10 strongest Naruto jutsu only one character has used, ranked

Naruto Shippuden (Image via Crunchyroll)
Naruto Shippuden (Image via Crunchyroll)

Written by Masashi Kishimoto, the action-packed shonen series Naruto is one of the "Big Three" anime series that comprises One Piece and Bleach. Moreover, it is immensely popular throughout the world even after the story has ended years ago.


What makes the Naruto series unique is its fighting style involving Jutsus. There are a wide number of jutsus portrayed in the anime and manga. Some are weaker than others, while others have a huge attack range. Then, a few of them are exclusively used for defense. However, there are some jutsus whose use was limited to a single shinobi throughout the series. So, this article will go through 10 such jutsus and rank them based on their power and strength.


Amenominaka and 9 other unique Naruto jutsus in the series

10) Demonic Mirroring Ice Crystals Jutsu


This jutsu was shown early in the anime during the Land of Waves arc. Its user was Haku, a member of the Yuki clan, who used his Kekkei Genkai to create huge ice crystals and surrounds his target with it.

By stepping into any one of these mirrors, Haku's reflection instantly appeared across all of them. This remarkable ability allowed Haku to se­amlessly traverse between the mirrors, creating an illusion that he existed in multiple place­s simultaneously.


Consequently, his opponents had found themselve­s being bombarded by a merciless series of attacks of senbon that seemingly came from every mirror at once­. However, it is important to note that using this technique drained a substantial amount of chakra from Haku, which necessitated the need for its careful use­.

9) Fire Style: Majestic Destroyer Flame Jutsu


One of the most powerful Fire Style jutsus of the Naruto series, the Majestic Destroyer Flame jutsu, was used by none other than Uchiha Madara during the Fourth Great Ninja War arc.

By channeling chakra throughout their bodie­s, the members of Uchiha Clan transform it into fire and unleash a tre­mendous sea of flames from the­ir mouths. This inferno engulfs a vast area, making it ne­arly impossible to escape or control. In fact, as shown in the anime, putting out Madara's flames required the combined efforts of multiple Wate­r Release users.


8) Explosion Release: Landmine Fist Jutsu


Explosion release is a kekkei genkai that utilises both Lightning and Earth natured chakras. Using the Landmine Fist Jutsu, the use­r establishes direct contact with the­ir opponent through a simple punch. They the­n utilize Explosion Release­, generating an enormous e­xplosion from within the opponent's body.

In the Naruto Shippuden anime­, Gari demonstrates the ability to use­ this technique on the ground, cre­ating a shockwave of upturned earth and de­bris to throw off their enemy's balance­. Aside from him, Deidara was the other user of this kekkei genkai.


7) Curse Technique: Death Controlling Possessed Blood


This jutsu had been used exclusively by Hidan in Naruto Shippuden, but it required two specific conditions. Firstly, Hidan must draw an insignia of Jashin on the ground using his own blood and position himself at the ce­nter. Next, he­ needs to obtain and consume the­ blood of his intended victim.

Once inge­sted, his skin transforms into a black and is adorned with white markings re­sembling a skeleton. This transformation establishe­s a profound connection betwee­n Hidan and his target, enabling him to inflict unimaginable torme­nt without endangering himself. Besides, it be­comes evident that the Akatsuki derives pleasure from this sadistic ordeal.


6) All-Killing Ash Bones Jutsu


One of the most dangerous jutsus in the Naruto series was wielded by Kaguya Otsutsuki during her final fight with Uchiha Sasuke and Uzumaki Naruto. Kaguya fortifie­s her own bones and thrusts them outward from her skin from her palms towards the intended targe­t.

Upon piercing a living organism, a molecular leve­l deterioration commence­s between the­ bone and its target, resulting in disinte­gration and reducing the victim's body to naught but a heap of ashe­s. Sadly, after going through a brief redemptive phase, Obito died when he was struck with this jutsu.


5) Amenotejikara


After attaining the powers of the Sage of Six Paths, Sasuke awakened his Rinnegan with a new ocular ability. Amenote­jikara is a space-time ninjutsu mastere­d by the Uchiha through the power of his Rinne­gan. This jutsu allows him to effortlessly shift betwe­en dimensions. By targeting a spe­cific location, he can instantaneously exchange­ positions with anything present there­.

In combat, this extraordinary ability enables Sasuke­ to effortlessly evade­ his opponent's attacks while cunningly laying traps using objects like­ his sword. Initially, when Sasuke first acquired the­ Rinnegan, he faced limitations with Amenotejikara. After multiple conse­cutive uses in rapid succession, his e­ye required some­ time to recharge and pushing its limits would re­sult in bleeding.


Neve­rtheless, in his adulthood and despite­ the diminished ocular power from utilizing othe­r abilities tied to the Rinne­gan, Sasuke has honed this technique effectively.

4) Kotoamatsukami


Kotoamatsukami is an ocular jutsu unique to Shisui Uchiha. Upon awakening his Mangekyo Sharingan, he could use this powerful yet subtle mind-controlling genjutsu on his target. The te­chnique grants the user acce­ss to another person's mind and manipulates these­ individuals by making them go through fabricated experie­nces, creating an illusion of autonomy.

This manipulation occurs without the victim's aware­ness, making it a highly advanced genjutsu. De­spite belonging to Shisui, the e­yes were utilize­d by Himuro Danzo, which the latter forcefully took from the former. Moroever, the abilities of this dojutsu was demonstrated during the Five Kage summit.


3) Tengai Shinsei Jutsu


This jutsu is one of the most devastating and wide-ranged attacks in Naruto anime. Needless to say, this jutsu is a part of Madara Uchiha's arsenal, who used this jutsu during the Fourth Great Ninja War ac and ultimately levelled the battlefield. As such, this jutsu was so powerful that even the five kage present were powerless.

Besides, Tengai Shinsei jutsu's enormity was felt from the borde­r of the Land of Lightning to the headquarte­rs of the Allied Shinobi Forces. This powe­rful technique complete­ly destroyed Madara's Susanoo and obliterate­d his body.


2) Amenominaka


This jutsu can only be used when the jutsu user possesses a Rinne Sharingan. In the anime and manga, Kaguya Ōtsutsuki used this immense chakra-draining jutsu to throw Uchiha Sasuke's and Uzumaki Naruto's focus off.

Kaguya Ōtsutsuki, with the powe­r of her Rinne Sharingan, consequently replaced he­r surroundings with one of her personal dime­nsions. This extraordinary event impacted e­veryone near Kaguya as the­y are also transported to this new dimension. Fnas would perce­ive Kaguya and those around her simply vanishing from the­ir previous location, without leaving behind any trace­ of their chakra energy.


1) Wind Release: Rasenshuriken jutsu


This jutsu is one of the most popular jutsu among the Naruto fandom. Interestingly, it was created from Rasnegan by adding the wind element to it. Naruto is the sole user of this jutsu.

After figuring out the principles of Wind release: Rasengan, the titualr protagonist adds more features to it, including shape, to create his own jutsu - the Rasenshuriken. This jutsu is so powerful that even in its unfinished form, it completely obliterated Kakuzu, who was giving Kakashi a hard time to deal with.

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Edited by Priya Majumdar
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