Pokemon is an anime series that has been running for well over two decades now, leading Ash to have over a dozen different companions throughout his journeys. Many of them often share goals or particular personality quirks with one another, but there are enough differences to rank them separately in a listicle.
His best companions in Pokemon are typically the most interesting and unique partners. In contrast, his most forgettable ones are usually in the background and don't contribute much to the overall story.
Note: This list will primarily focus on Ash's companions who travel with him for most of a region, not just the ones there for a few episodes like Korrina.
5 of Ash's best companions in the Pokemon anime
5) Lillie

The Alola region introduced a load of new traveling companions to accompany Ash on his journey. Sun & Moon was a massive deviation from the past few seasons, which is especially notable if one were to just look at Ash Ketchum's new design. That said, his time in the region was enjoyable, and the slice-of-life elements made it a unique experience to watch.
One of his traveling companions was Lillie. The anime version of her is notably different from the one in the video games. Here, she is incredibly scared of Pokemon and has to overcome the fear of touching one, although she still has an estranged relationship with her mother.
She is Ash's most important companion in the Sun & Moon series, making her arguably the best of that group.
4) Goh

Most recent anime companions have been based on video games, but Goh recently broke that trend in Pokemon Journeys. He wants to catch Mew (and wanted it to be his starter back then), which is easy to resonate with most fans of the series. Even better than that is the fact that he actually caught Eternatus, a legendary Pokemon.
There were filler characters like Tobias (who owned a Latios and Darkrai), but they weren't even partners who traveled with Ash. Eternatus was later sealed away, but that was still a remarkable feat to have for any of Ash's friends.
Another awesome part of Goh's character is that he has way more than six Pokemon at his disposal, a rarity for any character in the anime.
3) Serena

Serena's relationship with Ash is expanded upon far more than her predecessors and successors. She was a childhood friend of his, and she is clearly smitten with the idea of seeing him again. Pokemon isn't an anime about romance, so it did surprise some fans when she kissed him (even if it wasn't the first time Ash got kissed).
One huge advantage to her character is that the X & Y anime series was better written than most other Pokemon seasons; she actually gets more character growth than practically all of Ash's companions. A good example was when she cut her hair, starting off her transition from being insecure to more confident.
2) Misty

Genwunners and older fans will tend to remember Misty and Brock the most out of Ash's companions. Younger fans might not be particularly attached to them, but there are several reasons why they're often remembered as some of the best characters in the anime. For starters, many of the later traveling companions take character traits from these two.
In Misty's case, she was a classic tsundere, a competent Pokemon trainer, and the one responsible for keeping Brock in check. She has returned briefly in various seasons of the anime after no longer being a main character on the show (which makes sense, given her sheer popularity).
1) Brock

There was no human companion who traveled with Ash in the anime as long as Brock did. He was the wise and smart one of the group most of the time, often being a supporting character to the others' goals and ambitions. Most Pokemon fans might remember him for his womanizing tendencies, usually used for comedic effect.
He was no longer a major supporting character from Black & White onward, yet his constant role in the Kanto, Johto, Hoenn, and Sinnoh regions easily made him the best overall companion Ash ever had.
5 of Ash's most forgettable companions in the Pokemon anime
5) Max

While many of the other companions on this list are forgettable, they're at least looked upon favorably by the fanbase at large. Max is a bit of an exception, often seen as unnecessary, and is disliked more vocally by comparison. He i s May's younger brother in the Hoenn anime and is too young to use any Pokemon.
He's also overshadowed by May, given that she is a more interesting character involved in Pokemon Contests (a new feature not seen in the anime before). It was also a bit redundant to have him as the intelligent guy in the group when Brock was fine in that role.
4) Tracey Sketchit

Tracey Sketchit was like a cheap knock-off cracker brand that tastes incredibly stale, even though it's brand new. According to an interview with Masamitsu Hidaka, Tracey replaced Brock in the original anime because:
"...the Japanese crew felt that Brock might be viewed as racist by the American people because of his eyes, and that they were even fearful of it when Pokemon first came to America... So, they brought in a tall, white, Anglo-looking character to replace him, just to be on the safe side."
As for his actual character, Tracey Sketchit was a nice, knowledgable guy who liked women (to a much smaller degree than Brock) and occasionally sketched things. Ultimately, he was like a less exciting version of Brock (which made sense considering the aforementioned interview excerpt suggested that he was a replacement).
3) Sophocles

The most forgettable of the Alolan crew was Sophocles. He's smart, specializes in Electric Pokemon, and can invent new gadgets, all traits already done by Clemont in the X & Y seasons. It's easy to see Sophocles as a cheap imitation of Clemont as he doesn't help when even more characters surround Sophocles compared to Clemont in his seasons.
Yet he's not a complete copycat. He's bashful and more silly compared to Ash's older companion. Nonetheless, that comparison often ensures that he's one of the more underrated companions in the anime.
2) Cilan

It's Cilan time! One of his main gimmicks is that he says, "It's (something relevant to the situation) time!" That gimmick won't be entertaining to everybody, but it's one of the few things that makes him stand out in the anime. Aside from that, he's effectively Brock's replacement, as he's the main cook and the most knowledgeable member of the group in Black & White.
Following Brock in that role isn't an easy task, especially in seasons that are sometimes described as the worst in the series. However, that's not entirely Cilan's fault (he wasn't even involved in Ash's Pikachu losing to a Snivy).
1) Sorrel

Pokemon movie companions are a little weird to rank, considering they travel with Ash until the end, but they get far less screentime compared to their episodic counterparts. Sorrel was one of two people to travel with Ash throughout Kanto in I Choose You!, with the other being Verity.
To Verity's credit, many fans of the series thought that her mother was Cynthia based on the fact that her mother was a strong trainer from Sinnoh. Unfortunately, the film's director, Kunihiko Yuyama, debunked this theory.
Sorrel is a little more forgettable by comparison as he didn't create as much discussion as Verity did. His personality is also pretty forgettable, as there isn't too much to talk about past him being cold at first before showing off his caring side toward Pokemon.
Note: This article reflects the writer's personal views.