One Piece chapter 1113 is set to be released on April 29, 2024, and fans are shocked over the author killing so many One Piece characters in a single arc. First, it was Shaka, followed by Pythagoras, and the latest name on the list of dead characters was the most genius scientist on the Grand Line, Vegapunk. This came as he confirmed his message would start as soon as his heart stopped beating.
One Piece characters dying could be considered a rarity in the series as the author only kills characters if the plot desires a sacrifice. Ace died protecting his brother because Oda could have wanted Luffy to know that he had other people who cared for him and his crewmates.
The Egghead arc could be in its end stage and fans have been wondering which character will die for One Piece's plotline. Additionally, they have questions about which character could stay alive and whose deaths wouldn't make sense. This article will take a look at all of these with explanations.
Disclaimer: This article contains potential spoilers from the One Piece manga series and has the author's opinion.
Borsalino, and 3 other One Piece characters who could die in the Egghead arc
1) Saint Jaygarcia Saturn

One of the Five Elders and the person having powers based on the mythical creature Gyuki, Saint Saturn is one of the major antagonists of the Egghead arc. He arrived on Egghead Island a few chapters ago and has been a package full of surprises since then.
He could be one of the One Piece characters who could die in the Egghead arc. His death would bring Kuma to justice, who suffered his whole life because of him. Being the Warrior God of Science and Defense, Saturn was responsible for the experiments conducted on Kuma's body.
Kuma's survival could also act as a way for Saturn to die because he ordered his execution at the end of the experimentations. So, he could die at the hands of his leader, Imu, for his failure in the execution of the former warlord.
2) Bartholomew Kuma

The dark horse of One Piece and the former warlord, Bartholomew Kuma is a supporting character of the Egghead arc. He was introduced a few chapters after Saturn's arrival on Egghead Island. Despite being put through continuous experimentations, he was still alive and arrived in the nick of time to save his daughter, Jewelry Bonney.
His death could be an end for his character who served his purpose. The suffering he went through, the sacrifices he made, everything would end with Kuma giving his life.
Some fans speculate that his last role would be to transfer everyone to Elbaf Island, like how he dispersed the Straw Hats during the Sabaody arc. Keeping him alive could ruin his character and make the story look too gullible. So, he could be one of the One Piece characters who could die on Egghead Island.
3) Borsalino (Admiral Kizaru)

Admiral Kizaru is an admiral of the Marines and a supporting antagonist of the Egghead arc. He was present during the time of Kuma's experimentation and observed everything that happened to the former warlord.
He could be one of the One Piece characters who could die on Egghead Island as the characters could have mellowed in this arc. Kizaru has been a man of mysterious justice from the series' start, but fans have noticed him refusing to attack Sentomaru and Kuma because he felt bad for them.
One of the few characters that died in the past was Pedro. He was a mink who was always serious and was willing to do anything for victory. However, he sacrificed himself for the Straw Hats, thus showing how his character mellowed before he died. Kizaru followed suit and could die during the Egghead arc.
4) Franky

The shipwright of the Straw Hat Pirates, Franky is one of the supporting protagonists of the Egghead arc and one of the One Piece characters who could die in this arc. Although the majority of the fandom speculated Usopp to die (as one of the Straw Hat Pirates), Franky could be the one to leave the Straw Hats during the current arc.
His involvement in the Egghead could be considered the least, considering how the main focus has been on the Five Elders and Vegapunk. This could indicate that Franky is one of the One Piece characters who could die in this arc.
Additionally, in the anime series, Franky's voice actor, Kazuki Yao, could hardly speak his lines, showing that the character could need a voice actor change. As Toei Animation (the animation studio of One Piece) hasn't announced any changes, this could also indicate Franky is one of the One Piece characters to die in the upcoming chapters.
Lucci and 3 other One Piece characters who will likely survive the Egghead arc
1) Rob Lucci

Rob Lucci is a recurring antagonist of One Piece and one of the primary antagonists of Egghead arc. He was defeated by Monkey D Luffy during the Water 7 saga and returned during the Egghead arc to again be utterly defeated by the Straw Hat.
Lucci could be one of the One Piece characters who could likely survive the Egghead arc. He was seen in a miserable condition when he requested Saint Mars to save his friend, Kaku, to whom the Saint didn't comply.
This could indicate that Lucci could be defeated in the series as collateral damage to the Five Elders' destruction. However, he could also bounce back, just like he did after the Water 7 Saga, and make his entry into the series alive. So, even though he could be utterly defeated in the arc, he could be one of the One Piece characters who would still survive the arc.
2) Vegapunk York

The Vegapunk satellite that embodies the greed aspect and the traitor on Egghead, York is the supporting antagonist of Egghead arc. She was responsible for killing Shaka after he was trying to free Stella (the real Vegapunk).
York could be one of the One Piece characters who could survive the Egghead arc one way or another. In chapter 1113, she could be seen brainstorming, thinking of a way to spot Vegapunk's stream location as the Five Elders discussed using the Mother Flame on Egghead.
So, York could either forcibly activate the Mother Flame, as payback to the World Government for endangering her life with the Buster Call, or escape alongside the Gorosei after the arc concludes.
3) Jewelry Bonney

The daughter of Kuma and the girl who traveled to Egghead Island just to learn of a different truth than she had thought of, Bonney is one of the major protagonists of Egghead arc. She traveled to Egghead to kill Vegapunk but witnessed a different reality through Kuma's memories.
Bonney could be one of the One Piece characters who would likely survive the Egghead arc because her redemption, for all her suffering, could be to sail further. She is also considered by the fandom the next member of the Straw Hat Pirates, so, her survival could also make her a major part of the plotline.
4) Vegapunk Lilith

Vegapunk Lilith is one of the supporting protagonists of the Egghead arc and one of the One Piece characters who would likely survive the Egghead arc. She embodies the evil aspect.
After learning about the betrayal of York and the murders of her comrades (Shaka and Pythagoras), she was the only Vegapunk who showed remorse and wanted to take revenge against York. This could become the sole reason for the survival after Egghead arc.
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