The villains of Dragon Ball all seem to possess the same goal of surpassing Goku.
From Zamasu with his fused form to Broly's Legendary Super Saiyan state, there are tons of contenders for the title. Many have also been left behind, never to catch up with Goku even if they had years to train.
Five 'Dragon Ball' villains who can overpower Goku
1) Gas
A newcomer from the Dragon Ball Super manga, Gas has already gone one-on-one with Goku and beat him fiercely. This may have more to do with his wish to be the strongest in Universe 7, but he's already demonstrated that Goku is barely a match for him, even with Super Saiyan Blue.
The way the protagonist gets thrown about like a ragdoll in Dragon Ball Super Chapters 80 and 81 despite getting a boost from Vegeta is testament enough.
If the beating he gave Goku and Vegeta is any indication, Gas may very well surpass Goku. He has already broken Granolah's arms, and time will tell what kind of damage he does to Goku.
2) Broly
This one is rather obvious. Broly has already taken Goku and Vegeta to their limits in the Dragon Ball Super: Broly movie. While there's no real telling how he would do against Ultra Instinct Goku, he tossed around Super Saiyan Blue Goku and Vegeta, and even Golden Frieza, like they were trash once his enraged state kicked in.
Even when Broly wasn't enraged, he still managed to go blow for blow with Super Saiyan God Vegeta.
It's no exaggeration to say Broly may be on a whole different level, considering he appears to be training with Beerus and Whis as of the Super Heroes movie. He was nearly destroyed by Gogeta but considering it took Goku and Vegeta fusing to stop him, that's alarming!
It's not exactly hard to fathom Broly being stronger than Goku once he gets control of himself and isn't a mindless animal in that state.
3) Zamasu

In Dragon Ball Super's Future Trunks arc, Zamasu possessed Goku and teamed up with his Supreme Kai self to kill all mortals by fighting different versions of Goku and wiping out the mortals in that universe. It took Goku and Vegeta fusing to form Vegito to dent Zamasu, the botched Evil Containment Wave aside.
The fact that the Kai was able to, along with Goku Black, devastate multiple universes should be proof as to why he surpasses Goku since the latter couldn't stand against him without aid!
It took so much to finally put down the arrogant Kai that Zeno had to erase that entire universe when Zamasu threatened to consume all of reality. It's scary to imagine what might've happened if he did surpass Goku, but at the level he was, he might've been there already. It's good Beerus killed him, and Zeno wiped him out.
4) Jiren
Jiren took Goku to his limit in the Tournament of Power arc in Dragon Ball Super, and it required Ultra Instinct and the combined power of Goku, Frieza, and Android 17 to topple him finally. He's not satisfied with where he is, either, since Goku beat him.
It'll be a nice, long while before he shows up again, but Goku better watch out when he does.
He may not have the help next time, as he needed it to defeat Jiren. Frieza couldn't beat Jiren on his own, Goku's Ultra Instinct was only partially effective, and Hit didn't stand a chance.
The power of teamwork was needed to defeat this man, and Goku alone wouldn't be able to do it.
5) Moro
The parasitic planet eater Moro has already surpassed Goku. Were it not for Vegeta and his spirit fission, Goku and Earth would've died. He was absorbing too much energy and blew up as a result!
It still required Goku to get a huge spirit avatar of himself to beat. In other words, it needed Goku to go further beyond himself!
Moro had been absorbing multiple planets and eating a lot of energy. Namekians, humans, and other races gave him enough strength to match Goku weight for weight. Thankfully, he's back in jail and unlikely to ever rise again since Vegeta stole the energy back for the Namekians.
Five 'Dragon Ball' villains who can't get better than Goku
1) Cell

Granted, Cell did take Goku to the limit when he was in SS2. He was beaten by SS2 Gohan, who was stronger than Goku at the time. The problem is that that was years ago; this is now. Unless Cell is really smart and strategic, Goku will beat him.
Cell is innovative, so he'd probably get one up on Goku, but it would be temporary at best. He was able to outwit everyone else, either via Solar Flares or other distractions, though.
In his Perfect Form, he was more than a match for Goku even at SS2. The problem is, again, every time he's come back, he hasn't been impressive at all, having been defeated by Gohan in the movies and GT.
2) Captain Ginyu
The only X factor Ginyu has is his body-swapping abilities. That's it. He was strong in the Dragon Ball Z Frieza saga but got tricked by Goku into body-swapping with a frog.
Then again, he also swapped bodies with a random Frieza soldier and got wiped out by Vegeta. In base form. There's no way he would surpass Goku even if he has more training!
Context: He was the strongest of the Ginyu Force back in the Frieza Saga. They were all systematically annihilated by Goku and Vegeta until only Ginyu remained.
Ginyu himself kept Goku busy but kept body-swapping to confuse them. Eventually, he swapped with a frog and wasn't seen again until Dragon Ball Super.
3) Janemba

Strong and random like Kid Buu, Janemba also required fusions to beat. He also needed high levels of transformation, though it didn't last long.
His tactics certainly helped, and he packed a wallop, but Goku's tussled with the likes of Jiren by now. It wouldn't matter if Janemba had come in on him.
Janemba took the fusion of Gogeta to defeat. This took a while since Goku and Vegeta kept failing at fusion. He also let people out of hell and sealed heaven in a barrier.
Goku and Vegeta had to distract this fast, teleporting beast while Pikkon got the barrier down.
4) Majin Buu
The big guy's days of fighting that hard are over. But even if it was Super Buu or Kid Buu, Goku knows his tricks now. It's not a contest for anything since Goku has wrangled with beings of godly power.
There's more to Dragon Ball Z than godly power, though Goku should find it far easier to kill him this time around. Buu has tangled with the Supreme Kais before, having killed all but one of them.
The problem is he got tossed aside when Beerus came in and hasn't been helpful unless one counts the Zeno Expo. If Buu ever went evil, even with him destroying the world and trouncing the Z fighters, he wouldn't stand a chance with Beerus and SSB Goku and Vegeta around.
5) Raditz
It's Raditz, enough said. This starter villain was the first Dragon Ball Z villain Goku and Piccolo ever fought, requiring the latter two to use a lot of energy to get him down. It even needed Goku to sacrifice himself, so Piccolo could land the killing shot, even having Gohan headbutt him in the stomach!
He may have had enough to beat Goku in their first meeting, but there was no subsequent meeting. Basically, Raditz is considered on the weakest Saiyan list for a reason. He'd barely be a match for Vegeta at Namek, never mind Goku now!
Even if he reaches Super Saiyan, it's far too late for Raditz.
Note: This article is based on the writer's opinion.