The world of My Hero Academia is filled with tons of Pro Heroes. While half of the series focuses on the students preparing to be Heroes, the other half highlights the Pro Heroes with a heavy emphasis on All Might. All Might is not just any Hero in My Hero Academia; he is the world's greatest Hero to ever exist, and he serves as a symbol of peace.
Everything about him is meant to make civilians feel safe and give them hope. For the longest time, he served that purpose until he lost his quirk, and then evil ran amok. The likes of Endeavor and Hawk, the No.1 and No.2 Hero at the time, couldn't muster a larger-than-life presence.
This changes during the Final War arc. The next generation of Heroes usurp All Might's role and become the symbol of peace together. After they defeat All For One, the society becomes peaceful once more, and eight years later, the next-gen Heroes become prominent Heroes. Here are the four next-gen who surpass All Might and four who haven't.
Disclaimer: This article is based on the author's opinion and may contain spoilers.
4 Heroes who have surpassed All Might in
My Hero Academia
1) Deku

Deku ends My Hero Academia Quirkless, but he surpasses All Might in many ways. First, he masters One For All in ways that Toshinori Yagi, the previous owner of One For All, doesn't master. He does this by tapping into quirks that Toshinori didn't regularly use, such as Blackwhip, Danger Sense, and Smokescreen.
He also finally eliminates All For One, a task that All Might could not accomplish. This task puts him above All Might in My Hero Academia.
2) Bakugo

Bakugo in My Hero Academia doesn't start as a character favorite, but towards the series end, he becomes one of the most loved characters. Bakugo masters his explosive quirk to the point that he can deliver as much damage as All Might can and can come close to All Might in speed. He is one of the few Heroes who battles Tomura/All For One, and he does this despite him being on the brink of death.
Bakugo understands something that All Might doesn't: that everyone can be a Hero and that you don't need to do it all alone.
3) Shoto

Shoto doesn't just surpass All Might; he surpasses almost every Hero in the My Hero Academia series. He grows past the abuse at the hands of his father, rids himself of the bitterness and self-hate that were a part of him, and looks forward to the future while accepting the past.
With a background that could have easily led Shoto to become another version of Dabi and Endeavor, he turns kinder. He becomes the No.2 Pro Hero after finishing from UA High and carves an identity separate from Endeavor.

Before Izuku Midoriya became the holder of One For All, Lemillion was meant to inherit the quirk from All Might, and his inheriting would have been equally amazing. He is the most similar Hero to Toshinori and one of the most charismatic personalities in the entire series.
Lemillion always wants to save the day, and it doesn't matter how he does it. He protects Eri after he loses his powers, and when he regains them, he fights against the League of Villains.
4 Heroes who have not surpassed All Might in
My Hero Academia
1) Phantom Thief

Phantom Thief's quirk was a source of insecurity to him, but as My Hero Academia progressed, he accepted his ability. That ability becomes super useful at the end of the series as he copies Eraser Head's ability and uses it to delay Tomura Shigaraki. He also copies Warp Gate and uses the ability to split the League of Villains, a move that aids the Heroes to survive.
Eight years after the final battle, he becomes the No.10 Hero but doesn't surpass All Might's Heroics or ability.
2) Red Riot

Red Riot's character is similar to the hypermasculine anime characters of the late 1990s to the early 2000s. He ends as a Hero who inspires boys and younger men and cements his place as the No.12 Hero, but he doesn't surpass All Might in ability or heroics.
In the final war, he fights with several of his classmates against All For One. Though he nears death many times, he still musters enough willpower to protect Deku until he launches his final attack.
3) Uravity

Not many characters had an emotional ending like Uravity. In the epilogue, it is shown that she is undergoing some sort of PTSD, where she mourns Himiko Toga, a villain who saved her from death. Unlike many Heroes in My Hero Academia, Uravity is committed to helping others, and what she does eight years later is proof of that. She becomes a quirk counselor, supporting young children with their quirks around Japan.
4) Jet Black Hero: Tsukuyomi

Fumikage Tokoyami proved from his days in Class 1A that he was one of the strongest Heroes in My Hero Academia. Even as an inexperienced teenager, he overwhelms Moonfish, an insane psychopath in the League of Villains who has an extremely powerful quirk with ease.
During the final war, he battles All For One to a stalemate but eventually loses due to the latter's Rewind drug. Tsukuyomi doesn't surpass All Might because he is content with staying at the back. He is unlike Deku, Shoto, and Bakugo, who want to jump to the frontline.
Final thoughts
All Might's place as the most important Hero in My Hero Academia cannot be disputed. Apart from being the first symbol of peace in the world of My Hero Academia, his influence on the lives of many Heroes is shown in the series. Deku, Nighteye, Bakugo, and Shoto are heavily influenced by his actions, with all of them adopting his mantra of saving even at the risk of death.
All Might's influence never fully goes away. Instead, it trickles down into the next generations of Heroes who adopt bits of All Might but become their own heroes and form their legacies. Deku becomes an instructor at UA High School, Lemillion becomes the No.1 Hero, and Shoto becomes No.2. They each become Heroes in their own way and do what All Might never succeeded in doing; they all become a symbol of peace.
Also Read:
- Does Endeavor appear in My Hero Academia: Vigilantes? Explained
- The Shimura family's fate in My Hero Academia was unavoidable, and fans saying different are wrong
- Will a My Hero Academia prequel on All Might ruin or revive the series?