Despite having recently obtained Dragon Ball’s strongest form yet, there are still a few opponents that Goku can’t quite beat right now. While he’ll likely surpass them eventually during Dragon Ball Super, he simply cannot defeat them at his current level.
On the flip side, even with his increasing strength and Ultra Instinct, Goku will never likely defeat certain Dragon Ball characters. Dragon Ball Super additions such as Zeno certainly fall into this category, with their power simply being too great to overcome as a mortal.
Here are five Dragon Ball characters Ultra Instinct Goku still loses to but might not in the future, and five more he can never defeat.
Broly and 4 other Dragon Ball characters Goku can’t surpass yet
1) Gas

As the current strongest fighter in Universe 7 due to the Dragon Ball wish Elec made, Goku simply can’t defeat the Heeter on his own right now. Their recent matchup proved this, as did Goku's decision to lure the Heeter away from planet Cereal rather than directly confront him.
However, especially in light of the most recent issue of the Super manga, it’s likely Goku will soon be able to surpass Gas. While Vegeta is the star of the show right now, this will likely change and allow Goku to take the spotlight, given how previous story arcs have gone.
2) Granolah

Goku isn’t quite strong enough to defeat Granolah on his own yet. The current Dragon Ball Super arc saw the two go head-to-head. The Earthbound Saiyan, even with Ultra Instinct, simply couldn’t find a win condition in the battle.
As mentioned above, however, Goku will likely be defeating Gas by the end of the current Super manga arc. With the latter’s wish to be strongest in the universe being made after Granolah’s, Goku's victory over him would cement his being stronger than the Cerealian bounty hunter.
3) Broly

While Goku and Vegeta were able to defeat Broly by fusing into Gogeta in Dragon Ball Super’s first film, it certainly doesn’t count as Goku defeating him on his own. It is unlikely that the Saiyan defeats Broly currently, especially with Broly's apparent training with Whis and Beerus in the franchise’s upcoming film.
However, it’s likely that Goku will one day be able to surpass Broly in combat on his own, without the help of Vegeta or any special tactics or tricks.
4) Beerus

Given that it’s one of Goku’s main goals as a fighter throughout Dragon Ball Super, it’s likely that he’ll eventually be able to defeat Beerus in one-on-one combat. However, that time is certainly not right now, with everyone’s favourite Saiyan still leagues away from even matching the God of Destruction.
While Ultra Instinct is powerful, Goku's lack of Autonomous Ultra Instinct will be a major limiting factor in his being able to defeat Beerus. Until this condition is met, his victory is unlikely. He will also need to grow stronger.
5) Jiren

Goku technically still has not defeated Jiren in a one-on-one matchup. While he came close in Dragon Ball Super’s Tournament of Power arc, he still had to rely on teammates Frieza and Android 17 to get the job done.
Considering that he’s mastered Ultra Instinct since then, it’s likely that the outcome will be different now. However, the two must actually fight for this to be anything more than speculation. As of now, we still hjave to assume that Goku loses to Jiren in a one-on-one fight.
Zalama, 4 other Dragon Ball characters Goku will never defeat
1) Zeno

Kicking off the list of Dragon Ball characters Goku can never defeat is, understandably, the multiversal Omni-King Zeno. While his exact combat skills have never been seen in the series, his powers of Erasure on a universal scale are simply impossible for Goku to reasonably overcome.
Barring a major development causing the Earthbound Saiyan to somehow ascend to the level of a god above all other gods, he’ll likely never outclass Zeno.
2) Grand Priest

The Grand Priest is Zeno's guardian and instructor so it is likely that they are at a similar power level, as with Angels and their Gods of Destruction. Angels are typically stronger than the Gods they’re assigned to throughout Dragon Ball Super, so the same is likely for the aforementioned pair.
While the Grand Priest likely doesn’t possess the same erasure powers, his combat skill makes up for it, rendering him quite a big threat to Goku. As a result, it’s unlikely that the Earth’s protector ever rises to or surpasses this level.
3) Zalama

As the creator of the Super Dragon Balls which are capable of granting any wish, Zalama was likely some omnipotent Namekian with unimaginable power. Considering Zeno’s youthful demeanour, appearance, and voice, it’s possible that Zalama was the previous Omni-King.
Whatever his position or role, it’s said that the power of the eponymous wish-granting devices is proportionate to that of their creator. Hence, it is likely Zalama was powerful enough to do nearly anything and overpower anyone he wished.
4) Zeno’s guards

As his protectors, Zeno’s guards are likely strong enough to easily overpower nearly anyone in the series, second only to Zeno himself and the Grand Priest. With this in mind, it’s doubtful that Goku will ever ascend to their level during Dragon Ball, and even less likely that he’ll surpass it.
Although not impossible, it would essentially require the franchise's protagonist to ascend to a Godly role that is at the pinnacle of ultimate power.
5) Whis

Finally, as Goku’s current martial arts instructor, it’s likely that Whis will always be superior to his student. Whis is made out to be one of the more powerful Angels throughout the series, further cementing the idea that Goku will likely never eclipse him.
At the very least, Goku would need Autonomous Ultra Instinct to surpass his teacher, meaning that such an event likely won’t happen for quite a while, if ever.
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This article was modified on Monday, July 24, at 2:19 pm.