Despite their combat irrelevance in contemporary Dragon Ball, Earth does produce some remarkable fighters throughout the franchise. Even though the Imperfect Cell saga of Dragon Ball Z, these fighters remain somewhat relevant and able to contribute in niche ways.
However, even Dragon Ball’s strongest Earthling finds themselves unable to significantly tribute by the time the Buu saga begins. Regardless, the heights humanity reaches through its strongest fighters in Dragon Ball Z are remarkable.
Here are the ten strongest Earthlings in Dragon Ball, ranked.
Master Roshi and 9 other Earthlings comprise Dragon Ball's strongest
10) Videl

While Videl’s Ki control is very impressive, her actual combat, as seen in the Dragon Ball franchise, is generally unremarkable. Her lone fight in Dragon Ball Z sees her essentially go against Spopovich, getting in almost no offense while putting up no defense.
While still in humanity’s top ten, she’s undoubtedly the weakest link.
9) Master Mutaito

Having lived during King Piccolo’s original reign and being the first to defeat him, Master Mutaito is no doubt one of the strongest Earthlings. The Evil Containment Wave is a testament to his power, having even been used as recently as Dragon Ball Super.
His training with Master Roshi and the subsequent students in his teaching tree further emphasizes the strength Mutaito possessed.
8) Chi-Chi

While she does lack Ki control and Ki-based attacks, Chi-Chi is undoubtedly the strongest human woman on Dragon Ball’s Earth. As a child, she threw a sword at a dinosaur and decapitated it.
As an adult, she survived a World Martial Arts Tournament Fight with Goku. Without a doubt, Chi-Chi is one of the series’ strongest Earthlings.
7) Yajirobe

While not seen contributing much of anything beyond Z’s Saiyan Saga, Yajirobe is undoubtedly one of the series’ strongest Earthlings. He was able to quickly and effortlessly kill Cymbol, a monster capable of killing the world’s strongest martial artists.
Having also trained under Kami alongside the other Z-Fighters, Yajirobe is undoubtedly one of humanity’s best.
6) Chiaotzu

Despite being on a similar level to Yajirobe, Chiaotzu makes himself stronger than the samurai due to his dedication to training. Alongside Tien Shinhan, the two continue training even after their time to shine has long since passed.
Regardless of their irrelevance in general Dragon Ball, Chiaotzu is inarguably one of Earth’s best.
5) Yamcha

Despite never getting a moment to shine in Z, Yamcha is certainly one of Earth’s top ten, and quite arguably top five. Essentially up until Z’s Namek saga, Yamcha is just as, if not stronger than Krillin.
While his contributions to Z and beyond aren’t impressive, his status in the original series cements him as one of Earth’s strongest.
4) Master Roshi

As seen in Super, Master Roshi can be incredibly powerful when he chooses to be. His use of the Evil Containment Wave in the anime and borderline tapping into Ultra Instinct in the manga are testaments to his strength.
More inarguably than nearly anyone on this list, Master Roshi is one of the Earth’s strongest warriors.
3) Uub

Although being the reincarnation of Kid Buu, the existence of Super somewhat rewrites the Z epilogue where Uub was able to keep up with Goku in a fight. As a result, Uub’s current power is somewhat unknown, as is just how powerful he’ll become.
While he may end up being the strongest Earthling one day, he’s only one of the top three for now.
2) Tien Shinhan

Thanks to his impressive dedication to martial arts training, Tien Shinhan is no doubt the second fiddle of Earthling warriors. His contributions from his introduction to Super’s Tournament of Power arc all cement his abilities and strength.
His techniques are also some of the most powerful and useful in the series, such as Kikoho and Solar Flare.
1) Krillin

Undoubtedly the strongest Earthling in the series, Krillin’s power and ability to contribute throughout the series has always been present. Even through Super’s Tournament of Power, he impresses Beerus enough to earn the respect of the God using his name.
His past accomplishments combined with Beerus’ seal of approval cement his spot as the strongest Earthling.
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This article was modified on Friday, June 30, at 7:30 pm.