With how the Dragon Ball franchise handles power-creep and strength limitations, it’s no surprise that there are some Dragon Ball characters that fans have yet to see at 100%. Characters like Goku seemingly will not reach their zenith until the franchise is at its absolute end.
On the contrary, considering the heights characters like Goku seem to soar past, other Dragon Ball characters have already reached their peaks. Furthermore, there are some whose peaks aren’t even all that impressive, considering prior accolades.
These five Dragon Ball characters haven’t used 100% of their power yet
1) Beerus

Considering Universe 7’s God of Destruction has yet to face a genuine challenge in Dragon Ball Super, it’s no surprise his full power has yet to be seen. Although Ultra Ego Vegeta likely gives fans an insight into Beerus’ full power fighting style, this cannot be said for sure.
What can be said for sure is that fans have certainly yet to see Beerus go all out in a fight.
2) Whis

Like Beerus, it’s also incredibly likely that Whis has yet to use his full combat power yet. The only combat experience Universe 7’s Angel is seen having is in training against Goku and Vegeta as well as Beerus.
While Whis was using Autonomous Ultra Instinct for these spars, he did so in a purely defensive manner and demonstrated none of his offensive capabilities.
3) Zeno

As Omni-King of the Universe, Zeno is likely terrifying when getting into a fight. Considering how subservient the Gods of Destruction are to Zeno, it’s fair to say his incredible power displayed so far also translates well into a fight.
Additionally, Zeno’s childish mannerisms and temperament likely lead to incredibly volatile emotions during a fight, further fueling Zeno’s fighting spirit.
4) Jiren

While Jiren was close to full power during Dragon Ball Super’s Tournament of Power arc, it’s likely he still had something left in reserve. The primary evidence is Jiren’s reputation of being able to beat a God of Destruction, yet falling short to Goku in the Tournament of Power.
It’s unlikely Goku’s Mastered Ultra Instinct is yet at a level where he can beat a God of Destruction. This lends further credence to the theory that Jiren’s full power has yet to be seen.
5) Goku

Speaking of Goku, at the very least, he still has to master Autonomous Ultra Instinct before fans can confidently say Goku has reached his 100% potential. Even when Goku does perfect Autonomous Ultra Instinct, he’ll likely have even greater heights to ascend to beyond this.
One popular theory is that Goku will eventually become an Angel, just like Whis at the end of the franchise.
Five Dragon Ball characters who didn’t impress, even at full power
1) Dyspo

Much like Burter in Dragon Ball Z, Dyspo suffers from his main gimmick being the fastest warrior when really he isn’t even the fastest character in that battle. Jiren outspeeds Dyspo being on his own team, as does Goku, who is able to keep pace with Jiren.
When 100% of your power doesn’t even make you the best at what you claim to be the best in, it’s essentially the definition of unimpressive.
2) Mystic Gohan

While the Mystic Gohan powerup was interesting in Dragon Ball Z, the form’s power really isn’t all that impressive. Especially when considering Gohan’s absolute peak was as a teen in Super Saiyan 2 power, a full power Mystic Gohan just doesn’t compare to what he used to be.
Even more unimpressive is that a teen Gohan likely would have wiped the floor with Super Buu, but Mystic Gohan eventually gets defeated.
3) Piccolo

While Piccolo’s full power is still relevant throughout the middle stages of Dragon Ball Z, it simply doesn’t hold up to current Dragon Ball. Even during Z, Piccolo’s Super Namekian powerup was average at best and didn’t even let him combat a Semi-Perfect Cell.
Considering Piccolo’s power has yet to grow beyond that plateau, it’s slowly become totally unimpressive as the years have gone on.
4) Future Trunks

While Future Trunks’ Super Saiyan Rage powerup is flashy, as seen in Dragon Ball Super, it’s not impressive. Trunks was able to overwhelm the Zamasu’s for a short period with this form, yet eventually fell to them.
Furthermore, the form is somewhat irrelevant in the face of God Ki and the powerups its attainment makes available. Since this is likely Trunks’ absolute full power, it’s safe to say it’s somewhat unimpressive in the grand scheme.
5) Hit

Until Hit’s Time-Skip becomes more powerful or he becomes quicker, both aren’t too impressive. Goku was able to beat the Time-Skip using the Kaioken, and Jiren simply predicted exactly where Hit would pop up with deadly accuracy when used.
Since Hit seems to be a one-trick pony who’s as strong as he will get, it’s fair to say his powers are somewhat unimpressive.
Note: This article reflects the author’s views.
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This article was modified on Friday, June 30, at 10:30 pm.