While its male fighters tend to take center stage, the Dragon Ball franchise has always included women fighters, even showing them to be as powerful as the men. In some cases, especially later on in Dragon Ball Super, these women are shown to be immensely more powerful than the main cast's men.
In every major incarnation of the franchise, there seem to be women who are equal to or stronger than their male counterparts. The original Dragon Ball saw Chi-Chi fulfill this role, whereas Z sees Android 18, while Super has Angel Vados and God of Destruction Heles reigning supreme.
Here are the ten strongest women in Dragon Ball, ranked.
Caulifla and 9 others comprise Dragon Ball’s ten strongest women
10) Chi-Chi

The original Dragon Ball series sees Chi-Chi fight Goku on relatively even ground in the 23rd World Martial Arts Tournament. Despite losing in the end, Chi-Chi pushes Goku further than anyone besides King Piccolo and Piccolo Junior in the series.
Despite not getting stronger from this point on, Chi-Chi is undoubtedly one of Dragon Ball’s strongest women.
9) Fasha

While some may argue Gine is the superior female Saiyan, fans would do well to remember that she had to leave Bardock’s team due to a lack of fighting instinct. Fasha’s remaining on the team would seem to imply her superiority in strength and combat to Gine.
Even so, Fasha’s quick death at the hands of the Frieza Army doesn't get her higher than the ninth spot.
8) Ribrianne

Although one of the more annoying characters to fans in Dragon Ball Super, Ribrianne does impress at times throughout the Tournament of Power. She was able to handle Super Saiyan Vegeta and Android 17 fairly easily, and later on, even nearly overwhelms Goku with a technique.
Although annoying, she’s undoubtedly one of the series’ strongest women.
7) Cocotte

Despite having a somewhat less impressive performance during the Tournament of Power, Cocotte’s status as a Pride Trooper would seem to imply her superiority to Ribrianne.
Her powers were also somewhat detrimental to the Tournament of Power, also not giving fans a clear idea of her abilities.
Considering the Pride Troopers' status as some of the most powerful Tournament warriors, it’s a fair assessment to rank Cocotte among the strongest women in Dragon Ball.
6) Android 18

Despite putting on an impressive performance in the Tournament of Power, the competition is too much for Android 18 to break through to the top five. While she certainly would’ve been there prior to Dragon Ball Super, there are too many new women in the series who clearly outrank her.
While still ranked among the series’ ten strongest women, there’s no doubt 18’s power was once more terrifying and relevant than it is currently so.
5) Western Supreme Kai

Despite an incredibly brief appearance, Western Supreme Kai is part of the series’ five strongest women for a myriad of reasons. Primarily, her status as a Supreme Kai places her fairly high up in Dragon Ball’s strength hierarchy. Secondly, at the time of her introduction, she was, by far, the strongest woman in the series.
Finally, during her introduction, she’s said to have been powerful enough to defeat Frieza at a time when he was considered the universe’s most powerful being. Despite being taken down by Buu, she’s undoubtedly one of the series’ five strongest women.
4) Caulfila

A Universe 6 Saiyan, Caulifla grows incredibly quickly and to major heights during Dragon Ball Super. Her quick advancement through Super Saiyan 2 levels wowed fans everywhere and also solidified her as one of the series’ strongest women.
While not much of her is seen, it's clear Caulifla’s power is special in what little fans do see of her.
3) Kale

As Universe 6’s Legendary Super Saiyan, Kale has an incredible amount of latent strength and stamina to tap into. Her Super Saiyan transformation is unique to her (and potentially Broly, her Universe 7 counterpart) and even gave Goku some trouble.
Becoming even more powerful after regaining sanity, Kale is undoubtedly one of Dragon Ball’s strongest women.
2) Heles

As a God of Destruction, Heles is inherently implied to be above nearly every other woman in the franchise. Every God of Destruction is incredibly strong, and certainly much stronger than any other mortal woman.
Even without knowing much about her combat prowess and capabilities, Heles is undoubtedly one of Dragon Ball’s strongest women.
1) Vados

The title of the strongest woman in Dragon Ball, however, goes to the angelic Vados. Angels in general, due to their roles as the Destroyers' caretakers and martial arts instructors, are usually above the Gods of Destruction.
While many of the female Angels can be used or argued at this spot, Vados is chosen due to her power being said to be greater than Whis’.
With Whis being used as fans’ baseline for Angelic power throughout the series thus far, it makes sense to go with Vados here. She’s said to be more powerful than her brother, likely cementing her as being the series’ strongest woman.
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This article was modified on Friday, June 30, at 10:30 pm.