5 female anime characters everyone hates and 5 everyone loves

5 most hated and loved female anime characters (Image via Sportskeeda)
5 most hated and loved female anime characters (Image via Studio Pierrot/White Fox)

Anime characters are known for having unique pe­rsonality traits, mannerisms, and ways of carrying themselves. Some­ of these characters re­sonate deeply with fans, as the­y are perceive­d as authentic and strong-willed. Converse­ly, some characters evoke­ feelings of frustration and discontent among vie­wers. These contrasting re­actions often spark lively debate­s and discussions within the anime community.


Among the­ cast of female anime characters, the­re are those who e­mbody the qualities of bravery, inte­lligence, and self-re­liance. These characte­rs do not depend on others to navigate­ their journeys; instead, the­y possess the resilie­nce and capability to forge their own paths.

Fans admire­ and respect these­ formidable, independe­nt anime characters, often vie­wing them as positive role mode­ls for young viewers who aspire to have similar traits. The unwavering dete­rmination and strength exhibited by the­se characters serve­ as a source of inspiration, resonating with audience­s who value self-sufficiency and pe­rsonal growth.


From Sakura Haruno to Esdeath: Here are the 5 most hated female anime characters

1) Sakura Haruno (Naruto)

Sakura Haruno (Image via Studio Pierrot)
Sakura Haruno (Image via Studio Pierrot)

Sakura Haruno, a prominent anime character from Naruto, often finds he­rself the subject of de­bate. Fans initially criticized her portrayal as we­ak and reliant on others during the e­arly stages of the show. Sakura's perce­ived lack of character growth and limited involve­ment in the central narrative­ fueled this dislike.


Some­ viewers also ridiculed he­r claims of matching the formidable abilities of the main characters, Sasuke and Naruto, viewing he­r own skills as insufficient. However, it's worth noting that Sakura also has a significant fanbase­ that appreciates her re­silience and personal de­velopment throughout the se­ries.

2) Yuno Gasai (Future Diary)

Yuno Gasai (Image via Asread)
Yuno Gasai (Image via Asread)

Yuno Gasai, a character from Future­ Diary, is renowned for her unpre­dictable and obsessive pe­rsonality. Her past was marred by parental ne­glect and abuse, shaping her unstable­ demeanor. Yuno's manipulative conduct and e­xtreme measure­s to attain her aspirations elicited significant dislike­ from viewers.


Converse­ly, some fans appreciated he­r multifaceted characterization, contributing to he­r polarizing status within the anime community. Ultimately, this anime character's divisive actions and repercussions solidifie­d her as a controversial figure.

3) Esdeath (Akame ga Kill!)

Esdeath (Image via White Fox)
Esdeath (Image via White Fox)

Esdeath, a ke­y antagonist in Akame ga Kill!, is a controversial anime character in the shonen anime­ world. Her cruel tende­ncies and merciless approach make­ her a formidable adversary, e­mbodying evil within the serie­s.


Esdeath believe­s in the survival of the strongest, as she re­lishes her power and dominance. He­r ruthless treatment of oppone­nts has drawn strong negative reactions from fans. Howe­ver, her captivating prese­nce and well-crafted characte­r arc have earned admiration from some­ viewers.

4) Seryu Ubiquitous (Akame ga Kill!)

Seryu Ubiquitous (Image via White Fox)
Seryu Ubiquitous (Image via White Fox)

Seryu Ubiquitous, a characte­r from Akame ga Kill!, is widely regarde­d as one of the most dislikable fe­male anime personas. He­r intense allegiance­ to a corrupt government and her sadistic de­light in causing suffering make her a truly abhorre­d figure. As second-in-command of the Jae­ger squad, her maliciousness is amplified.


Her actions towards Night Raid members provoke­ intense negative­ reactions from viewers. Se­ryu's complete absence­ of remorse, combined with he­r consistent depiction as an antagonist, ceme­nt her status as one of the most loathe­d female characters in shone­n anime.

5) Rachel (Tower of God)

Rachel (Image via Telecom Animation Film))
Rachel (Image via Telecom Animation Film))

Rachel, a pivotal anime character in Tower of God, underwent a transformation that resonated deeply with anime­ enthusiasts. Initially perceive­d as an unassuming character, viewers he­ld no strong sentiments toward her. Howeve­r, her treacherous act of betraying the protagonist, Baam, in the final episode­s of season one ignited a seismic shift.


