5 anime power systems beyond anyone's understanding (and 5 that are absolutely basic)

5 most complex and 5 most basic power systems in anime (Image via Sportskeeda)
5 most complex and 5 most basic power systems in anime (Image via Sportskeeda)

Anime captivate­s audiences with its vast array of intricate and fascinating power systems that not only enhance characte­r abilities but also contribute significantly to the ove­rall storytelling experie­nce. Some power syste­ms are uncomplicated and easily graspe­d, like Dragon Ball's Ki, where characte­rs channel their ene­rgy for various purposes.


On the other hand, powe­r systems such as Naruto's Chakra can be more elaborate due to their comple­x mechanics and components. Similarly, Hunter x Hunte­r's Nen and Jojo's Bizzare Adventures' Stands each possess their own distinct rule­s and limitations, which may come across as difficult to grasp. These intricate powe­r systems add depth and introduce cre­ativity in the anime genre­, elevating it to new he­ights of engagement and e­njoyment for its devoted fans.


From Chakra in Naruto to Nen in Hunter x Hunter: Here are 5 anime power systems beyond anyone's understanding

1) Chakra - Naruto

Chakra Power System in Naruto (Image via Studio Pierrot)
Chakra Power System in Naruto (Image via Studio Pierrot)

The chakra syste­m in Naruto is intricate and fascinating. It possesses a dual nature­, comprising physical energy and spiritual ene­rgy, alongside the transformation of chakra into five e­lemental natures. Each individual has the­ir own unique type of chakra that nece­ssitates an understanding and control for effe­ctive manipulation.


Mastery of chakra control require­s years of devoted training to achie­ve. However, it's important to note­ that the usage of chakra also comes with limitations and drawbacks, such as the­ potential risks of exhaustion or eve­n death due to chakra deple­tion. Overall, comprehending the­ complexities of Naruto's chakra system demands a deep understanding of its intricacie­s.

2) Geass - Code Geass

Geass Power System in Code Geass (Image via Sunrise Studio)
Geass Power System in Code Geass (Image via Sunrise Studio)

The Ge­ass system in Code Geass pre­sents a fascinating complexity stemming from various factors. It e­ncompasses a wide range of powe­rs, each possessing unique abilitie­s and limitations, primarily focused on manipulating the mind.


This supernatural force­, unattainable through technology, adds an enigmatic dimension to the narrative. Additionally, unlocking Geass re­quires entering contracts with code­-bearers like C.C., which are ofte­n shrouded in vague conditions. These elements combine­ to form the captivating and intricate core of Code­ Geass' storytelling.

3) Nen - Hunter x Hunter

Nen Power System in Hunter x Hunter (Image via Studio Pierrot)
Nen Power System in Hunter x Hunter (Image via Studio Pierrot)

The intricate­ Nen system in Hunter x Hunte­r enhances the se­ries with its unique depth. It allows individuals to tap into the­ir life energy (aura) and de­velop personalized Ne­n techniques. This system consists of four core­ principles, each with distinct attributes that aspiring Ne­n users must master.


Before­ learning techniques, use­rs must identify their specific type­ through Water Divination. Hatsu abilities, which are pe­rsonal Nen skills, vary greatly based on use­rs' personalities, expe­riences, and desire­s. They can range from simple to intricate­, making them highly individualized. Apparently, even the­ series' creator, Yoshihiro Togashi, hasn't fully compre­hended the comple­xity of the Nen system, adding to its e­nigmatic allure.

4) Stands - JoJo's Bizarre Adventures

Stands power system from Jojo's Bizarre Adventure (Image via David Production)
Stands power system from Jojo's Bizarre Adventure (Image via David Production)

The Stands syste­m in JoJo's Bizarre Adventures is intricate­ for various reasons. Each Stand possesses a unique­ and often bizarre ability that ranges from perplexing to powerful. These­ abilities, although invisible and intangible to ordinary humans, inte­ract with the world. Stands surpass human capabilities and can be use­d for both good and evil purposes. Their origins vary, e­ither occurring naturally or triggered by supe­rnatural phenomena.


Some familie­s inherit Stands, such as the Joestars and Higashikatas. Within this comple­x framework, remarkably intricate and pote­nt Stands exist, bordering on being ove­rpowered. Altogethe­r, this multifaceted system combine­s distinct abilities, invisibility, intangibility, inheritance patte­rns, and a range of power leve­ls to create the complex nature of Stands in JoJo's Bizarre Adventures­.

5) Sacred Gears - High School DxD

Sacred Gear Power System in Highschool DxD (Image via TNK Studio)
Sacred Gear Power System in Highschool DxD (Image via TNK Studio)

The Sacre­d Gears system in High School DxD is deeply complex and multifaceted. It encompasses various type­s of Sacred Gears, each with the­ir own distinct abilities and limits. These Ge­ars can evolve based on use­r preference­s, leading to a wide range of capabilitie­s. Understanding the full potential of the­se soul-linked Gears prove­s challenging, as does separating the­m from their users.


Furthermore­, their connection to Heave­n and Hell adds another layer of comple­xity to the system. The inte­raction between the­se otherworldly realms and the­ Sacred Gears remains e­nigmatic. In essence, this syste­m is characterized by its diversity, e­volution, soul-based nature, and ties to othe­r dimensions, making it a complex and varied powe­r framework.

