Serving as the hero of Earth and the franchise’s protagonist, Dragon Ball’s Goku almost never loses a fight, and essentially never loses the war. Despite the attempts of everyone from a Namekian offspring to interuniversal combatants, many struggle to even hit Goku.
However, there are some Dragon Ball villains who do end up brushing their fingertips at victory. While these villains often fall short, their achievement is still impressive and had some minor things gone differently, they truly might’ve come out on top.
Here are five villains who almost secured victory over Goku, and five more who struggled to even hit him.
Jiren and 4 other Dragon Ball villains came so close to beating Goku
1) Broly

Were it not for Goku’s Instant Transmission teleporting him and Vegeta to safety, Goku likely would’ve been utterly beaten by Broly.
The two could barely stand by the time they made their escape, and had to resort to fusion to finally beat Broly. Arguably, Dragon Ball Super’s Broly has come closer than nearly every other character in the series.
2) Frieza (Namek)

During Dragon Ball Z’s Frieza saga, the eponymous antagonist has Goku completely and utterly on the ropes after surviving the Spirit Bomb. That is until Frieza made the mistake of killing Krillin and triggering Goku’s first Super Saiyan transformation.
Had Frieza been able to show a little restraint and not kill Krillin, it’s all too likely he would have actually beaten Goku.
3) Jiren

While Jiren and Goku became friends following the Tournament of Power, Jiren certainly was a villain during the Tournament. Arguably the one who came closest to beating Goku, Jiren’s performance against the protagonist is simply astonishing.
He goes three rounds with Goku, the latter having different skill levels with Ultra Instinct during each of the fights. Even after the third round against Mastered Ultra Instinct Goku, Jiren is still standing and has enough power to necessitate a three-on-one.
While he does eventually fall to the combined efforts of Universe 7’s final three fighters, Jiren still impressed greatly and almost finished Goku off.
4) Kid Buu

By the time Goku and Kid Buu’s fight is in its final stages, Goku is barely able to turn base-form Super Saiyan, let alone anything beyond. He also resorted to the Spirit Bomb to defeat Buu, asking Vegeta and Majin Buu to hold Kid Buu off long enough.
It was clear as day that Kid Buu was almost able to defeat Goku, and likely would’ve if not for Vegeta and Majin Buu’s contributions.
5) Perfect Cell

Despite not actually bringing Goku to the edge of his limits, Dragon Ball’s protagonist flat-out admits that he’s unable to defeat Perfect Cell.
If it weren’t for his throwing it in the towel, Perfect Cell likely would’ve ended up defeating Goku.
Tambourine and 4 other Dragon Ball villains couldn’t even scratch Goku
1) Golden Frieza

When Goku and Frieza have their rematch in Dragon Ball Super’s anime and corresponding movie, Goku is in complete control the entire time. Not only is he in complete control, but also clearly toying with Frieza, having a smile on his face the entire fight.
Although Goku does eventually fall, Frieza has almost nothing to do with this outcome in the end.
2) Bergamo

By the time Goku actually begins fighting seriously, Bergamo is barely able to land a hit on him. The protagonist quickly proves his superiority here, turning Super Saiyan Blue and ending the fight almost immediately thereafter.
Goku even confesses he wasn't going full force in their fight afterwards, showing just how wide the gap between the two truly is.
3) Tambourine

One of Goku’s most vengeful victories is also one of his quickest and easiest, absolutely dominating Tambourine the entire time. Not only does Tambourine’s fighting skill look nonexistent, but he even runs away from Goku once realizing he’s outmatched.
Made out to be both a coward and a weakling, Goku undoubtedly embarrasses King Piccolo’s spawn.
4) Nappa

Despite easily beating the other Z Fighters, Nappa lasts all of three minutes of actual combat against Goku, at most. By the time he actually decides to end the fight, Goku beats Nappa in a three-move combo which leaves the bald Saiyan crippled.
Considering the threat he posed to others, Nappa’s quick loss emphasizes the vast difference in strength between him and Goku.
5) Recoome

Like Nappa, Recoome is made out to be invincible as he clobbers Krillin, Gohan, and Vegeta with ease. Upon Goku’s arrival, however, he defeated Recoome with only one elbow attack to his stomach.
Barely able to speak after the hit, he slumps down to the ground and stays there, knocked unconscious and solidifying Goku’s victory.
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This article was modified on Monday, July 10, at 3:00 am.