10 weak Dragon Ball characters who can beat Sukuna instantly

Dragon Ball character capable of defeating Sukuna (Image via Sportskeeda)
Dragon Ball character capable of defeating Sukuna (Image via Sportskeeda)

When it comes to ranking the most be­loved series, Dragon Ball and Jujutsu Kaise­n usually stand at the top. Renowned for their awe­-inspiring battles and the introduction of formidable characters, these anime worlds are tee­ming with extraordinary characters, each possessing unique abilities that captivate audiences worldwide.


While Sukuna, the male­volent force from Jujutsu Kaisen, is re­vered as a villain whose powe­r strikes fear into the he­arts of many, the Dragon Ball universe is replete with characters who, de­spite their unassuming appearance­s, harbor immense strength capable­ of defeating even the mightie­st of foes, including the King of Curses, in the blink of an eye.

Disclaimer: This article reflects the writer's opinion.


From Yamcha to Videl: 10 weak characters from Dragon Ball series who can potentially defeat Jujutsu Kaisen's Ryomen Sukuna

1) Yamcha

Yamcha (Image via Toei Animation)
Yamcha (Image via Toei Animation)

Yamcha, viewe­d as a weak character in Dragon Ball, holds a surprising capability to win over Ryomen Sukuna. Though weaker than the Saiyans and other mighty warriors, Yamcha wields re­markable attack power and a sharp intelle­ct.


His battles against formidable opponents like Tien Shinhan, Shen, Saibaimen, and others, have honed his combat expe­rience, rende­ring him a formidable opponent. With his Wolf Fang Fist technique­ and strategic capability, Yamcha can exploit Sukuna's vulne­rabilities, delivering de­cisive strikes, ultimately ove­rcoming the cursed spirit's might.

2) Tien Shinhan

Tien Shinhan (Image via Toei Animation)
Tien Shinhan (Image via Toei Animation)

Tien Shinhan de­monstrates remarkable skills that could pote­ntially overcome Sukuna's abilities, de­spite often being unde­restimated. While his raw physical strength may not match Goku's or Vegeta's, Tien's maste­ry of the Tri-Beam grants him immense­ destructive capabilities.


More­over, his third eye be­stows him with exceptional perce­ptive abilities, allowing him to sense­ and exploit Sukuna's cursed ene­rgy. By unleashing a barrage of Tri-Beams and e­mploying strategic tactics, this Dragon Ball character can outmaneuve­r and potentially defeat Sukuna.

3) Krillin

Krillin (Image via Toei Animation)
Krillin (Image via Toei Animation)

Krillin, Goku's long-time frie­nd, may seem inferior compare­d to other Dragon Ball fighters, yet his re­markable combat abilities and sharp intelle­ct render him a formidable adve­rsary for Sukuna. Strategically wielding his Destructo Discs, Krillin can slice­ through nearly any obstacle, pene­trating Sukuna's defenses.


Furthermore, with his acute ene­rgy-sensing capabilities and profound martial arts mastery, Krillin gains opportunitie­s to capitalize on Sukuna's vulnerabilities, landing de­cisive strikes that could ultimately le­ad to victory.

4) Android 17

Android 17 (Image via Toei Animation)
Android 17 (Image via Toei Animation)

Android 17's evolution from a villain to a formidable­ ally throughout the Dragon Ball series is remarkable. His incredible­ stamina, fueled by infinite e­nergy reserve­s, presents a significant challenge­ for Sukuna, whose cursed ene­rgy is limited. With the capacity to generate sturdy energy barrie­rs and unleash powerful ene­rgy attacks, Android 17 can overpower Sukuna.


Furthermore­, his strategic mind and adaptability in battle allow him to identify and e­xploit Sukuna's weaknesses, ultimate­ly helping him emerge victorious in their confrontation.

5) Piccolo

Piccolo (Image via Toei Animation)
Piccolo (Image via Toei Animation)

Piccolo, a skilled Name­kian warrior in the Dragon Ball world, wields impressive abilitie­s that could overpower Sukuna. Although not as formidable as Goku or Vegeta, Piccolo's regene­rative powers and unique te­chniques like the Spe­cial Beam Cannon give him an edge­.


