Despite being quickly topped, Dragon Ball’s Super Saiyan God power-up was once the strongest transformation in the series. Although having since been beaten, the form is still one of the five most powerful in all of Dragon Ball thus far.
Although incredibly strong and powerful, there are still those superior to Dragon Ball’s Super Saiyan God form. Conversely, there are characters in the series who likely will never ascend to or beyond the level of Super Saiyan God.
Jiren, four other Dragon Ball characters beat Super Saiyan God Goku
1) Whis

Whis’ status and strength as an Angel give him an inherent edge over Super Saiyan God Goku. As a user of Autonomous Ultra Instinct, he’d likely dodge each of the Earthbound Saiyan’s hits, not taking a single scratch in the fight.
Offensively, his powers haven’t precisely been showcased in Dragon Ball yet. However, as Beerus’ martial arts instructor, his offensive tactics are likely as potent as his defensive ones.
2) Beerus

Beerus is an incredibly skilled and strong fighter as a God of Destruction. Even an Ultra Instinct Goku can’t match his power, meaning a Super Saiyan God Goku has essentially no chance.
The two had fought at the beginning of Dragon Ball Super, but the matchup was clearly in Beerus’ favor. Even without a rematch of the fight, it’s evident that Beerus still has the edge over Super Saiyan God Goku.
3) Jiren

Jiren and Super Saiyan God Goku have also already matched up once during Dragon Ball Super’s Tournament of Power arc. Goku’s use of the form was quick, but it proved ineffective against the Pride Trooper.
As a result, there’s no evidence to suggest that the outcome would be any different in a rematch. Therefore, Jiren would likely and easily beat Super Saiyan God Goku.
4) Granolah

When Granolah and Goku fought, the latter used his Ultra Instinct form. It is vastly superior to Super Saiyan God in combat, likely indicating that the form would have no success in a fight against the Cerealian Bounty Hunter.
Additionally, his wish to become the strongest in the universe would inherently include superiority over the Super Saiyan God form.
5) Zeno

While his actual combat skills have yet to be seen in Dragon Ball, Zeno’s Erasure abilities essentially give him an easy win in any fight. He’s been shown to erase universes with little to no effort or preparation, making erasing a single person even more straightforward.
Although his exact skills in combat are unknown, this information is somewhat irrelevant when Zeno can easily erase his way through any enemy in any fight.
5 Dragon Ball characters who’ll never beat Super Saiyan God Goku
1) Krillin

Despite being Earth’s strongest warrior, Krillin will likely never be in a position to challenge Super Saiyan God Goku legitimately. The lack of transformations accessible to humans limits how high their power can reach, even for the most dedicated martial artists.
As a result, Krillin will likely never be able to beat Super Saiyan God Goku, let alone all the superior transformations which follow it.
2) Tien Shinhan

Likewise, Tien Shinhan’s power is somewhat capped due to his status as (mostly) human. The lack of transformations in Dragon Ball for humanity is an extremely limiting factor for a character who otherwise trains as hard and is as dedicated to fighting as anyone.
Unfortunately, this dedication isn’t enough to keep up with godly power levels, giving Tien Shinhan no chance of victory.
3) Piccolo

Piccolo seems to be getting a new power-up or transformation in the upcoming Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero movie. However, as of writing, the film has not been released yet, and the exact extent of this power-up or transformation is unknown.
As a result, the Piccolo currently seen in released material is what must be looked at, and that current Piccolo has no chance of defeating Super Saiyan God Goku.
While he did contribute in the Tournament of Power, the enemies he defeated there were nowhere near Super Saiyan God level and are not indicative of his success in that matchup.
4) Yamcha

Yamcha’s combat relevance is essentially non-existent by the time Super Saiyan God appears in Dragon Ball Super. The few attempts he makes at combat in Z are met with harrowing and embarrassing losses, to the point where he’s nearly absent from the final conflict of the series.
There’s little doubt that Yamcha will forever and always be inferior to the power Super Saiyan God Goku holds.
5) Android 17

Finally, Android 17 was once one of the most powerful characters in all of Dragon Ball. While still a respectable fighter in the series, the wild Saiyan transformations have simply risen above the peak of his power.
Super Saiyan God is included here, meaning Goku’s use of the form almost guarantees him being superior to the creation of Dr Gero. There’s little doubt, as a result, that he loses to the Earthbound Saiyan in any scenario where they match up.
Note: This article reflects the author’s views.
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This article was modified on Tuesday, June 27, at 16:45 pm.