Heading into chapter 161, which is set to release on Wednesday, April 3, 2024, at 12 a.m. Japanese Standard Time, Chainsaw Man fans are eagerly awaiting what’s next in the Denji Rescue arc. Likewise, the previous chapter saw Asa Mitaka’s rescue team gain two new allies while also earning the ire of the yet-named Devil Hunter, who promises to come back with someone or something that can kill them all.
Unsurprisingly, Chainsaw Man fans immediately began discussing what or whose return could be set up by these words, theorizing it to be a Devil or Devil Hunter most likely. While there’s little to no evidence on who or what this could be as of this article’s writing, there are nevertheless some likely and unlikely options given the current story.
Quanxi and 3 other Chainsaw Man characters whose returns may come soon
1) Lady Reze

As the last Weapons Hybrid yet to be reintroduced in part 2, many Chainsaw Man fans agree that Lady Reze is one of, if not the single, most likely returns being set up heading into chapter 161. A foundational piece of evidence that suggests this is that the other Weapons Hybrids have either joined up with Public Safety or the Chainsaw Man Church. Since Reze wasn’t with the latter, it’s expected that she has allied herself with the former.
Reze also qualifies in the context of being able to kill all of Asa Mitaka’s group, being one of the most powerful Devils introduced in the series thus far. While War Devil Yoru’s power has been shown to be increasing, it’s still unclear if she’s able to defeat the Bomb Devil in a fight, especially considering she seemingly wanted to avoid fighting Katana Man and Nail Fiend.
2) Hirofumi Yoshida

Similarly, Hirofumi Yoshida’s reappearance in chapter 161 or beyond would lead to a rematch between him and War Devil Yoru, finally bringing an end to their unfinished conflict. Yoshida’s reappearance would also fit in with the theories that he’s being forced to work with Public Safety, possibly revealing his true feelings of wanting to see Denji saved.
This could also lead to Yoshida betraying Public Safety like Katana and Nail recently did, deciding he’d rather save Denji than continue securing a position in Public Safety. At a minimum, however, it would give fans the Yoru versus Yoshida rematch they’ve been begging to see since their first fight ended so abruptly.
3) Quanxi (Bow Hybrid)

Having already been confirmed as working for Public Safety and seemingly being loyal to them, Quanxi fits perfectly in with the aforementioned unnamed Devil Hunter’s threat to Asa and co. Known as the First Devil Hunter specifically, she has proven to have the skills needed to take on everyone in Asa’s group and come out victorious, with her reputation further suggesting this.
Quanxi also has beef with Denji from the past, further explaining why she may want to stop his rescue and see him become a tool of Public Safety like her. It’s also entirely possible that she has another personal reason to see this become Denji’s fate beyond her prior experiences with her, especially given her apparent closeness to Fumiko Mifune.
4) Miri Sugo (Sword Hybrid)

While Miri Sugo was last seen as a member of the Chainsaw Man Church, Quanxi did presumably take him into custody after defeating him in a fight at the theme park several chapters ago. Likewise, with his faith in the Church shown to be waning in the buildup to this confrontation, it’s entirely possible that Sugo has switched sides to Public Safety.
The naivety and almost willingness to be given orders previously shown by him further suggest this as a possibility. While he may take issue with Public Safety and his task once he learns Asa and co. are planning to rescue Denji, his initial reappearance will likely come as both their enemy and a Public Safety worker.
Nayuta and 3 other characters who almost certainly won’t return
1) Kishibe

One of the biggest reasons why Chainsaw Man fan favorites are unlikely to return in chapter 161 stems from the context in which the series’ next major introduction has been given. Given his closeness to Denji and his obvious respect for him, as established in the final stages of part 1, it’s unlikely Kishibe would ever go along with stopping the young boy’s rescue operation.
In fact, it’s even more likely that Public Safety is keeping him as far away from Denji as possible, whether by relocation or simply swamping him with assignments to keep him busy. As a result, it seems unlikely that he is the one being set up for a return to stop Asa and co., although he almost certainly would have the power to do so in different circumstances.
2) Yuko

With Yuko’s apparent death almost certainly being caused by a member of the Chainsaw Man Church, given the Fire Devil reveal several issues ago, it’s unlikely that Public Safety is in control of her in any capacity. This includes the idea of having recovered her corpse and turned her into a weapon, which was previously revealed as their ultimate goal with Denji and Pochita (the Chainsaw Devil). In general, it’s simply unlikely that her return is the one being set up.
3) Control Devil Nayuta

While Control Devil Nayuta’s current location and status are unknown; it’s almost certain that Public Safety isn’t in control of her. Her last appearance is the biggest piece of evidence for this, with Barem Bridge having been by her with no Public Safety agents or Devil Hunters in the area. Yoshida also not telling Denji where Nayuta is during their recent talk further supports this.
There’s also the fact that, save for being controlled herself, Nayuta is unlikely to ever oppose the idea of or those who are actively working to rescue Denji from Public Safety. However, given that it seems unrealistic for the Control Devil to ever be truly controlled, it’s almost certain that her reappearance is not the one previously set up in chapter 160.
4) Barem Bridge (Flamethrower Hybrid)

Last but not least, Barem Bridge is almost certainly not the character being set up for a return with the Devil Hunter’s words in chapter 160. His allegiance to Famine Devil Fami alone suggests that he would support her endeavors no matter what, so her being in support of rescuing Denji immediately disqualifies him.
There’s also the fact that he’s as much of an enemy to Public Safety as nearly anyone else in the series currently is, making it unlikely that they would want to employ him. Overall, he’s possibly the least likely character to reappear in chapter 161 and beyond as an ally of Public Safety or enemy of Asa and co.
In conclusion
While there are several characters who may or may not return in the coming weeks, each category has one standout member. Lady Reze is undoubtedly the most likely to return, given that she’s the only Weapons Hybrid not to appear in part 2 thus far. On the other side, Barem Bridge seems the least likely to reappear, given his well-established allegiance to Famine Devil Fami and the Church.
Related links
Chainsaw Man chapter 161 official release date and time
Chainsaw Man chapter 160 highlights
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