After the reintroduction and initial canonization of Broly via the Dragon Ball Super: Broly movie, the possibilities are virtually endless for the Legendary Super Saiyan. The movie’s ending is particularly promising, with Goku clearly intent on maintaining a friendly relationship with the newfound Saiyan.
While it seems like Broly is now capable of participating in matchups once deemed impossible, that does not mean he is an invincible force. While he’d certainly triumph over many in the Dragon Ball universe, there are still some fighters who he’d lose to.
Here are five Dragon Ball characters who can beat Broly and five more who never will.
Dragon Ball’s Zeno and 4 others can easily beat Broly
1) Whis

Being an Angel with mastery over Autonomous Ultra Instinct, there’s little doubt that Whis would prevail in a fight against Broly.
Although Ultra Instinct hasn’t been matched up with Broly yet, he is unlikely to be fast or powerful enough to break through such a sturdy defense.
In addition, the Moro arc revealed that Angels are essentially immortal as long as they don’t violate Angel law. This serves as further evidence for Whis’ victory.
2) Beerus

Although Broly's power was impressive, Beerus showed little to no reaction to his presence in the Dragon Ball Super: Broly movie.
This behavior, combined with the fact that Beerus’ full power is yet to be shown, implies that the God of Destruction is leagues above Broly. While not necessarily surprising, this is a fairly dependable piece of evidence for the claim that Beerus will beat Broly in a fight.
3) Granolah

When making his wish to the Cerealian Dragon Balls, Granolah specifically asked to be the strongest being in the universe, short of Godly power.
Since Broly isn’t a God (this includes his power level), Granolah should (in theory) be stronger than Broly. Granolah’s defeat of Ultra Instinct Goku and Ultra Ego Vegeta both serve to bolster this theory.
4) Zeno

As the Omni-King of Dragon Ball’s multiverse, Zeno holds supreme power. His rank exceeds that of the Angels and the Gods of Destruction. Even the head Angel, known as Grand Priest, is subservient to him.
Zeno has proven he can destroy entire universes with little effort, which means Broly will not be a problem for him.
5) Gas

Like Granolah, Gas made a wish on the Cerealian Dragon Balls to become the strongest being in the universe.
Since Granolah is able to keep up with Gas, it’s safe to assume that the latter’s wish also made him less powerful than Dragon Ball’s Gods. Therefore, Gas’ power should eclipse Broly’s since the Saiyan isn’t a God.
Dragon Ball’s Kale and 4 others will never beat Broly
1) Gohan

Despite his attempts to return to form during Dragon Ball Super’s Tournament of Power, Gohan is still nowhere near the power or potential he once possessed.
Even if he is able to get back to Teen Gohan form, the bar for power has been raised incredibly high with the introduction of God Ki.
Barring a massive powerup for Gohan in the upcoming Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero movie, the former hero of Earth will never beat Broly.
2) Cabba

As Cabba and the other Universe 6 Saiyans were introduced, the general theme seemed to be that they were weaker than their Universe 7 counterparts. None of the Universe 6 Saiyans had learned Super Saiyan before Vegeta taught Cabba, indicating a huge gap between the two Universes.
As a result, it’s very unlikely that Cabba or any other Universe 6 Saiyan will be able to beat Broly. The gap between Broly and Universe 6’s Saiyans is already so large. And it will likely continue to grow as Broly becomes more involved with Goku and friends.
3) Kale

Despite being Universe 6’s Legendary Super Saiyan, Kale is still inferior to her Universe 7 counterpart, Broly. While her display of power during Dragon Ball Super’s Tournament of Power arc was impressive, Broly’s power levels and limits are clearly superior to Kale’s.
It technically should be possible for Kale to catch up to Broly at some point. However, the aforementioned gap that inherently exists between Universe 7 and Universe 6 Saiyans is a handicap that Kale will likely never overcome.
4) Future Trunks

Despite his impressive performance in the Future Trunks arc, Trunks will likely never reach the level needed to defeat Broly.
As seen in Dragon Ball Super, Trunks hasn’t learned how to use God Ki and never will due to the death of Beerus in his timeline.
While time traveling to the past was a possibility before, Beerus and Whis have put a moratorium on it due to its blatant violation of Godly law. Therefore, Future Trunks will likely never ascend to a level that allows him to match Broly.
5) Majin Buu

Despite being considered powerful enough to join the Tournament of Power, Majin Buu will likely never be able to defeat Broly.
The pink menace’s peak seems to be his thinner form seen just before the Tournament of Power. While this form was impressive, it is certainly far from what’s needed to defeat Broly.
Moreover, Majin Buu is unlikely to receive a powerup anytime soon.
Note: This article reflects the writer's views