The Scott Pilgrim anime, Scott Pilgrim Takes Off, took the internet by storm when it was released on Netflix on November 17, 2023. The spiritual sequel to the comic and movie took the story in a brand new direction, focusing more on Ramona and everyone else's perspectives.
Aside from the story changes and befitting the many love letters to pop culture the original graphic novels and the film had, Scott Pilgrim Takes Off is home to many references, easter eggs, and tons of other pop culture memorabilia eagle-eyed fans would need to rewatch to spot.
From the Triforce from the Legend of Zelda series to multiple Sonic the Hedgehog references, the Scott Pilgrim anime features plenty of references for people to geek out over.
Disclaimer: The following article will contain major spoilers for Scott Pilgrim Takes Off, the Scott Pilgrim vs. The World film, and the original graphic novels. All opinions are exclusive to the author.
15 pop culture references in the Scott Pilgrim anime that make the series worth rewatching
1) Sonic the Hedgehog

Sonic the Hedgehog is referenced multiple times throughout the Scott Pilgrim anime, starting in episode 1. Scott awkwardly attempts to make small talk with Ramona by referencing the 90s Sonic cartoons Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog and Sonic the Hedgehog, and how Jaleel White (Steve Urkel in Family Matters) voiced Sonic in both.
It works as a meta-joke since Michael Cera played Scott in both the film Scott Pilgrim vs. The World and the anime Scott Pilgrim Takes Off. Another Sonic reference comes in episode 8, when Ramona and her future self fuse into Super Ramona, and both versions of Scott reference the Sonic 3 video game. Notably, even Older Scott backpedals after slipping up and saying Sonic 2.
The reference in episode 8 of the Scott Pilgrim anime refers to the first appearance of Super Sonic. Even Older Scott is actually on the mark, as Sonic 2 does mark Super Sonic's first appearance, provided the player manages to navigate all the secret levels perfectly and collect all the Chaos Emeralds.
2) Neon Genesis Evangelion

Of all the anime references made in the Scott Pilgrim anime, Neon Genesis Evangelion probably wasn't on most people's lists. There are two big shout-outs to the mecha franchise in three episodes: episodes 4, 7, and 8, with episode 8 having more than one if watched in Japanese.
In the climax of episode 4, when Lucas Lee is skateboarding away from the ninja paparazzi, he crashes through a large matte painting of a giant version of Scott's half-obscured head. This is a reference to the giant Rei Ayanami that appears at the end of The End of Evangelion.
Episodes 7 and 8 are where the Evangelion references are front and center with the AK (Anti-Kiss) fields that prevent Scott and Ramona from kissing. They are reminiscent of AT (Absolute Terror) Fields in Evangelion, protective barriers the Eva Units and Angels use that share the same shape. Even Older Scott's Japanese VA is Fumihiko Tachiki,, aka Gendo Ikari.
3) The Tony Hawk video games
For anyone who grew up with a PlayStation and the Tony Hawk games, Scott Pilgrim Takes Off episode 4, aka Whatever, should be a huge nostalgic throwback. The song United States of Whatever by Liam Lynch was used heavily in the marketing for Tony Hawk's Underground and is used in Lucas' skateboarding montage across Glendale, California.
For another blast from the past, Police Truck by Dead Kennedys was featured during the ending skateboarding fight between Lucas and the paparazzi. Police Truck was notable for being one of the highlights of the first Tony Hawk's Pro Skater soundtrack, alongside multiple other songs like Superman by Goldfinger.
It's not only the music but also the angles used during both the montage and the fight that are reminiscent of the games. Lucas Lee's room full of skateboards, the tricks he pulls off, and even references to Sk8er Boi by Avril Lavigne when Lucas' agent tells him off all clearly show appreciation for skate culture in the Scott Pilgrim anime.
4) Various music references and famous music
As befitting a Scott Pilgrim adaptation, there are various other types of famous music referenced and covered throughout the Scott Pilgrim anime. The first among them is I Will Remember You by Sarah McLachlan, turned from a slow and emotional song into a rock ballad as Envy Adams crashes Scott's funeral in episode 2, A League of Their Own.
The end of Ramona vs. Roxie's fight in episode 3, Ramona Rents a Video, ends with them making up and Roxie leaving while humming the song Whistle Stop from Disney's Robin Hood from 1973. The tune may be more familiar to Internet users as the Hampster Dance song, one of the first and oldest Internet meme songs.
Black Sheep by Metric is sung by the audience during a Clash at Demonhead performance in episode 5. Likewise, all of the ending credit songs except for the Mortal Kombat remix have been featured elsewhere, including Rain of Fire by Johnny Cash, Konya wa Hurricane by Kinuko Ohmori, and Scott Pilgrim by Plumtree.
5) Callbacks to the movie/comic