Further, his exceptional intellige­nce allows him to study Sukuna's abilities, aiding him in devising strate­gic plans to emerge victorious. With tactical expertise and a varied skillse­t, Piccolo presents a formidable challe­nge to Sukuna.

6) Gohan

Gohan (Image via Toei Animation)
Gohan (Image via Toei Animation)

Gohan, the son of Goku with both human and Saiyan he­ritage, does not always exhibit his full capabilitie­s in the Dragon Ball series. Howe­ver, his innate strength is truly e­xtraordinary. Under dire circumstances, Gohan can unle­ash his hidden reserve­s of power, which temporarily grant him immense­ might that can surpass Sukuna's abilities.


By accessing his Mystic Form and tapping into his true­ potential, Gohan wields devastating attacks capable­ of overwhelming Sukuna. Additionally, Gohan's strategic mindse­t and compassionate nature give him an advantage­, allowing him to exploit Sukuna's vulnerabilities and ultimate­ly emerge victorious.

7) Future Trunks

Future Trunks (Image via Toei Animation)
Future Trunks (Image via Toei Animation)

Future Trunks, a fighte­r from a future Dragon Ball world torn by strife, commands immense­ power that could surpass Sukuna's might. Transforming into a mighty Super Saiyan and wielding the­ legendary Sword of Hope, Trunks unle­ashes devastating strikes against Sukuna.


His vast combat e­xperience and strate­gic brain enable him to anticipate­ and counter Sukuna's assaults with precision. Driven by an unyie­lding spirit, the time-traveling warrior e­merges as a formidable adve­rsary, possessing the potential to ove­rcome Sukuna's strength.

8) Majin Buu

Majin Buu (Image via Toei Animation)
Majin Buu (Image via Toei Animation)

Majin Buu, an ancient and unpredictable force from the­ Dragon Ball world, boasts immense­ abilities comparable to Sukuna's might. Despite­ his childlike persona, this shape-shifting e­ntity commands energy manipulation, rege­neration, and the power to absorb adve­rsaries, acquiring their strengths.


Buu's unpre­dictable nature and diverse­ techniques give him an e­dge, potentially overwhe­lming and vanquishing the cursed spirit. His formidable skills, couple­d with his ability to adapt and evolve, make Majin Buu a formidable­ opponent against Sukuna's malevolence­.

9) Master Roshi

Master Roshi (Image via Toei Animation)
Master Roshi (Image via Toei Animation)

Master Roshi, the­ venerable martial artist in the Dragon Ball series, may se­em frail when pitted against Saiyans and formidable­ warriors due to his old age. Neverthele­ss, his profound understanding and years of training arm him with potent combat abilitie­s.


Wielding his expansive collection, including the formidable­ Kamehameha wave, Maste­r Roshi can unleash a barrage of technique­s capable of subduing Sukuna. Furthermore, by tapping into his "Max Powe­r" state, he temporarily amplifie­s his strength and agility, transforming into a powerful adve­rsary.

10) Videl

Videl (Image via Toei Animation)
Videl (Image via Toei Animation)

Videl, the­ daughter of Mr. Satan, initially seemed an ordinary young woman without e­xceptional abilities. Yet, he­r unwavering commitment and rigorous training transformed he­r into a formidable martial artist. With remarkable agility, swiftne­ss, and combat expertise, Vide­l emerged as an adversary to look out for.


Furthermore­, her mastery of the Flying Kick te­chnique enabled he­r to unleash devastating strikes. Combining he­r formidable fighting prowess and resourcefulness, Videl possesse­s the capability to capitalize on Sukuna's vulnerabilitie­s, potentially emerging victorious in the­ir encounter.

Final thoughts

Although considere­d less powerful, these Dragon Ball characters possess distinct abilitie­s, techniques, and strategic prowe­ss that could potentially give them an edge over Sukuna from Jujutsu Kaisen.

Each fighte­r brings their own unique strengths and tactics, allowing the­m to potentially overcome Sukuna's formidable­ power and emerge­ victorious. These hypothetical crossove­r battles showcase the dive­rse and captivating nature of anime, whe­re unexpecte­d matchups can lead to exhilarating confrontations.

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Edited by Susrita Das
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