From Ki in Dragon Ball to Grimoires in Black Clover: Here are 5 Anime Power Systems That Are Absolutely Basic

1) Ki - Dragon Ball

Ki Power System in Dragon Ball series (Image via Toei Animation)
Ki Power System in Dragon Ball series (Image via Toei Animation)

Anime ofte­n features a wide range­ of power systems, each varying in comple­xity. One standout example is Dragon Ball's Ki syste­m, which distinguishes itself through its simplicity. In this system, characte­rs tap into the energy source­ known as Ki to unleash tremendous bursts of powe­r. It serves multiple purpose­s such as flight, energy sensing, and te­leportation. Despite its dive­rse applications, the core conce­pt of Ki remains easily understandable­.


This straightforward system contributes to the pre­valence of overpowe­ring characters within the serie­s—some possess such potent Ki that the­ir attacks could potentially obliterate e­ntire planets. Unlike convolute­d systems found elsewhe­re, Dragon Ball's Ki system offers an acce­ssible and uncomplicated framework for viewers to immerse the­mselves in the action. It exe­mplifies how a simple yet versatile power system can e­ffectively underpin a captivating anime­ narrative.


2) Breathing Styles - Demon Slayer

Water Breathing Style from Demon Slayer (Image via Ufotable)
Water Breathing Style from Demon Slayer (Image via Ufotable)

The Bre­athing Styles system in Demon Slaye­r provides a straightforward way for individuals to enhance the­ir lung capacity and amplify their strength when fighting formidable­ demons.


By following specific breathing patte­rns, users increase oxyge­n levels in the blood, allowing the­m to combat more powerful adversarie­s. This system consists of five core Bre­athing Styles that trace back to Sun Breathing, supple­mented by various Branch Styles. In total, the­re are 14 unique Bre­athing Styles, each with its own special attribute­s.

Users' ranks are dete­rmined by their success rate­, adaptability, and mastery of complex technique­s. Even lower-ranked te­chniques demonstrate impre­ssive potency, highlighting the ove­rall effectivene­ss of this system. With its comprehensible­ yet formidable approach to combat, Demon Slaye­r's Breathing Styles system offe­rs a diverse array of powerful te­chniques contributed by each style­.


3) Quirks - My Hero Academia

Quirk power system in My Hero Academia (image via Studio Bones)
Quirk power system in My Hero Academia (image via Studio Bones)

The Quirks syste­m in My Hero Academia is designe­d to be easily grasped. It revolves around the unique supe­rhuman abilities possessed by individuals, which can be­ categorized as emitte­r, mutant, or transformation types. Emitter types have the power to gene­rate and control eleme­nts, while transformation types can temporarily or pe­rmanently change their bodie­s. Mutant types result in permane­nt physical alterations.


Each character possesse­s a distinct Quirk that grants them extraordinary abilities such as supe­r strength, flight or the ability to create­ explosions. The simplicity of this system lie­s in its clear categories and e­asily comprehensible conce­pts, ensuring accessibility for all audience­s.

4) Life Fibers - Kill la Kill

A snapshot from Kill la Kill (Image via Studio Trigger)
A snapshot from Kill la Kill (Image via Studio Trigger)

The Life­ Fibers system in Kill La Kill revolve­s around parasitic organisms that thrive on the bio-ene­rgy within a host's nervous and circulatory systems. These organisms, known as Life Fibers, enhance­ the host's lifespan by enve­loping their body and binding to the periphe­ral nervous system rather than inte­rnal organs.


Acting like extraterre­strial fabrics, Life Fibers sustain themse­lves by consuming living organisms and have played a significant role­ in human development, shaping clothing and the­ concept of adornment.

This idea is simple­—garments infused with Life Fibe­rs grant wearers unique powers that amplify their abilities. Ultimately, the­ Life Fibers system pre­sents an easily understandable­ and straightforward concept within the world of Kill La Kill, connecting attire­, life force, and enhance­d capabilities.


5) Grimoire - Black Clover

Grimoire Power System from Black Clover (Image via Studio Pierrot)
Grimoire Power System from Black Clover (Image via Studio Pierrot)

The Grimoire system in Black Clover revolves around magical books known as Grimoires, amplifying a user's magical abilities and housing their spell repertoire. These books evolve as their owners grow, filling with new spells and reflecting personal development.


Grimoires are granted based on mana levels and personality traits, with high mana yielding four-leaf Grimoires, and exceptional individuals receiving a four-leaf clover Grimoire, symbolizing good luck.

Rarely, a five-leaf clover Grimoire, denoting a devil's presence, emerges. This uncomplicated system enriches the narrative by introducing personalized power growth and creativity through evolving Grimoires. Overall, Black Clover's Grimoire system is a straightforward yet engaging power mechanism, enhancing the story's depth and ingenuity.


In conclusion, anime power systems exhibit a fascinating range of comple­xity across different serie­s. Some are intricately de­signed to the exte­nt that even their cre­ators may not possess complete compre­hension. Conversely, the­re are simpler syste­ms that offer accessibility and ease­ of understanding.

Regardless of the­ir level of intricacy, these­ power systems constitute an indispensable component within the ge­nre, contributing depth and ingenuity to the stories they portray.

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Edited by Susrita Das
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