Attack on Titan ended on November 5, 2023. The finale has been called many things by fans, with everyone having opinions ranging from it being the worst finale to one of the most bittersweet and better than the manga. Looking back, there are plenty of moments that set Attack on Titan fans' hearts alight from start to finish.
Regardless of how fans felt about the ending, Attack on Titan is remembered fondly for all the moments that took fans by storm. From the entirety of the opening to Erwin's last charge to the finale, Attack on Titan has many moments for fans to geek out and cherish in its well over a decade as a series.
Disclaimer: The following article will contain major Attack on TItan spoilers, including the finale of the show. Content warning for canon typical violence. Any opinions are exclusive to the author.
The 25 best Attack on Titan moments worth rewatching the series for, ranked based on impact and memorability
25) The mystery of Ragako

If any Attack on Titan fan doesn’t remember Connie’s village of Ragako, here’s a brief rundown. The entirety of Ragako's population vanished overnight, with the entire village destroyed and yet no blood or bodies around. At first, hope is kindled that people escaped but all the horses are still in the stables and unharmed.
The mystery was further compounded by the village’s one remaining occupant slumped over Connie’s house: Connie's mother in Titan form. The mystery is answered later on: The Beast Titan Zeke Yeager and a group of Marleyans spread a gas infused with his spinal fluid into the village and Zeke transformed them all into Titans. It was a horrifying discovery, mystery, and reveal.
24) Titans in the Walls

The Titans were always threats from outside the walls, that threatened anyone foolhardy enough to venture out. The Walls of Paradis were supposed to represent safety and security and were even used as propaganda for why people shouldn't venture outside, as one of the big lies in Attack on Titan.
In the aftermath of Annie vs. Eren, a piece of one of the walls cracks to reveal tens of millions of Colossal Titans waiting to be unleashed. This is quite a scare for the people of Paradis, and a mystery that continued until the final season of the series. They were placed there as the ultimate deterrent by King Fritz, as protection for the people of Eldia.
23) Levi's debut

Captain Levi Ackerman is one of the most popular characters in the Attack on Titan fandom. One look into his debut tells the entire story as to why. He’s quickly shown to be humanity's strongest soldier, who slices up Titans like they are meat and then goes into cleaning mode straight thereafter.
Having to save Eren's life when they didn't like each other at first was probably not the highlight of Levi's day, nor was being given command of him after a trial where he beat him up. Levi and Eren didn't quite see eye-to-eye after that, but they worked as a team well enough from that point forward.
22) Annie revealed as the female Titan
Admittedly, once people got a good look at the Female Titan it was very obvious who it was. That didn’t make the heartstopping reveal that Annie was indeed the Female Titan any less tense. This is especially true since the Scouts were in a confined space with Annie, which may have killed some since Annie decided to transform anyway.
She wasn’t the easiest to fight either. With her close-quarters combat training combined with her size and speed, she was Eren’s first fight as a Titan Shifter and one of his first “human” opponents to fight in Attack on Titan at that point. Annie’s reveal as the Female Titan opened the floodgates for the possibility of Titan infiltrators on Paradis, which proved to be correct.
21) The Warrior Trio's backstories

Annie, Bertholdt, and Reiner were reviled as traitors in the Attack on Titan fandom once their Titan abilities were revealed and their true allegiances likewise. Their backstories all being revealed, as in how they got to Paradis and what they had to do, lessened this reaction and turned it around.
Annie was forced to be a weapon and assume the mantle of the Female Titan, Reiner was shoved into the role of a soldier, and likewise with Bertholdt. Their personal tragic stories all end up being key in their eventual redemptions, with Reiner having the most screentime since Bertholdt died and Annie was crystallized.
20) Eren getting kidnapped by Bertholdt and Reiner