The fourth and fifth episodes of the Scott Pilgrim anime feature callbacks to Scott Pilgrim vs. The World. The two episodes are set on a film set attempting to film the events of the movie, per the screenplay given to Young Neil by Future Ramona. It turns into a hilarious documentary on how everything went wrong.
The episodes feature plenty of references and jokes that callback to the movie:
- Director Edgar Wright has his name changed to Edgar Wrong.
- Lucas Lee incredulously asks how anyone could fall for being tricked into grinding on a rail to their death when reading the script, referring to how he died in the movie.
- The actresses playing Knives and Ramona question their motivation, that neither knows they're dating Scott.
- Matthew Patel shuts the production down upon finding out he easily dies in the first fight.
- The song Black Sheep by Metric that introduced Envy Adams returns from the movie, this time with the audience singing it.
- The entire script is a plot point later, as Future Ramona tries to sabotage Future Scott's plans with it.
Comic book callbacks include the title of the first episode being Scott Pilgrim's Precious Little Life, as was the title of the first volume of the graphic novel, as well as the movie they're filming in episodes 4 and 5. Many other callbacks to the movie and graphic novel are made when Scott sees Future Scott's life in the Virtual Boy-style simulator, including the original fate of the Evil Exs.
6) Nintendo references

Scott Pilgrim Takes Off has plenty of references to Nintendo, starting with the Triforce from the Legend of Zelda series showing up whenever a title card introducing a character pops up. It is one of the more blatant ones for Nintendo fans, though more persist throughout the series.
Episode 7, aka 2 Scott 2 Pilgrim, featured more Nintendo references that were blatant. There's a massive Gameboy/Gameboy Advanced SP vault door that's used to enter Future Scott's VR room. There's the Virtual Guuy, aka the Virtual Boy, being used to showcase Future Scott's memories to Young Scott.
Detective Pikachu is namedropped by Present Scott when talking to Future Ramona about famous detectives after she namedrops Columbo. A video game urban legend about Nintendo is referenced when Future Wallace's husband was revealed to work at Nintendo, only this time it's real as opposed to the urban legend My Uncle Works At Nintendo.
7) Bubblegum Crisis
A more obscure anime reference in the Scott Pilgrim anime is the one made in episode 7, wherein Young Scott is shown a music video set to a remixed version of Konya wa Hurricane by Future Scott's new band. If that sounds familiar, that's because it's the opening to the cyberpunk anime Bubblegum Crisis from 1987.
The original song even plays over the credits in the very same episode. Bubblegum Crisis, for an anime that wore a lot of its cyberpunk influences on its sleeves, had a very city-pop theme used in its pilot episode. It's not uncommon to hear music that clashes with what happens in a series as an opening.
According to behind-the-scenes interviews, co-writer BenDavid Grabinski showed series creator Brendan O'Malley the film Streets of Fire, which made O'Malley think of Bubblegum Crisis. This, in turn, made Grabinski suggest the song for that scene as they discussed how Konya wa Hurricane was an homage and remix of Streets of Fire's song Nowhere Fast.
8) Into the Woods

Into the Woods is referenced twice in the Scott Pilgrim anime: in episode 2 at Scott's funeral when Knives accuses Ramona of killing Scott, and then in episode 6 when Matthew Patel shows Knives and Stephen his old theater days performing a one-man performance.
The line “You’re responsible, you’re the one to blame, it’s your fault!” Knives Chau yells at Ramona at Scott's funeral is a direct quote of the ending verse from the song Your Fault from Into The Woods. The context of the musical is that everyone is assigning blame and nothing is being accomplished doing so, much like how blaming Ramona for Scott's death doesn't help.
The other moment is when Knives and Stephen approach Matthew with an offer to star and produce Young Neil's script as a musical starring him in episode 6. Matthew strokes his ego by showing the two a one-man show he performed, where he sang both parts of Agony. The context for Agony is Cinderella and Rapunzel's princes singing about how their lovers are just out of their reach, which Patel can relate to.
9) Columbo

