The Bleach anime has frequently been subjected to censorship, largely due to its numerous violent scenes. The intensity of these scenes has often been diminished by Studio Pierrot, who produces the anime. For instance, the amount of blood is lessened, severe injuries are either hidden or completely erased, and sometimes costumes are completely changed.
This censorship, while making the content more palatable for a wider audience, has been met with repeated disapproval from fans. However, the act of censoring the original material owing to its violent nature can be interpreted as a form of violence against the manga itself.
In certain rare cases, changes have been positive and should be acknowledged. Nonetheless, it fails to justify the excessive censorship of a series based on Tite Kubo's exquisite artwork.
Here are some of the biggest instances where the series got censored.
Disclaimer: This list is curated at the writer’s discretion.
10 Bleach anime scenes that were censored by the studio
1) When Ayon wounded Rangiku Matsumoto
Ayon, a Chimera-like Hollow, appeared in the Bleach manga's Fake Karakura Town arc after being conjured by Emilou Apacci, Franceska Mila Rose, and Cyan Sung-Sun. In the manga, Ayon launched an attack on Rangiku Matsumoto, causing severe damage to her midsection.
However, the anime adaptation significantly downplayed the impact of Ayon's assault on Rangiku, making her injuries appear trivial. This discrepancy between the two versions resulted in Rangiku being portrayed as a considerably weaker character in the anime.
2) When Hiyori Sarugaki was cut into two
In the Bleach manga, when Hiyori Sarugaki lunged at Sosuke Aizen, her body was split into two halves by Gin Ichimaru's Shinso. This graphic depiction was significantly toned down in the anime adaptation, where Hiyori was shown to be impaled from behind by Gin.
This alteration, thanks to censorship, resulted in a less intense and, hence, less impactful portrayal of the event for those who watched the anime.
3) When Aizen cut off Gin Ichimaru's hand
In the Invasion of Soul Society arc, Gin Ichimaru was finally seen carrying out his carefully planned rebellion against Aizen. However, in return, Aizen evolved into a new form, while Gin lost his arm and, eventually, his life.
In the manga, Aizen is shown holding Gin’s severed arm, a detail that is not present in the anime. This selective censorship is odd, especially considering that in an earlier scene, Gin was shown tearing a massive hole in Aizen’s body, which is not censored in the anime.
4) When Yammy Llargo crushed Roka Paramia's head
Roka Paramia, a nurse in Aizen's army Arrancar, once successfully reattached Yammy Llargo’s dismembered arm. When the bandages and stitches were taken off, she asked Yammy if he felt any difference in movement or sensation in his arm compared to before it was cut off.
However, Yammy responded violently by pounding his fist into Roka's head, resulting in her immediate death. The anime depicted the action differently, with Yammy flinging Roka into a wall.
5) When Yammy severed Yasutora Sado's arm
In the Bleach anime, there is a particularly brutal scene involving Yammy and Yasutora Sado that was toned down for viewers. Sado’s Fullbring, which manifested as armor around his right arm, proved to be of no use against Yammy's strength.
In the manga version, Yammy violently dismembered Sado's arm, breaking it in two places. The anime adaptation, on the other hand, chose to depict this scene less graphically, showing Sado's arm with merely a few cuts.
6) When Ulquiorra amputated Uryu Ishida's left arm
One of the censored scenes that Bleach fans have most vocally criticized is the injuries that Uryu Ishida received at the hands of Ulquiorra Cifer.
In the manga, Uryu's injuries were severe, as he lost his hand and was bleeding profusely. However, the anime chose to change the extent of his injuries, showing no blood and presenting Uryu's hand as merely bruised rather than dismembered.
7) When Gremmy Thoumeaux self-destructed
In the Thousand-Year Blood War arc, the Quincy Gremmy Thoumeaux, who possessed the ability to transform fantasy into reality, was at his wit's end and absolutely worn down fighting Zaraki.
In a desperate bid to defeat Zaraki, Gremmy decided to boost his own strength. Unfortunately, his body could not withstand this increase, and it led to his body breaking down.
The anime adaptation skipped over this gruesome disintegration, instead opting to show some blurring and blood splash.
8) When Szayelaporro Granz ate Lumina
In the Hueco Mundo arc of Bleach, Szayelaporro Granz was severely injured as a result of Renji Abarai and Uryu Ishida's attacks. To recover from these injuries, Szayelaporro consumed Lumina, his Fraccion. This act of eating a living being, even if it is one of the bad guys, is not expected to be aesthetically pleasing, and that is precisely the intention.
Nevertheless, the anime's censorship minimizes the potential impact such graphic portrayals could have on its audience.
9) When Menoly Mallia was deeply wounded
In the Invasion of Hueco Mundo arc, Menoly Mallia met a gruesome end at Grimmjow Jaegerjaquez's hands when he countered her Cero attack. The counterattack was so powerful that it totally disintegrated the top half of Menoly's body. She managed to survive the attack thanks to Orihime, who stepped in to heal Menoly.
The readers were presented with a graphic depiction of Menoly's internal organs regenerating as she came back to life, a detail that was not shown to viewers of the anime.
10) When Grimmjow killed Luppi Antenor
In Bleach, Luppi Antenor had briefly replaced Grimmjow as the 6th Espada in Aizen’s army. However, right after getting his arm and Espada tattoo healed by Orihime, Grimmjow went straight after Luppi, put his fist through his chest, and reclaimed his position.
While Grimmjow did not necessarily have to kill Luppi, the latter suffered a gruesome death, and the anime censored the scene. Thus, viewers only saw a splash of blood from a black silhouette.