Despite having the highest strength potential of all Dragon Ball races due to their Zenkai power, not all Saiyan warriors end up fulfilling their fate. Despite the circumstances, many are either too weak, too old, or complacent to reach such heights as Goku and Vegeta.
As a result, Dragon Ball is full of Saiyans who never got to reach their max potential, for one reason or another. Here are the ten weakest Saiyans in Dragon Ball, ranked strongest to weakest.
Raditz and nine others comprise Dragon Ball's weakest Saiyans
10) Nappa

Most likely as a result of being one of the first Saiyans fans are introduced to in Dragon Ball Z, Nappa is undoubtedly one of the weakest. Despite putting on an impressive show against the likes of Chiaotzu, Krillin, and Tien Shinhan, Nappa is quickly embarrassed once Goku arrives.
His subsequent and nearly effortless death at the hands of Vegeta seals his fate as one of Dragon Ball’s weakest Saiyans.
9) Toma/Tora

While being the strongest on Bardock’s team next to Bardock himself, Toma is still an incredibly weak Saiyan in the grand scheme of Dragon Ball.
Toma, Borgos, Fasha, and Shugesh were all eliminated by Frieza Force's foot soldiers led by Dodoria. While the other three were dead upon Bardock’s arrival, Toma had a little bit of life left, cementing his spot above his teammates.
8) Borgos/Toteppo

As aforementioned, Borgos was part of Bardock’s combat team during his time with the Frieza Force. Borgos is also one of the last two standing alongside Toma but is unfortunately the first to fall.
While the foot soldiers that did attack them were elites, it’s still disappointing to see one of Bardock’s own defeated so easily.
7) Fasha/Celipa

While Fasha does unfortunately die (said to be at Dodoria’s hands no less), she’s at least not the first on the team to do so. Furthermore, her abilities displayed during Planet Kanassa and Planet Meat in Bardock - The Father of Goku are impressive.
However, given her death came at the hands of fairly low-level Frieza Force warriors, Fasha still makes this list.
6) Shugesh/Panbukin

Being the first to die amongst Team Bardock, it’s likely a fair guess Shugesh was the weakest on the team.
Shugesh is certainly one of the weakest Saiyans in Dragon Ball, and considering his inability to survive the initial ambush, he is undoubtedly the most useless on his team.
5) Paragus

Being the father of Broly, a legendary Saiyan born with a power level of ten thousand, one would expect Paragus to have a good degree of strength. While Paragus was a middle-class warrior in Saiyan society, the little power displayed by him throughout the series implies otherwise.
No matter the incarnation, Paragus is portrayed in both Dragon Ball: Broly movies as being relatively weak and defenseless without his son’s help.
4) Raditz

Being literally the first to appear and be identified as a Saiyan in Dragon Ball, Raditz unfortunately serves as a pathetic baseline for the rest of his race.
His power level in the series is relatively unimpressive, considering he was concerned with the slight rise in levels when Goku and Piccolo removed their weighted clothes. Without a doubt, Raditz is one of the weakest Saiyans in the franchise.
3) Gine

Depending on the source material looked at, Gine is either the mother of Goku and Raditz who retired from fighting or was never a fighter to begin with. In either case, Gine clearly couldn’t have been terribly strong.
While strength level can be increased via Zenkai power, technique must be honed, likely where Gine fell short as a fighter.
2) Pan

Even when considering the older, more experienced, GT version of Pan, she’s still undoubtedly one of the weakest Saiyans in Dragon Ball. Pan is never seen going Super Saiyan, despite having sufficient Saiyan blood to activate the form and the training support system in her family to achieve it.
Considering the Super version of Pan is currently a baby, it’s clear either version of the character is quite weak.
1) Bulla

Having finally been canonized with her birth in Dragon Ball Super, Bulla is without a doubt the weakest Saiyan in all Dragon Ball. Whether going by GT or Super versions of the character, both take the title.
Super Bulla is a newborn as in the Super: Broly movie, whereas the GT version is just a typical teenage girl with no detectable interest in fighting. Either way, Bulla takes the title of being the weakest Saiyan in all of Dragon Ball.
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This article was modified on Thursday, June 29, at 6:26 pm.