Columbo was namedropped at least three times in the Scott Pilgrim anime. The first time was in episode 1, where Ramona told Scott she grew up on mostly older shows like Columbo reruns. The reference even extends to the series proper, as it turned from a "beat the Evil Ex League" story from Scott's point of view into a detective story with Ramona as the lead.
The second time Columbo was referenced was in episode 3, when Julie called Ramona Columbo, sarcastically at first, though she does get invested when it comes to listing off suspects. Ramona goes around trying to eliminate suspects, stumbling into clues as the titular detective does.
The final reference is Future Ramona talking to Young Scott in the future when he breaks into her home with Future Wallace in episode 7. She named Columbo as a famous detective who never gave up after Young Scott told her that her past self never gave up on searching for answers about his disappearance.
10) Many movie references

As stated prior, there are many references to the Scott Pilgrim film in the anime. What's also true is that there are many references to other films in the Scott Pilgrim anime as well. One of the more blatant is Future Ramona's Back to the Future time travel skates, which she repurposed from an old DeLorean that go back through time when she hits 88 miles per hour (141 kilometers) in episode 7.
But other references are hidden in the series. Young Neil's room has plenty of movie posters, including clear references to The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly and Fight Club in episode 3. Roxie and Ramona's fight scene takes them across movie genres like black-and-white detective films, wuxia films, yakuza films, and Westerns, ending in an adventure/war film with a plane getting shot up and going down.
The movie studio tour Young Neil takes Ramona on in episode 4 is full of movie references in the background that run across the screen, from ET escaping CDC agents to a blue King Ghidorah from Godzilla, the plant Audry II from Little Shop of Horrors, and a pink Xenomorph from Alien. Episode 7's title, 2 Scott 2 Pilgrim, is also a reference to 2 Fast, 2 Furious from the Fast and Furious franchise.
11) Many video game references

Aside from all the overt Nintendo references, other video games feature heavily in the Scott Pilgrim anime. The combination to enter Future Scott's VR Room in episode 7 is the Shoryuken or Dragon Punch Combo from Street Fighter. Even Older Scott in episode 8 is modeled after Street Fighter's Evil Ryu, with red eyes, darker skin, and hatred for their counterpart.
The series' logo was rendered similarly to Street Fighter's font. Other video game references include the ways the titles of each episode, except episode 7, are styled after different pixel art-age video game fonts:
- Episode 1, aka Scott Pilgrim's Precious Little Life, is styled in Super Mario Bros font.
- Episode 2, A League of Their Own, is styled in Street Fighter II's font, specifically the Champion Edition.
- Episode 3, Ramona Rents a Video, is rendered in Bubble Bobble font.
- Episode 4, Whatever, is modeled after Skate or Die's font.
- Episode 5, Lights. Camera. Sparks?!, burrows a font style from the Nintendo Entertainment System (NES) Mega Man games.
- Episode 6, WHODIDIT, has its font modeled after the NES port of Pac-Man.
- The finale of season 1, episode 8, aka The World Vs Scott Pilgrim, has its font modeled after Clash at Demonhead.
Another is in episode 2, during Matthew and Gideon's fight, where the demon girls yell "He's on fire!" after Gideon gets dunked on by a fireball on a basketball court. It's a clever reference to NBA Jam, where the catchphrase originated. Two Metal Gear Solid-style "Alert!" exclamation points pop up over Ramona's head in episode 6 with the accompanying sound effects.
12) Many anime references

