It is no surprise that Dragon Ball is one of the shows with the largest number of ships, considering how the anime series houses a massive cast and how active the community is. Unfortunately, with such a long list of couples, there will always be some with whom the community will have issues with.
This could be due to a variety of factors, ranging from a lack of chemistry to the issues that the couple in question reflects. Nevertheless, there are also some amazing couples on the show who are supported by the majority of the fanbase. On this list, we will present five couples that the Dragon Ball fandom enjoys hating, as well as five that are adored by almost all fans.
Disclaimer: This list is based on several polls and forums found online.
Krillin with Maron and 4 other Dragon Ball couples the fanbase loathes
1) Goku and Caulifla

After Goku and Caulifla fought during the Tournament of Power, a small portion of the fandom thought they had chemistry. Because of this, they started shipping both Saiyans, with no regard to canonicity or age.
Another portion of the fandom finds this ship ridiculous at best and problematic at worst. To begin with, by the time Goku met Caulifla, the Saiyan man had been married to Chi-Chi for more than two decades. It is also important to remark that Goku’s age is two times Caulifla’s, which is uncomfortable to think about for many fans.
2) Goku and Bulma
There was a time in Dragon Ball’s history where Bulma reflected on how handsome Goku had become as a teenager. This brief moment of interest from the blue-haired girl was more than enough to make some fans think she would end up in a relationship with Goku.
However, this never happened, and fans are glad about this. Goku and Bulma’s relationship is closer to that of bickering siblings than anything romantic. Bulma saw Goku grow up from a small and clueless child to a powerful man, but always thought about him as a close friend, nothing more.
3) Beerus and Bulma
This is arguably the weirdest Dragon Ball ship of all time. There is no real reason behind the idea of Beerus, a God of Destruction who has lived for centuries, falling in love with a human woman just because of the food she serves him.
Not only is Bulma married to Vegeta with two kids, but she has also never implied that she feels any kind of attraction towards Beerus. Similarly, Beerus is just interested in food and fighting, never once showing any inclination to be with Bulma in Dragon Ball Super.
4) Krillin and Maron
The only canon ship that will appear in this portion of the list, as well as one of the most hated ones in the entire series. Krillin and Maron were most definitely not made for each other, something that all fans could see from the very beginning of their relationship.
Maron was never really interested in Krillin and most likely just wanted to have some fun messing with the small guy. She would constantly flirt with other men, even when Krillin was around. It was a relief for most fans when she and Krillin broke up and Maron never again appeared in the series.
5) Bardock and Fasha
Before Gine was introduced to the Dragon Ball continuity, the mystery of who Goku’s mother was led people to believe Fasha was the mysterious woman. Fasha was one of Bardock’s teammates while working as Frieza’s soldiers.
She and Bardock did not seem to like each other as anything more than comrades, bickering and insulting each other constantly. While this was common practice amongst friends on Planet Vegeta, it did not seem to implicate any kind of romantic attraction.
Most of the people who shipped Bardock and Fasha back in the day did this because she was the only woman on Bardock's team. This did not sit well with most of the fandom, who argued this could not be a real reason to ship them.
Krillin with 18 and 4 other beloved Dragon Ball ships
1) Vegeta and Bulma

Saiyans do not have the best reputation as husbands, considering their lust for battle often makes them neglect their families. The biggest exception to this rule is none other than the prince of all Saiyans himself, Vegeta. At first, Vegeta acted like a typical Saiyan, leaving behind his pregnant partner and going to train in space. However, after returning, he dedicated himself to his family.
Vegeta is probably one of the best husbands and parents in the entire series. Seeing him interact with Bulma, as well as protecting her, is extremely wholesome. Their relationship feels genuine and loving, which makes fans love this couple dearly.
2) Gohan and Videl

Gohan has been a part of Dragon Ball fans for decades, meaning we have seen him grow from a little meek child to the amazing warrior and man he is today. One of the best moments of his character development had to do with meeting Videl, who would end up being his wife.
No other couple on the show has the chemistry that Gohan and Videl do. They treat each other like equals, always looking after their significant other and trying to make them happy. Whenever Gohan and Videl appear on screen, fans know the show is about to get exponentially more wholesome.
3) Krillin and Android 18

After the complete failure that was his relationship with Maron, Krillin stopped trying to get a partner for quite some time. That was until he met the gorgeous Android 18, who caught his eye almost immediately. Fortunately for the small man, 18 also appeared to have feelings for him, as well as a deep admiration for all the times he helped her.
Fans were unable to see their relationship blossom on the show, but they could see how amazing they were together, just like a married couple. Krillin has always been a caring and loyal person, traits that are only amplified by the love he feels for 18. 18, who is usually cold and distant, only shows her warm and loving side when talking to Krillin.
4) Caulifla and Kale

One of the most shocking revelations brought by the Tournament of Power arc was the existence of another universe full of Saiyans. Two of the most prominent members of the Saiyans from Universe 6 are Kale and Caulifla.
The two girls are basically made for each other, with personalities that complement perfectly, as well as a deep understanding and admiration. Together, they are almost unstoppable and fans love how pure and genuine the affection they feel for each other is, even though they are not a canonical couple.
5) Goku and Chi-Chi

There is no other couple in Dragon Ball’s universe who are as old and iconic as Goku and Chi-Chi. For Goku, Chi-Chi is the person who grounds him in reality, making sure he does not spend all of his time training.
On the contrary, Goku brings excitement to Chi-Chi’s life, who grew up in solitude without a chance for adventure. Chi-Chi can sometimes get annoyed by Goku's obsession with training, but she knows he loves her deeply. Fans are always excited to see them on screen, acting like the iconic couple we all know and love.