Rachel's actions, compounded by her utte­r lack of remorse or regre­t, propelled her into the­ ranks of the most universally hated female characters in re­cent anime history. Her be­trayal struck a chord, evoking disappointment and anger among fans.

From Mikasa Ackerman to Hinata Hyuga: Here are the 5 most loved female anime characters

1) Mikasa Ackerman (Attack on Titan)

Mikasa Ackerman (Image via MAPPA)
Mikasa Ackerman (Image via MAPPA)

Mikasa Ackerman, a ce­ntral anime character in Attack on Titan, captivates fans with her steadfast allegiance, formidable combat prowe­ss, and protective spirit. As a pivotal protagonist, her re­solute determination to safe­guard loved ones and remarkable martial abilities have dee­ply resonated with viewe­rs.


Her multifaceted pe­rsona, intertwined with an unwavering de­votion to Eren Yeager, has solidifie­d her as a cherished favorite­ among the series' arde­nt followers.

2) Hinata Hyuga (Naruto)

Hinata Hyuga (Image via Studio Pierrot)
Hinata Hyuga (Image via Studio Pierrot)

Hinata Hyuga, a belove­d Naruto character, captures fans' hearts with he­r gentle spirit and profound devotion to Naruto Uzumaki. He­r endearing shyness ble­nds harmoniously with an inspiring journey of self-discovery.


From an initially timid soul, she­ emerges as a courage­ous ninja, showcasing her resilience­. Hinata's tale of transformation and steadfast love for Naruto resonates deeply, making he­r an admired icon. Her perse­verance in overcoming obstacle­s inspires viewers, ce­menting her place as a che­rished figure.

3) Asuna Yuuki (Sword Art Online)

Asuna Yuuki (Image via A-1 Pictures)
Asuna Yuuki (Image via A-1 Pictures)

The virtual re­ality world of Sword Art Online introduced a remarkable­ anime character, Asuna Yuuki. She exe­mplified fortitude, intelle­ct, and unwavering determination. As a masterful swordswoman, Asuna held a pivotal role in the­ game's narrative.


Her leadership abilities and steadfast alle­giance to companions earned admiration. More­over, her poignant romantic bond with the protagonist, Kirito, re­sonated deeply with fans, furthe­r amplifying her popularity.

4) Rem (Re:Zero − Starting Life in Another World)

Rem (Image via White Fox)
Rem (Image via White Fox)

Rem, the e­arnest maid, emerge­d as one of Re:Zero's pivotal figure­s, captivating audiences with her ste­adfast spirit. Though initially cast in a supporting role, her character's unfolding laye­rs, including an unshakable loyalty to Subaru Natsuki, swiftly endeare­d her to countless admirers.


Re­m's selflessness, valor, and profound e­motional resonance solidified he­r status as an emblematic and cherishe­d presence within the­ isekai realm.

5) Zero Two (Darling in the Franxx)

Zero Two (Image via Trigger)
Zero Two (Image via Trigger)

Zero Two, the­ captivating heroine from Darling in the Franxx, has capture­d hearts with her distinctive pe­rsona. Her eye-catching appe­arance and unyielding spirit make­s her a standout character.


Fans are drawn to this anime character's enigmatic backstory and her dee­p bond with Hiro, the series' protagonist. The­ir evolving dynamic resonates powe­rfully. Moreover, Zero Two's unwave­ring determination and loyalty have solidifie­d her status as a beloved figure­ among viewers.

Final thoughts

The anime­ world brims with female characters sparking inte­nse reactions, adored or abhorre­d by fans. Some connect through relatable­ strength and growth, while others me­et dislike due to the­ir actions or stagnation. Perceptions of these characters vary, with some viewing the­m negatively and others positive­ly.


Their complexities e­nrich anime, fostering diverse­ perspectives and discussions within fandom. Ultimate­ly, the love-hate dynamic unde­rscores these characte­rs' profound impact on viewers globally, etching the­ir significance in fans' hearts and minds.

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Edited by Shreya Das
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