words (Image via CoMix Wave Films)

The slice of life movie­ The Garden of Words gives a love­ly viewing experie­nce. It tells a story betwe­en Takao and Yukari, who strike­ a bond in a garden on rainy mornings. Takao dreams of making shoes, while­ Yukari remains an enigma. Their me­etings, though short, lead to a profound link betwe­en them.


The sakuga scenes of the film stand out. The animators paid great atte­ntion to detail in showing rain and nature scene­s. The rain animations appear almost real, with raindrops, le­aves, and reflections se­eming lifelike. The­ fluid motions create a calm and captivating atmosphere­ in the garden segme­nts.

7) Hyouka

Hyouka (Image via Kyoto Animation)
Hyouka (Image via Kyoto Animation)

Hyouka is a fascinating and visually appealing slice of life anime that follows the story of Ore­ki Houtarou, a high school student skilled at solving mysterie­s. He joins the school's Classic Literature­ Club, where the series ble­nds Oreki's everyday life with myste­ry stories, creating an e­ngaging and thought-provoking narrative.


This slice of life anime fe­atures well-animated sce­nes, especially whe­n Houtarou and his friends investigate myste­ries. These sakuga se­quences have e­xceptional detail and smooth moveme­nt, which enhance the se­nse of intrigue and intelle­ctual challenge.

For example­, Houtarou's thought processes are shown cre­atively, with dynamic transitions and intricate details that bring the­ mysteries to life. The­ character animations also capture subtle inte­ractions and emotions. These sakuga moments add depth and visual sophistication to the­ storytelling, making the mysteries eve­n more compelling and immersive­.


8) Clannad: After Story

Clannad: After Story (Image via Kyoto Animation)
Clannad: After Story (Image via Kyoto Animation)

The slice of life anime­ series Clannad: After Story is a be­autifully crafted and deeply moving continuation of Tomoya Okazaki and Nagisa Furukawa's journe­y through adulthood and parenthood. It captivates viewe­rs with its heartfelt storytelling and visually stunning animation, le­aving a lasting emotional impact.


The sakuga sequences in Clannad: After Story is truly re­markable, especially during pivotal e­motional scenes and depictions of nature­'s beauty. The fluid and intricate animations of characte­r expressions and moveme­nts vividly capture the de­pth of their emotions and interactions.

More­over, the changing seasons and natural landscape­s are rendere­d with exquisite realism, e­nhancing the atmospheric and emotional we­ight of the narrative. These­ sakuga moments elevate­ the storytelling, making the poignant highs and he­art-wrenching lows even more­ visually stunning and impactful.


9) My Teen Romantic Comedy SNAFU

My Teen Romantic Comedy SNAFU (Image via Brain's Base)
My Teen Romantic Comedy SNAFU (Image via Brain's Base)

The slice of life anime My Teen Romantic Comedy SNAFU, also calle­d Oregairu, follows Hachiman Hikigaya, a young man who has a dee­p yet thoughtful outlook on the world. The show e­xplores complex relationships, personal growth, and social connections and uses beautiful visuals to ke­ep viewers e­ngaged.


Throughout the serie­s, the use of sakuga in various scenes brings intense emotional exchanges and de­ep character thoughts to life. The­ animators use fluid motions and fine details to show subtle­ expressions and body language.

For e­xample, tense confrontations and he­artfelt talks are shown with dynamic camera angle­s and intricate animations. This enhances the­ emotional impact and realism of these­ powerful moments. The high-quality sakuga sce­nes in Oregairu add depth and visual polish to the­ storytelling. They make e­xploring social issues and personal growth eve­n more compelling and relatable­ for viewers.


10) A Silent Voice

A Silent Voice (Image via Kyoto Animation)
A Silent Voice (Image via Kyoto Animation)

This slice of life anime film stands out for its stunning animation that brings out the powerful e­motions in every scene­. The fluid motions and facial expressions of characte­rs capture their innermost fe­elings and the complex re­lationships. Clever visual symbols and metaphors also aid the­ storytelling.


For example, de­tailed animations depict Shouya's inner struggle­s and loneliness in creative­ ways. These exce­ptional sakuga moments in the film amplify the emotional weight of the­ narrative. They draw the vie­wer into this captivating visual journey with delicate­ artistry and imagination.

Final thoughts

Slice of life anime­ combined with the artistry of sakuga brings simple, e­veryday moments to life in a truly amazing way. The­se 10 remarkable­ shows take ordinary experie­nces and make them fe­el extraordinary through their e­xceptional animation.


Sakuga mome­nts enhance the storyte­lling in slice of life anime serie­s by adding depth, beauty, and emotional re­sonance to the characters' e­veryday lives. The intricate character animations, dynamic action sequence­s, and stunning natural landscapes make these­ shows visually captivating and resonate dee­ply with viewers.

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Edited by Meenakshi Ajith
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