Dragon Ball Super introduced the concept of Gods of Destruction and their destroyer energy, colloquially referred to as Hakai. Hakai energy is incredibly powerful, allowing the user to erase those weaker than them from existence.
Throughout Dragon Ball Super, Hakai is used multiple times by multiple characters with differing results. As aforementioned, the technique’s effectiveness depends on the relative strength of the user and the target, evidentially displayed throughout Dragon Ball Super.
Here are five Dragon Ball characters who can survive Hakai and five more who will turn to dust.
Zeno and four other Dragon Ball characters who can survive against Hakai
1) Grand Priest
As an Angel, the Grand Priest is nearly immortal as long as the Angelic laws are followed. As a result, it’s incredibly unlikely that any Dragon Ball character would be able to successfully use Hakai on him. The only potential success would be with Zeno, but outside of this specific instance, he’d almost certainly survive the attack.
2) Zeno’s guards
As guards of the Omni-King, they are most likely stronger than the Gods of Destruction, in order to act as a line of defense between them and Zeno. Given this assumption, it’s unlikely anyone in the series who is capable of using Hakai (besides Zeno) could successfully erase the guards with the technique.
3) Zeno
As the Omni-King himself, Zeno is most likely completely impervious to Hakai techniques no matter who uses them. He reigns above the Gods of Destruction and is undoubtedly stronger than them, making him impervious to their Hakai techniques as a result.
4) Whis
Like his father, Grand Priest Whis is an Angel and is essentially immortal as long as he abides by Angelic laws. He trains with Beerus constantly, and as a result, is likely exposed to Hakai energy on a daily basis. If he hasn’t fallen to it yet, it’s incredibly likely he never will.
5) Beerus
As a God of Destruction, Dragon Ball’s Beerus uses Hakai energy consistently in battle and in training. Being so immersed in it at such a consistent rate, it's likely that he and other Gods of Destruction are generally impervious to the technique.
Pilaf and 4 other Dragon Ball characters who stand no chance of surviving Hakai
1) Krillin
Despite being one of the strongest humans in Dragon Ball, Krillin likely stands no chance against anyone who is capable of using Hakai energy. Everyone seen using it in Dragon Ball Super is undoubtedly stronger than him, making his demise to the technique certain.
2) Bulma
As a non-combatant, it’s almost a given that anyone who uses Hakai on Bulma would be stronger than her. As a result, she’d unfortunately be erased by the technique, with almost no realistic chance of her survival without third-party intervention.
3) Pilaf
As one of the weakest characters in the series, Pilaf would fall to almost anyone who would use the Hakai technique on him. Even in direct combat against opponents with similar strength, he always seems to fall flat on his face, unable to even put up a fight. There’s essentially no doubt Pilaf would fall to any Hakai user.
4) Future Trunks
Although the strongest fighter in this section of the list, Future Trunks unfortunately wouldn’t stand a chance against any of Dragon Ball Super’s Hakai users. He’s unable to use even God Ki, a bare minimum requirement for anyone to have a hope of withstanding Hakai techniques. As a result, he’ll undoubtedly fall to the God of Destruction speciality.
5) Yamcha
Finally, Yamcha would undoubtedly be utterly helpless and get instantly defeated by Hakai Techniques. Even in Z, his relevance and power eventually became nonexistent and miniscule, respectively. With Hakai being a super technique matching the strength of those relevant in the series, he has no chance of survival.
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This article was modified on Wednesday, July 19, at 10:19 pm.