Anime characters can come in many shapes and forms, although there is no denying that their designs can say a lot about them. In that regard, some characters have become iconic due to their designs, with the main reason being that they perfectly describe their personalities while there are others whose looks work as a major contrast.
There are some anime characters whose looks are a main element of their stories, such as Boa Hancock in One Piece or Sajin Komamura in Bleach, which is something that a lot of people need to take into account. Therefore, here are, in no particular order, five anime characters whose designs perfectly describe their personalities and five more who don't.
Disclaimer: This article contains spoilers for the series mentioned here. Any opinion expressed here belongs to the author and not Sportskeeda as a whole.
5 anime characters whose designs perfectly fit their personality
1) Katsuki Bakugo (My Hero Academia)

There is no denying that Katsuki Bakugo is not only one of the most popular parts of My Hero Academia but also one of the most popular anime characters in recent years. While many people like his characterization, most fans agree that his design is also one of the best in the entire series.
When it comes to his personality, Bakugo is rash, prone to anger, and arrogant, which is something that is at full display in his design. The pointy, sharp structure of his outfit and hairstyle and several weapons highlighting his explosive powers and personality create a strong contrast that makes him stand out from the crowd.
It is also worth pointing out that his design serves as a way to contrast with Izuku “Deku” Midoriya, the main character of My Hero Academia and Katsuki’s main rival. While Izuku’s design is a bit softer and friendly, Bakugo’s looks are meant to be a bit more threatening, which fits both characters' personalities and highlights why they clash so much.
2) Itachi Uchiha (Naruto)

Naruto is a series with many iconic designs, but Itachi Uchiha’s is one of the most celebrated in the franchise. The main reason is that the oldest Uchiha brother not only looks good, but his design can say a lot about his personality and the way he carries himself without needing author Masashi Kishimoto to drop a single word of description.
One look, readers and viewers are aware that he is Sasuke Uchiha’s older brother because they have a lot of physical similarities. However, Itachi’s tired and almost depressed eyes make a stark contrast. While not exclusive to him, his Akatsuki cloaks are one of the most iconic elements of the franchise and add to the dark feel of the character.
Furthermore, he wears his headband with the crossed Hidden Leaf Village logo. That already tells the audience that he is a rogue ninja, which is a great example of how to provide information through a visual medium, thus serving to further elevate Itachi as one of the most iconic anime characters of all time.
3) Zaraki Kenpachi (Bleach)

Bleach author Tite Kubo has become known worldwide because of his drawing skills and his world-class ability to develop character designs. This mangaka is known for developing a visual aesthetic that has gotten many people’s attention. Even his most irrelevant creations can stand out among most anime characters simply because of their looks.
In that regard, Zaraki Kenpachi is one of the best examples of how Kubo can come up with a character design that not only sticks in people’s minds but also reveals key information about the individual. Zaraki’s design describes a barbarian, a man who doesn’t care about his looks and is probably a savage in combat, which are all traits have defined him throughout the years.
There is no denying that Kubo has come up with other anime characters in Bleach whose designs might be more iconic but very few can capture the essence of their personalities as he did with Zaraki Kenpachi.
4) Boa Hancock (One Piece)

Boa Hancock was dubbed “the most beautiful woman in the world” in One Piece, so she had to be one of those anime characters whose design fit her personality. She is an empress and a beautiful woman, which are all captured in her design as she has a gorgeous yet imposing look, further emphasized by her notorious height.
Moreover, Hancock is known for having a very self-centered and arrogant personality, which is fully displayed through her luxurious outfits. Her powers involve turning the people attracted to her into stone, so her design as a beautiful woman makes perfect sense in terms of characterization and abilities.
5) Jotaro Kujo (JoJo's Bizarre Adventure)

