One Piece’s theme of pirates naturally lends itself to characters of all shapes, sizes, and personalities appearing within its ever-expanding pages and episodes. Many of these One Piece characters are shown to be remarkably strong, while others don’t exactly fit that bill.
This applies to pirate captains as well, who function as leaders for each of One Piece’s pirate crews. Like the pirates themselves, some of One Piece’s captains can be frighteningly strong, while others are laughably weak.
Here are the 10 weakest pirate captains in One Piece, ranked in no particular order.
Early One Piece captains dominate the list of weakest in the series
1) Don Krieg

One of the series’ East Blue adversaries, Don Krieg is all bark and no bite as far as strength goes. His golden armor serves as somewhat of a peacock, giving the appearance of strength with no substance to match.
He’s overall incredibly weak, showing no offensive tactics once his armor is broken. As a result, his status of early story antagonist suits him perfectly.
2) Wapol

Wapol’s Devil Fruit is interesting in a combat sense, but overall not powerful enough to be inherently strong. Despite this, he still attempted to make a name for himself as a pirate captain, albeit for a short time.
Nevertheless, his time as a pirate captain meant he was one at a certain juncture, and he no doubt ranks among the weakest in One Piece to play the role.
3) Alvida

Similarly, Alvida’s Devil Fruit is nowhere near strong enough in combat to provide inherent fighting power. Even her skills with her mace, for which she receives an epithet, are fairly lacking.
Furthermore, her crew seems to be made up of various captives who she forces to follow her. Any captain within One Piece who can’t find willing crew members is undoubtedly one of the series’ weakest.
4) Hody Jones

Hody Jones’ dependence on energy steroids is all that’s needed to show how weak he is. In base form, he couldn’t hold a candle to Luffy, let alone fight on even ground.
While his energy steroid form did provide somewhat of a fight for One Piece’s central protagonist, he nevertheless lost. Especially considering his post-time-skip debut, he may be the weakest pirate captain in the entire series.
5) Caribou

Similarly, Caribou delivers an awful performance in his debut during the Fishman Island arc. While his Devil Fruit is naturally more combat-oriented than many others on this list, he is far from being a strong captain.
With some improvements to his overall fighting style and demeanor, he could rise to become a respectable leader. Unfortunately, with what has been seen of the character so far, this doesn’t seem likely.
6) Brownbeard

Former captain of the Brownbeard Pirates, he tried riding in Whitebeard’s wake by claiming the former Yonko’s territory, shortly after his death. However, he ended up losing the land to Basil Hawkins in an off-screen fight.
While Basil Hawkins isn’t necessarily weak, he’s far from being the strongest captain. The lack of injury to Hawkins and his men in the scene where Brownbeard’s capture plays out would seem to imply that he’s incredibly weak relative to other One Piece captains.
7) Usopp

Technically speaking, Usopp was once captain of the Usopp Pirates during his introduction in Syrup Village. While he’s grown much stronger since then, his power during his time as captain easily ranks him among the weakest in the entire series.
His crew consisted of children, and his primary weapons were boisterous lies which would be shouted at his opponents as threats. The little combat skills he had mainly consisted of his slingshot usage, which is not very intimidating relative to other skills and abilities.
8) Foxy

Not only is Foxy one of the most hated characters in One Piece, but he’s also undoubtedly one of its weakest captains. After having to get into a real fight with Luffy, he loses tremendously once his tricks stop working on Straw Hat.
What little doubt there was regarding his weakness was eliminated in the final moments of their fight, where Foxy looks absolutely terrified at the beating coming his way. Few pirate captains in the series have cowered like this, emphasizing his low status in the group.
9) Bluejam

Despite being a full-grown man as a pirate captain, Bluejam is defeated in combat by the combined efforts of a juvenile Ace and Curly Dadan. While Dadan is by no means a weak fighter, shown doing damage to Garp at one point in the series, the defeat is still embarrassing for the Goa Kingdom pirate.
His crew has also been shown to be extremely incompetent and weak as well, further emphasizing his low status as a pirate captain.
10) Buggy

Finally, Buggy the Clown is undoubtedly one of the series’ weakest pirate captains. Much like the other captains on this list, he’s shown to be easily terrified and incompetent when it comes to combat.
Unlike others on this list, however, Buggy actually has the luck and happenstance to have his bluffs work out well for him. As a result, he eventually amasses a large enough following to become one of the Shichibukai before their disbandment. Nevertheless, he’s still incredibly weak in reality as a pirate captain.
In summation
Many characters in the One Piece universe are not nearly as strong as Luffy, the Law, or the Kid, and they never will be. But it's crucial to keep in mind that many series characters are making comebacks, and who knows, they could have their opportunity to shine.
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This article was modified on Monday, June 26, at 16:25 pm.