Gege Akutami’s Jujutsu Kaisen series has quickly become one of the most popular new-gen shonen anime and manga franchises in recent history. The series follows the world of jujutsu, where sorcerers fight with Cursed Energy and use their powers to exorcize Cursed Spirits and eliminate evil sorcerers.
One of the most appealing aspects of Jujutsu Kaisen is the complexity of the Cursed Energy power system and the lore of the world. Consequently, the series boasts several smart and intelligent characters within its ranks.
Here are the ten smartest characters in Jujutsu Kaisen, ranked from least to most intelligent.
Note: The article reflects the author's opinions.
Hajime Kashimo, Suguru Geto, and 8 others are Jujutsu Kaisen’s smartest characters
10) Masamichi Yaga

Masamichi Yaga, principal of Tokyo Jujutsu High, is an exceptionally skilled sorcerer. What truly sets him apart from the other characters in the series is his knowledge of creating fully independent, autonomous cursed corpses. It is incredibly valuable, as one could raise an army of endless soldiers who are nearly immortal with such a technique.
Considering that the technique is desired by the higher-ups of the jujutsu world, Yaga mastering it proves his intelligence.
9) Ryu Ishigori

Ryu Ishigori is quite an intelligent Jujutsu Kaisen character, even if his actions do not reflect the same. When fighting the formidable Yuta Okkotsu, he was able to correctly deduce the powers and abilities of his opponent via educated guesses.
While some may argue that guesses are not a sign of intelligence, there’s something to be said for intuition mingled with smartness.
8) Suguru Geto

Suguru Geto was regarded as one of the most gifted sorcerers from Jujutsu Tokyo High during his and Satoru Gojo’s time as students there. He’s regarded as a Special Grade sorcerer, emphasizing his power and intelligence relative to others in the series.
Additionally, he possesses fantastic tactical intellect, shown mainly during his assault on Jujutsu Tokyo High while the events of the 0 prequel volume and film were ongoing. Gojo’s fight with Toji Zenin during the Star Plasma Vessel arc in the mainline series also confirmed his brilliance.
7) Naobito Zenin

As the head of the Zenin clan and a highly respected sorcerer in the series, there’s little doubt Naobito Zenin is one of the most well-informed figures in the series. The Zenin clan is regarded as one of the strongest and most knowledgeable clans in the jujutsu world.
As a Zenin clan head, Naobito is quite smart and deserves a place on this list.
6) Yoshinobu Gakuganji

Similarly to Yaga, Gakuganji is also the principal of a jujutsu technical college, namely Kyoto Jujutsu High Institute. His old age and high-ranking status within the jujutsu world imply that he is very smart to begin with.
However, just prior to Yaga’s death, Gakuganji learns the secret to making his autonomous and fully independent cursed corpses. Being cursed with such knowledge, to use Yaga’s words, undoubtedly gives Gakuganji a much higher rank than he would otherwise have.
5) Hajime Kashimo

When the Culling Game arcs began, it was stated that ancient sorcerers of the past were generally stronger and more knowledgeable in the ways of jujutsu than their contemporaries. Hajime Kashimo perfectly exemplifies this during his fight against Kinji Hakari, giving the strongest active character in Jujutsu Kaisen (arguably) a run for his money.
Furthermore, Hakari’s Cursed Technique and Domain Expansion are very complex and difficult to understand. Kashimo’s ability to grasp the rules and circumstances of Hakari’s domain instantly, as well as develop an attack plan on the fly, only further highlights his smartness.
4) Yuki Tsukumo

Yuki Tsukumo’s high rank on this list may be shocking for some fans, but she’s undoubtedly deserving. She’s shown to be impressively smart several times throughout the Jujutsu Kaisen manga. Her deduction of Geto’s plan after only meeting him once was remarkable.
She’s also able to instantly grasp and understand Master Tengen’s plan upon their short discussion, as well as deduce Kenjaku’s plan to a certain degree. Her deduction skills, coupled with her natural intelligence, make her one of the smartest characters in the series.
3) Satoru Gojo

Satoru Gojo's status as arguably the strongest human sorcerer currently alive shows that he knows how to apply what he learns, making him one of the smartest as well. Like Geto, he possesses brilliant tactical intellect, particularly displayed during the 0 prequel story and the mainline series’ Star Plasma Vessel arc.
Not much is known about the Gojo clan’s history, status, or current members, but it’s a safe assumption that Satoru is high up in the clan due to his strength and status. Chances are that he has great knowledge about the general jujutsu world which has been passed down over generations.
2) Tengen

As one of the oldest and most powerful characters in the series, there’s little doubt that Master Tengen is one of Jujutsu Kaisen’s smartest characters. He’s said to be immortal and is also stated to be no less than 1200 years old within the mainline series.
His status within the world of jujutsu is indicative that he must have displayed his intelligence over and over again to get there.
1) Kenjaku

Kenjaku is the smartest character currently known in the Jujutsu Kaisen series. The Shibuya Incident arc sheds enough light on his past to reveal the true identity of Noshitori Kamo, who is often called the most evil sorcerer in history. He is also able to create the enigmatic Cursed Womb: Death Paintings.
His orchestration of the Shibuya Incident, as well as the Culling Games, further supports the fact that he is indeed the smartest.
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This article was modified on Thursday, June 29, at 3:36 pm.