As far as anime characters go, Jotaro Kujo is one of the most iconic in the entire medium, and his design plays a big role in that. He is the most popular and well-known JoJo in the franchise and the protagonist of the most popular part, Stardust Crusaders, which has also played a big role in his success throughout the years.
When it comes to his design, Jotaro’s outfit is based on a typical Japanese school uniform but depicted in a way that highlights his delinquent lifestyle. Furthermore, his massive body and height emphasize that he is a capable character, and his serious expressions serve to tell the reader or viewer that he is a very tough individual.
Author Hirohiko Araki has built a reputation for outlandish character designs throughout the years, but there is an argument to be made that he found the right balance with Jotaro. His success and popularity throughout the years only serve to emphasize that notion.
5 anime characters whose designs don't fit their personality
1) Sajin Komamura (Bleach)

As mentioned earlier, Tite Kubo is one of the most celebrated mangakas in crafting and designing memorable anime characters. One of the most interesting examples is Sajin Komamura. While other characters simply look cool, Komamura’s design is a major aspect of his characterization, and his arc wouldn’t be the same if he had looked different.
Komamura was rejected for most of his life because of his wolf-like features, to the point that he is introduced in the Soul Society arc wearing a helmet to hide his face. However, as the series goes by, he learns to embrace that side of his and becomes much more comfortable in his skin, which is a major aspect of his character.
On the other hand, one can look at Sajin and think that he is a savage beast, but he is quite noble and selfless. This is all by design, of course, as Kubo wanted to show with this Gotei 13 Captain that a person’s heart cannot be defined by how they look.
2) Gon Freecss (Hunter X Hunter)

Gon’s case is quite interesting, considering that his design earlier in Hunter X Hunter perfectly described his happy and simplistic personality. However, as the series goes on, particularly during the events of the Chimera Ant arc, his design starts to make a lot more contrast with his declining state of mind.
There are very few anime characters in battle shonen, particularly when it comes to the protagonists, who lose their minds the way Gon did after Pitou killed his mentor, Kite. This is shown as the main character becomes more agitated and aggressive, to the point of being willing to kill an innocent girl in Komugi just to get the revenge he wants.
The contrast of his classic, uplifting character design with the sheer hatred and rage he displays at Pitou makes for a notorious contrast.
3) Griffith (Berserk)

Berserk is a series filled with themes and symbolism, and one of the most notorious is the Luciferian contrast between Griffith’s personality and actions and his character design. He is not only one of the most well-written anime characters of all time but also one of its greatest villains, and his design helps in conveying how evil can look borderline angelic.
This contrast is further emphasized when he becomes Femto, the fifth member of the Godhand, and comes back to the mortal plane with his human look. His clean and almost divine look is a stark contrast to the evil deeds he commits throughout the story, which is something that author Kentaro Miura had in mind when crafting his characterization.
He is one of those anime characters whose design perfectly perfectly contrasts his personality and, more importantly, his actions.
4) Piccolo (Dragon Ball)

It is worth pointing out that, as far as anime characters of this ilk go, Piccolo’s case in Dragon Ball is quite similar to that of Gon in Hunter X Hunter. His looks and clothes, reminiscent of a demon, are meant to look evil because he started as the offspring of Demon King Piccolo. However, he would meet redemption and become a valuable ally to Goku and his friends.
He may look very imposing and intimidating to a lot of people, but he becomes a very noble individual who sacrifices himself to protect Gohan. This makes his design even more contrasting to his personality, especially after he fused with Kami, becoming the full entity that was the Nameless when he arrived on Earth centuries ago.
5) Ryu Asuka/Satan (Devilman)

Satan’s case in Devilman is very similar to that of Griffith in Berserk in the sense they are both very angelic-like beings who only serve chaos and their selfish wishes. In the case of the Devilman villain, there is an argument to be made that he is one of the first anime characters to follow this trend, with even someone like Griffith being influenced by him.
His real form as an angel depicts him as pure and beautiful but he is filled with disdain for human beings and has no qualms about manipulating the events across human history to get the results he craves. This is further emphasized by his use of demons to massacre humans and even going as far as using Akira Fudo, his so-called friend, to get what he wants.
Ultimately, Satan plays a role as a creature of evil and destruction across the Devilman series, with his angelic design serving as a major contrast.
Final thoughts
There are other anime characters whose designs fit their personalities perfectly and many more who don’t, but these are some of the best examples out there. They are not only from very prominent series but also serve quite well in explaining how these two categories work.
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