Naruto is one of the most popular shonen manga and anime series that released its first chapter way back in 1999. Ever since, the series has expanded beyond the confines of just manga and anime. Its popularity was so high that over 50 Naruto games were made across multiple platforms.
Among these, some of the games have stood out owing to the game design, graphics, and, most importantly, the fighting mechanics. Here are the top five Naruto video games of all time.
Note: This article is subjective and solely reflects the opinion of the writer.
Top 5 Naruto video games one should consider playing
5) Naruto: Ultimate Ninja Impact
This game was made for PlayStation Portable and was widely popular among fans of the show. This is one of the most unique titles on this list since players could battle it out against 100 enemies apart from their usual 1v1 battles. Considering the console, the game offered the best graphics it could, and the fighting mechanics were intuitive as well.
4) Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm 2
The developers of the game realized that it was time to offer the game to other platforms as well. They released this game even for the Xbox users, and fans absolutely loved it. The roster had been expanded, meaning that 42 characters were available in the game. The developers were also given credit for improving the overall visuals of the game.
3) Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm Revolution
Ultimate Ninja Storm Revolution was extremely enjoyable as fans could select over 100 characters from the roster, some of which were created specifically for this game by Masashi Kishimoto. One of the most interesting aspects of this game was that it featured a battle royale system. It allowed four players to fight it out at the same time.
While this was an amazing Naruto game, the community was quite divisive over the fact that it included fan service. Some players complained that it hindered the overall experience while playing the game.
2) Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm 3 Full Burst
Fans went berserk when the game was released as it featured the awaken mode, letting players witness some of their favorite transformations like tailed-beasts and Susanoo. The game is proof that the developers were constantly taking the feedback of the player base. Fighting mechanics in this game was fairly simple and not too complicated either.
1) Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm 4
Ultimate Ninja Storm 4 takes the crown of the best game owing to its stunning visuals and cinematography, compelling story, and intuitive fighting mechanics. The game also featured a new option that let players switch to different characters mid-fight.