Dragon Ball is a series that requires no introduction. It has kept viewers hooked for over three decades and continues to do so. The ongoing manga and anime pits the strongest fighters against each other in unbelievable clashes of power coupled with incredible transformations and close-to-real-life martial arts.
Stunning action aside, Akira Toriyama's magnum opus dives into its goofy side quite a bit, which also leads to some memorable and hilarious moments. Among these moments, characters sometimes do things that are pretty boneheaded and leave viewers thinking, "Really?".
Disclaimer: This list reflects the author's opinion on the matter.
Vegeta and 9 other Dragon Ball characters who made dumb decisions
1) Hercule attempting to take on Cell

Hercule Satan has made quite a name for himself in Dragon Ball. Though, it is not a good one. He stands as a fake and a fraud who constantly boasts about his abilities and misleads people into thinking that he is way stronger than he is.
Probably the dumbest thing he could do was square against Cell, though in his Perfect form. The hopeless fighter threw everything he had at the android, who didn't even flinch or seemed not to care as he brushed aside Hercule with ease.
2) Yamcha underestimating a Saibaman
Another weak character in the Dragon Ball franchise is Yamcha. He is notorious for being one of the weakest fighters and yet somehow always places himself in harm's way when he should be maintaining a safe distance from most threats.
Yamcha's fight against the Saibaman was so embarrassing that it is more of a meme now. Underestimating them totally, he gets killed in an instant. Again, even against Cell, despite not having any power-ups, he chose to fight, and viewers know how that turned out.
3) Frieza's decision to challenge Goku despite being injured

The battle on Planet Namek did not go as planned for the tyrant. Expecting to crush his foes and leave with the dragon balls, he ended up facing one of his worst nightmares. That was the first time viewers witnessed the Super Saiyan form in Dragon Ball.
In the end, Frieza was completely outdone and even had his body cut in half due to his own arrogance. While leaving, Goku gave him enough power so he could move and escape. Instead of living to fight another day, he launched another attack at the Saiyan. The result - Frieza got wiped out.
4) Gotenks' rash behavior

Dragon Ball introduced Fusion, a tool that gave the Z Fighters a major power-up. Gotenks is the fusion of Goten and Trunks. Individually, they are promising young fighters with a lot of potential. Alone, their power was not enough to take on Majin Buu, so they decided to merge to give them a fighting chance.
The result - a young fighter who was overconfident and constantly undermined his opponent's power. Not to be mistaken, Gotenks was quite a powerful warrior, but his attitude was his weakness which also cost him in the fight against Buu.
5) Goku giving Frieza energy to escape a dying Namek

Dragon Ball's Frieza Saga was the first time Son Goku awakened the Super Saiyan form. Krillin's death triggered Goku into a rage that helped him break past his limits and ascend.
As he fought Frieza, he wiped the floor with him, and in the end, Frieza was beaten and lost half of his body. But instead of leaving the dying Namek, he transferred Ki to the tyrant to allow him to escape. That was a mistake as Frieza began to attack him once more. He could have just left him, given all the terrible things Frieza had previously done.
6) Vegeta letting Cell reach his perfect form

Even the Prince of all Saiyans can have lapses in judgment. While it is normal to misjudge situations, such a major oversight can be considered dumb. Vegeta had completed his training and achieved a decent power boost. Overconfident in his abilities, he allowed Cell to escape and return when he had achieved his perfect form.
This was a huge mistake, as Perfect Cell was more than any of the Z Fighters could handle, even after intense training. If Vegeta had destroyed Cell when he was imperfect, the Cell Games could have been avoided.
7) The Great Saiyaman

The Great Saiyaman was something that was better left forgotten. During Dragon Ball Z's Majin Buu Saga, Gohan did not receive much love from the fans for this avatar of his. Almost everyone agrees that this was a big mistake.
While it makes sense that he needed to protect his identity, the outfit with the sunglasses and the cape was unnecessary. He could've continued the "Gold Fighter" ego in a much better way.
8) Goku allowing the Androids to be built

This one overtakes the heart virus situation. The heart virus struck Goku much later in the timeline than Trunks had warned. In the Android Saga of Dragon Ball Z, Bulma suggested looking for the Androids or at least beginning the search, but Goku declined as he wanted to fight them.
If he had listened and done what Bulma said, 19 and 20 would not have existed, 16, 17, and 18 wouldn't have come, and they could have possibly beaten Cell early.
9) Granolah acted before thinking
Granolah chose to swing his fists first before asking questions. He hated the Saiyans as their army wiped out his entire race. Manipulated by the Heeters to crush the remaining Saiyans, he battled Goku and Vegeta as the antagonist of the Granolah the Survivor Arc in Dragon Ball Super.
Had he found out the truth about the Heeters and Gas, he could've avoided confrontation with the two Saiyans and joined forces with them to take down Gas.
10) Goku convincing Zeno for the Tournament of Power

Goku convincing the Omni King to hold a tournament involving all the universes was one of the silliest things that the Saiyan from Earth has done. Granted that he awakened new levels of power and other warriors rose above their limits, the collateral damage was the destruction of the losing universes.
It was thanks to Android 17 that they were revived. Otherwise, due to Goku's actions and, by chance, someone else winning, the ones who died would never be brought back.