One of the fascinating aspects of Dragon Ball Super for fans was Jiren, the enigmatic powerhouse of Universe 11. Fans were instantly drawn to him for his portrayal as a cool, calm, collected, and nearly unbeatable entity in the Tournament of Power arc.
Watching Goku eventually surpass Jiren during the Tournament of Power was also incredibly endearing to fans. It also established that just because you can beat a God of Destruction doesn’t mean you’re unbeatable by anything lower than that.
Here are three Dragon Ball characters who can beat Jiren easily and three who never will.
Dragon Ball characters who can beat Jiren with ease
1) Beerus

Although Jiren is said to be able to defeat a God of Destruction, it’s unlikely Beerus is at risk of suffering that defeat. Beerus has yet to use 100% of his powers in Dragon Ball Super thus far, whereas Jiren at 100% struggled against Mastered Ultra Instinct (MUI) Goku.
Considering MUI Goku isn’t even a challenge for Beerus yet, the God of Destruction could easily beat Jiren.
2) Goku

While Goku and Jiren were relatively evenly matched during the Tournament of Power, and once MUI came into play, Goku will eventually beat Jiren with ease. The Moro arc already saw Goku prioritizing his control over MUI, a critical factor in Goku’s survival versus Jiren.
Considering greater heights are likely on Goku’s horizon, there’s no doubt the Saiyan protagonist will eventually beat Jiren with ease.
3) Vegito

Especially after receiving Super Saiyan Blue during Dragon Ball Super’s Future Trunks arc, Vegito could undoubtedly beat Jiren with ease. A Fused individual's power is greater than the sum of their parts, and Vegito would also theoretically be able to access Ultra Instinct.
If Vegito and Jiren were to ever meet in battle, there’s no doubt the Fused Saiyan would easily win.
Dragon Ball characters who never will beat Jiren
1) Hit

Hit’s main attack style focuses heavily on the Time-Skip, and his use of the technique to disorient and confuse opponents. Unfortunately for Hit, the Tournament of Power arc proved that the Time-Skip doesn’t work on Jiren.
Barring some massive powerup via a transformation or new fighting style, it seems unlikely Hit will ever be able to defeat Jiren (with ease or not).
2) Piccolo

Piccolo’s main problem when facing Jiren is simply being unable to match the power level such a fight necessitates. Piccolo’s last powerup was the Super Namekian form after fusing with Kami, and while it kept him relevant through Dragon Ball Z, it isn’t enough for Super.
Like Hit, Piccolo would need some new potent transformation or technique to hope to beat Jiren.
3) Future Trunks

Unfortunately for Future Trunks, even his new Super Saiyan Rage form wouldn’t have a chance against Jiren. Vegeta needed Super Saiyan Blue even to dodge Jiren, let alone hit and damage the Pride Trooper.
Being stuck in standard Super Saiyan transformation levels gives Trunks simply no hope of ever beating Jiren, easily or at all.
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This article was modified on Thursday, June 29, at 5:46 pm.