One of the most popular aspects of the Dragon Ball franchise amongst fans is the concept of Ki and energy attacks. The implementation of these two concepts has led to Dragon Ball being known for some of the best and most iconic fights in all of battle shonen anime.
Yet not all Ki attacks are created equally, especially their long-range variations. Here are the ten strongest long-range attacks in Dragon Ball, ranked weakest to strongest.
Final Flash, and 9 other strong long-range attacks in Dragon Ball
10) Masenko
Used primarily by a young Gohan, the Masenko was his signature move in early DBZ. While certainly not the most powerful, it was still fairly effective and allowed him to do some damage to much older and stronger opponents. Combined with his innate, latent strength, the Masenko was a force to be reckoned with.
9) Destructo-Disk
Despite never quite being used to its full potential in the series, the Destructo-Disk is one of the most powerful moves in Dragon Ball. The move is essentially a buzzsaw made of Ki, able to cleanly cut through nearly anything in the series if it makes contact. Unfortunately, the latter part is quite a large stipulation since it never seems to happen.
8) Special Beam Cannon
The Special Beam Cannon is Piccolo’s signature move throughout the series, first seen in Dragon Ball Z’s Goku and Piccolo versus Raditz fight. The move is incredibly strong, bursting through both Goku and Radtiz’s chests completely and cleanly. The only downside to it is how long it takes to charge the attack.
7) Big Bang Attack
Vegeta’s Big Bang Attack is one of the strongest long-range moves in Dragon Ball, especially relative to how long its charge-up time is. The explosion it creates is extremely devastating and damaging, further emphasizing the destructive potential of the attack.
6) Galick Gun
Also one of Vegeta’s signature moves, the Galick Gun is essentially his version of Goku’s Kamehameha. The appearance and destructive power of the moves are also similar. However, this isn’t the Prince of All Saiyans’ strongest move.
5) Final Flash
Arguably Vegeta’s most iconic and dangerous move, the Final Flash is an incredibly destructive and powerful technique. It shocks the other Z-Fighters into thinking the Earth may explode when he first uses it against Perfect Cell. Despite Cell regenerating nearly instantly from the attack, the move is one of the most powerful in the entire series.
4) Death Beam
Arguably the ideal long-range attack, the Death Beam is Frieza’s signature move throughout Dragon Ball. He merely points a finger at someone and fires a needle-point Ki blast which pierces through the target’s heart, usually killing them instantly. Its efficiency, deadliness, and accuracy make it one of the franchise’s strongest long-range attacks.
3) Stardust Breaker
Gogeta’s Stardust Breaker is undoubtedly one of the franchise’s most powerful moves. The attack is powerful, quick, and almost has a homing quality on whatever or whoever its target may be. It’s also the signature move of Gogeta, one of the most powerful characters of any kind in the entire franchise.
2) Kamehameha
The Kamehameha is the signature move of Goku and his Turtle School compatriots, and it is arguably the franchise’s most iconic move. It’s the go-to for Goku and his family, getting them out of many situations with a jaw-dropping win. However, there is one attack that greatly exceeds it in power.
1) Spirit Bomb
The Spirit Bomb is arguably the second most iconic move in the franchise and inarguably its strongest. The move is created by taking life force energy from living beings around the user, on a planetary or even galactic level. Nearly every time the Spirit Bomb is used, its target gets severely damaged, further emphasizing it as Dragon Ball’s most powerful long-range move.
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This article was modified on Friday, July 14, at 1:19 am.