The Dragon Ball franchise is filled with a dichotomy of despised and idolized characters. The range of personalities of each villain and hero in Dragon Ball lends itself to this dichotomy of personalities and cast.
Yet in both categories, there are five who stand out for being truly despicable, as well as five who stand out as true idols. Whether it's for who they are, what they stand for, or what they’ve done in the series, each category has five standout entrants.
Here are five Dragon Ball characters everyone wants to be like, and five more that everyone despises.
Vegeta, 4 other Dragon Ball characters everyone wants to be like
1) Goku
As Dragon Ball’s protagonist, it's no surprise that Goku is one character every fan wants to be like. He’s incredibly strong, always pushes past his limits, and always finds a way to protect his home and friends.
Even beyond this, he has a general respect for life and nature in general, whether in context to his own life or as a general concept. Such admirable character traits, deeds, and overall strength lend themselves to making people want to be as great as he is.
2) Gohan
Similarly, Gohan also has a likable sense of right and wrong, and has come through many times before to save his friends, family, and home. He even ends up becoming stronger than his father at one point, giving viewers a commonality in the innate desire to do better than one’s parents did.
Like his father, he also has great respect for life and nature, whether within his own life experiences or as a general concept. In addition, his remarkable intelligence envelops everything many people want to be.
3) Vegeta
Despite not being as outwardly good natured as other Dragon Ball heroes, Vegeta still has a soft side for his friends, family, and second home, Earth. Especially in Super, he’s always acting with the interest of all that’s dear to him in mind.
There is a time in the Z series where he seems to have turned his back on these values, but it's eventually revealed that they motivated his actions at that time. Although he’s rougher around the edges than others on this list, he undoubtedly has qualities which many desire to emulate.
4) Krillin
Although far from being the strongest person in the series, Krillin is always willing to get on the battlefield and contribute anyway he can. His fearless attitude when it comes to helping those he loves is an admirable trait, one which resonates with many fans who may question their own strength.
Krillin perfectly envelops a key aspect of humanity, the constant desire for self-improvement to help and protect the things we know and love. While it may seem strange to say, he’s certainly an emulatable character.
5) Piccolo
Piccolo’s stoic, leading nature is one of his most admirable traits throughout the Dragon Ball franchise. His role as one of the more serious characters in the series has lent itself to being something for fans to emulate, though not as much as others on this list.
Beyond that, he's an incredibly competent fighter throughout the majority of the franchise. Upcoming projects seem ready to double down on this aspect, giving him new powerups the chance to stay relevant. Nevertheless, his overall character is extremely admirable, and one fans can relate and look up to.
Frost, 4 other Dragon Ball characters everyone despises
1) Kid Buu
Kid Buu’s inherent destructive nature, as well as his obvious devolved intelligence, make for an extremely despicable character. His grunts and screams are extremely off-putting, and alienates him from viewers from the start.
He also seems to have a general lack of respect for nature and life itself, freely destroying everything around him. There’s little redeeming about him as a character, leading to his being despised by fans.
2) Zamasu
Zamasu’s cruel and unnecessary Zero Mortal Plan is the first aspect of his character which alienates viewers from him. Considering all of Dragon Ball’s viewers are themselves mortals, it gives an instant repulsion to his character from nearly every viewer of the series.
Furthermore, his alternate self's killing of Goku and stealing of his body further prove his rottenness to the core. Combined with his betrayal of Gowasu, there’s almost nothing redeeming about his character.
3) Frost
Frost’s constant cheating, scheming, and conniving throughout Dragon Ball Super is incredibly off-putting to fans of the series. At its core, the franchise is about fighting for good, emphasized by the early-franchise World Tournament fights the characters would take part in.
In not one, but two tournaments throughout the franchise, he essentially ignores these values and principles. As a result, Frost’s character directly opposing the series’ core values makes fans despise him universally.
4) Belmod
Belmod’s constant looking down on Goku and the rest of Universe 7 was, arguably, one of the most infuriating parts of Dragon Ball Super’s Tournament of Power. Even after Goku did the impossible by achieving an imperfect form of Ultra Instinct, he still felt the nerve to laugh at the idea of him mastering the ability.
There’s very little redeeming about Belmod’s character, even in the wake of him and his universe being revived. All in all, despite not doing any inherently evil acts, his general attitude and sense of superiority makes for a character nearly every fan despises.
5) Perfect Cell
Finally, Perfect Cell’s cruel demeanor is the main turnoff for him to fans. Cell Games prove that he takes great pleasure in torturing his opponents and bystanders alike, preferring to toy with people instead of just defeating them.
His overall personality is hard to pin down, but is generally off-putting to many series fans. Combined with his murderous actions throughout Dragon Ball Z, he’s one of the franchise’s most despicable characters.