Eren's Titan Shifting abilities weren't just condemned by the rest of the military or considered Hange's new pet project, they also made him a target for kidnapping. Bertholdt and Reiner's kidnapping attempt wasn't as simple as stealthily grabbing him in the middle of the night.
In true Attack on Titan fashion, Eren's kidnapping is as over-the-top as it can get. Eren and Reiner's Titan wrestling match is interrupted when a cornered Bertholdt, in Colossal Titan form, falls off of Wall Rose and grabs Eren in his mouth. It's one of the most shocking and downright scary images in the entire series.
19) Krista's true identity revealed
When Krista first premiered in Attack on Titan, she was considered a good-natured person to an almost unhealthy degree. This is because her true identity was Historia Reiss, the illegitimate child of Rod Reiss. Finally embracing her true identity was freeing, though it took her gaining all of the prior memories forcibly to do so.
Her identity was revealed when she landed the killing blow on Rod Reiss' Titan, and she was crowned the true Queen of the Walls. It was an uplifting and liberating moment when the chains and binds of the oppressive Reiss family brainwashing were finally lifted.
18) Eren gains the Founder's memories

To modern anime fans, what Eren went through with getting all the Founder Titan's memories is akin to a victim of Satoru Gojo's Domain Expansion or getting hit by Cosmo from Chainsaw Man. Eren got to see into infinity and understand the truth behind everything upon kissing Historia's hand.
That meant all the memories and powers were swirling around his head at the same time. The past, the present, and the future all combined within Eren's consciousness to make him effectively a walking husk or a puppet. Despair was high within him upon this event, even if the audience wouldn't understand that until the very end.
17) Gabi shoots off Eren's head

Gabi Braun had it rough since the raid on Liberio. She lost two of her friends, nearly lost her parents, and got no satisfaction out of killing Sasha. When on Paradis, she and Falco were nearly killed a fair few times and had all their beliefs shattered.
By the time Gabi shot off Eren's head, she had fully thrown off the Marleyan propaganda she had been fed all her life. It is the culmination of her character arc: throwing aside Eldian and Marleyan prejudice and just trying to stop the deaths of millions. The headshot itself is an amazing shot, done to stop Eren and Zeke from touching and combining their powers.
16) Eren's Rumbling plan revealed

Genocide is never a good plan for any situation. Killing off everyone, or just most people, in any given area is never going to stop the conflict. Code Geass had that lesson, Dragon Ball Z had that lesson, and even Attack on Titan had that lesson. To clarify, after starting the Rumbling, Eren revealed his grand plan to all Subjects of Ymir.
His grand plan was that he would trample on the world with the Rumbling and never stop until all humanity outside Paradis was dead since humanity proved they'd never stop trying to destroy Paradis or its people. He reveals this in The Paths, with his visage being seen by many people and remaining an iconic shot for the final arc.
15) The Raid on Liberio

A few years had passed since the failed attempt to acquire the Coordinate and Founding Titan's powers. Marley had been busy with wars with other countries, whereas Paradis was struggling to establish itself as a country. As everyone listened to Willy Tybur's declaration of war at night in Liberio, Eren sprang out from underneath an apartment in Titan form and consumed him.
This started the raid on Liberio, which saw the Marleyan military command decapitated, Liberio wrecked, and Eren obtaining the War Hammer Titan's abilities. The Scouts raided Liberio for one reason: to extract Eren and nab Zeke. Though that plan was successful, everything went wrong when Gabi and Falco were able to board their escaping airship.
14) The Marley counterattack on Paradis

Liberio being destroyed didn't mean things were good for the people of Paradis. Following a coup d'etat by an Eren-obsessed militant faction called the Jaegerists, a Marleyan strike force attacked Paradis with Reiner leading the charge. To the Marleyans, it was a two-fold mission: rescue Gabi and Falco and then kill Eren Yeager.
To the people of Paradis, it was a straight invasion. The fight was bloody on both ends, descending into chaos and confusion when Zeke entered the battlefield and destroyed the Marley airships. The arrival of Pure Titans thanks to Zeke also turned the fight from army vs. army to a fight for survival.
13) Eren manipulates everyone via The Paths