Episode 4 ends with a very clearly Gurren Lagann-inspired fight between Lucas and the paparazzi. They both clash skateboards until, despite his board breaking and being thrown into an empty studio, Lucas Lee wins out. It's a very clear reference/homage to the Studio Trigger anime's drill-based fights and clashes in general.
Roxie and Ramona's fight in episode 3 ends with the two being exhausted, side by side, lying next to each other in the rain (actually the sprinklers from the destroyed video store they fought in). This is visually identical to Naruto and Sasuke's final fight in the Naruto anime, except Ramona and Roxie don't lose one of their arms.
Other anime references include Todd going into his super form instantly after eating one vegetable Ramona provides in episode 8, which is similar to the Super Saiyan form in Dragon Ball Z, the opening being similar to the opening of Beck: Mongolian Chop Squad, and the rocket punch Robot-01 attempts against Even Older Scott first debuted in the older mecha anime Mazinger Z.
13) The guest stars
Most of the cast from the 2010 movie returning has already been discussed before. The guest stars, however, are something that people may not notice at first unless they scan through the Scott Pilgrim anime's credits. One of the first and most notable is "Weird" Al Yankovic, who played the Documentary Narrator from episode 5, introducing the documentary.z
The second is Will Forte, best known for playing Abe Lincoln in Clone High and MacGruber, who voices Old Scott and Even Older Scott in episodes 7 and 8. Simon Pegg and Nick Frost, known for playing main characters Shaun and Ed in Shaun of the Dead, are the two wisecracking security guards on the movie set in episodes 4 and 5.
Kevin McDonald, the voice of Pleakley from Lilo and Stitch, plays director Edgar Wrong in episodes 4 and 5. The Japanese voices of Rose Orina and Cid Kageno in Eminence in Shadow, Haruka Shiraishi and Seiichiro Yamashita, play a romantic high school couple in an anime Gideon and Lucas watch in episode 6.
Others include:
- Kal Penn, aka Kumar from Harold and Kumar go to White Castle, as Matthew Patel's lawyer.
- Finn Wolfhard, aka Mike Wheeler from Stranger Things, voices Teen Scott Pilgrim in flashbacks.
- Stephen Root, Bill from King of the Hill, voices the nanomachines that infected Scott in episode 8.
- Kirby Howell-Baptiste, aka Kirby, Simone Garnett from The Good Place, playing Lucas Lee's manager in episodes 4 and 8.
14) The soundtrack
Soundtracks usually don't contain Easter eggs or references of their own. The one for the Scott Pilgrim anime has quite a few. The same people who worked on the soundtrack for the video game, Anamanaguchi, did the original soundtrack for the anime.
The parody of Mortal Kombat by The Immortals that plays during the credits of episode 8, blaring out all the names of the cast and combatants much like the original song did with the MK fighters from the movie, was made by them. The chiptune version of God Only Knows, a classic love song by The Beach Boys that plays over the Scott Pilgrim anime's epilogue, was likewise performed by them.
Other references include And They Were Roommates, a double reference to a writing trope wherein roommates become romantic partners, and plays over flashbacks to Roxie and Ramona's relationship that fit the trope. Yet Another Winter Again is a reference to the video game's soundtrack, a sequel to Another Winter from the game.
15) Famous people

The Scott Pilgrim anime has plenty of references to famous people. Young Neil wears a "Cronenberg for President" shirt during the behind-the-scenes documentary filming in episode 5. David Cronenberg is a Canadian body-horror film director born in Toronto and best known for such films as Scanners and Videodrome.
Young Neil also appears to pose in the very famous Steve Jobs pose, where Jobs is stroking his beard with his thumb, on the cover of his autobiography, which Ramona was forced to turn into a screenplay in episode 7. Steve Jobs was most famous for the creation of Apple computers.
The last spot goes to the "To our friend, Doug Sherwood" message during the credits of the final episode. Doug Sherwood was the production assistant behind the final two volumes of the graphic novel, Scott Pilgrim vs. The Universe and Scott Pilgrim’s Finest Hour. He was also a huge influence on the film. He passed away in January 2023; the Scott Pilgrim anime is dedicated to him.
Final Thoughts
The Scott Pilgrim anime is chock full of references to pop culture, gaming, anime, and much more. This is a truism to Scott Pilgrim in general, as even bands like S*x Bob-Omb, The Clash at Demonhead, and Crash and the Boys are named after video games.
This proves just how much love of pop culture, past and present, resonates with Brendan O'Malley and the others working on the Scott Pilgrim anime. As fans eagerly await news of a possible season 2, these easter eggs and references should inspire fans to rewatch the series.