As Zeke and Eren stood in The Paths and watched the entirety of Attack on Titan's history play out, Eren did the impossible. Eren was able to reach into The Paths, talk to the Founder Ymir, and manipulate every single major event in the series. This means that everything from the Reiss family being massacred to his mom being eaten was Eren's fault.
This entry is shocking to all involved since it represents Eren breaking control away from Zeke and taking the reins himself. Instead of the Eldian euthanization plan of Zeke's that would resign the Subjects of Ymir to a slow death, Eren took control and decided on The Rumbling.
12) Erwin Smith's last charge
Final stands are always going to be sad. Whether it's one person holding the line against a ceaseless onslaught, or an attempt to buy time for an evacuation, fiction is chock-full of these moments. Erwin's last charge is one of the best examples of this in Attack on Titan.
The music, the slow motion, and the sheer amount of death on display to buy Levi time and distract the Beast Titan makes it all the more sadder. Erwin Smith sacrificed many to get things done and carried that guilt even into his death. His survival after being severely injured threw everyone for a loop.
11) Levi vs Beast Titan
As a followup to Erwin's charge, Levi fighting the Beast Titan is one of Attack on Titan's most cathartic moments owing to how much Zeke Yeager took from the Scouts. Zeke transformed Connie's village into Titans, killed Miche, Lynne, and Henning, and then his perfect baseball throws of debris slaughtered most of the Scouts sent to reclaim the Shingashina district and put Erwin in critical condition.
How fitting it was, then, that he felt fear when Levi cut through Zeke's backup and began slicing him up with inhuman speed. Zeke's only saving grace was Pieck coming to extract him and more Titans surrounding Levi, otherwise he would've died there. It was the first time Levi and Zeke fought in Attack on Titan and the most memorable.
10) Eren gets the Coordinate and kills the Smiling Titan
Some stories have revenge treated like a poison that drags down the person getting it as much as their target. Others, like when Eren got the coordinate, treat it as sweet. The Smiling Titan had, by that point, killed Eren's mom, killed Hannes, and had been one of Eren's targets and nightmares for a long time.
Eren roaring and ordering the other Titans to kill the Smiling Titan was extremely cathartic for everyone involved at the moment. All the reveals that happened later on made it sad, but added yet another layer of mystery to Titans and Eren's Titan abilities.
9) Hange Zoe's heroic sacrifice
Heroic sacrifices aren't new to Attack on Titan, though one of the last was Hange Zoe. As Floch had disabled the Scout-Marley plane with his last act, the engineers needed time to repair the damage as a contingent of colossal Titans approached them. As everyone contemplated who was going to buy them time, Hange stepped up.
After passing command of the Scout Regiment to Armin, and getting a rare "Give Your Heart" salute from Levi, Hange took to the air with nothing but blades and a couple of Thunder Spears to slow the advance of the Colossal Titans. Hange managed to kill at least 13-15 Colossal Titans before exploding.
The anime adds the track Bauklötze by Hiroyuki Sawano and Mika Kobayashi, as well as the sight of all the fallen soldiers welcoming Hange home.
8) Levi giving the Titan Serum to Armin

This entry counts as two things: Bertholdt's death and Levi's giving the Titan Serum to Armin. Bertholdt's death was a long time coming, considering all the problems that he caused as the Colossal Titan. It took quite an effort, especially Armin burning himself alive in the Colossal Titan's steam.
Bertholdt's capture combined with Erwin's survival then led to a sadistic decision: who gets the Pure Titan serum, Armin or Erwin? The decision is ultimately left up to Levi, who recalls that Erwin wanted to die with his troops. Ultimately, Levi revives Armin, and Bertholdt is consumed by Armin's Pure Titan.
7) Sasha's death

The shot heard around Attack on Titan, and the fandom, is still sad upon a rewatch. After so many harrowing close calls against people and Titans, Sasha Braus died onboard an airship after being shot lethally by Gabi Braun. It was a loud moment in a moment of relief, almost a jumpscare quality death.
It reinforced the idea that even popular characters weren't safe but also made everyone in the story and the fandom wrathful against Gabi. It was also the start of Gabi's eventual deradicalization and deprogramming from Marley's propaganda about Eldia.
6) Mikasa and Eren's meeting as children

A quieter and understated moment in Attack on Titan is Eren and Mikasa's first meeting. Mikasa was targeted by human traffickers when she was young due to being the last of the Azumabito family within the walls. Her parents were killed, and Eren rescued her by killing two of her attackers.
The third nearly strangulated Eren before Mikasa jumped into action when Eren called her for help. That day Mikasa learned how cold and cruel the world could be, killing the bandit. She was given a red scarf, which she wore all the time, and established the longest-running relationship in Attack on Titan up until the finale.
5) The Truth of Grisha Yeager’s Basement revealed

There are many mysteries throughout Attack on Titan, one is the contents of Grisha Yeager's basement. When the Scouts finally secured the Shingashina district, they were finally able to open the doors and see what lay within. The reveals fundamentally shook the series and the characters.
The first reveal is that Paradis is not the last bastion of humanity as was previously thought. The second is the Eldian plotline and history was introduced with documents, photographs, and accompanying dark flashbacks to Grisha Yeager's childhood in Marley. Everything escalated once all the truths came out.
4) Eren turns into The Attack Titan

One of the many plot twists in Attack on Titan was Titan Shifters, people that could turn into Titans. Nobody was expecting Eren Yeager to turn into one, especially when he got eaten. This set up a major mystery of what exactly occurred to make Eren a Titan. That would be answered later on in the series, the point of this entry is Eren as The Attack Titan and how brutal he was as one.
It was a moment that had everyone holding their breath, as nobody knew if Eren would eat people like regular Titans or just keep destroying Titans when he rescued Mikasa. It came as a relief to many that Eren continued his bloody fight against the Titans, having a huge advantage now that he was one.
3) The final battle against Eren

Where all words and peaceful attempts to divert Eren from the path of genocide failed, The time for talking to Eren was over. The Scouts and Marleyan forces teamed up to attack Eren in a final battle for the fate of all humanity in Attack on Titan's finale.
Attack on Titan's final battle features Eren having multiple forms, Ymir calling on all the Titans from across the ages, Mikasa's doubts manifesting in a vision, all the other Titans coming to help stop Eren, Zeke's death, and many other moments among the highlights like the Eldians and Marleyans throwing their guns down.
The Rumbling stopped with Zeke's death. The fight ended with Eren's decapitation by Mikasa. Everyone's memories were given back to them, all the Titans were destroyed, and peace could finally be worked on.
2) The Rumbling
The most terrifying moment in Attack on Titan, aside from the Colossal Titan's first appearance in the very first episode, is when The Rumbling started. From the epic scream that Eren makes which releases all the Colossal Titans from The Walls, to the nightmarish sight of people being crushed, The Rumbling will stay with anime fans for years.
The Rumbling's effects are horrifying: 80% of the human population was wiped out, alongside many animals and plants, leaving nothing but scorched earth behind. Stopping it was a Titanic effort that killed several people, alongside the millions trampled underfoot.
1) The Fall of Wall Maria
The explosive beginning of Attack of Titan topped many “shocking moments” lists when it premiered and still does to this day. An average day in the Shingashina District in Wall Maria is shattered when the Colossal Titan appears and kicks a massive hole in the wall. This lets Titans through and leads to many deaths, including Eren’s mother Carla Yeager.
This is considered Attack on Titan’s best moment because of how frequently it's called back to, and how it set Eren on the course of bloody revenge that defined his character. The Colossal Titan, the Armored Titan, and the Smiling Titan premiered, and the audience was given a preview of the canon's typical violence that would define the series with Titans eating people.
Attack on Titan's anime went on for 10 years, from 2013 to 2023. That's 10 years of Titan fighting, human fighting, and many themes like war, oppression, freedom, and escalation of fighting being useless. Though the series finale is always going to be a controversial moment for plenty of Attack on Titan fans, they still celebrate the series that gave so many moments to look back on.
Readers are to note that this list was considered for a top '25 moments list' as Attack on Titan has so many moments that it can be very hard to choose from the best.
If any moment was left out, such as Armin standing up for Eren in front of the military tribunal, Attack on Titan fans are encouraged to add more in the comments.