One of the main attractions of the Naruto series is the layered depth of its ninja-based combat system. While the overall system is called ninjutsu in Naruto, there exist three additional subsections, with one being the same name and the other two being taijutsu and genjutsu.
Thus, the Naruto series provides many different ways for its characters to effectively and relevantly contribute to and engage in combat. One particular standout character who has become one of the most powerful shinobi of all time in Naruto is Might Guy, who focused exclusively on taijutsu due to his lack of ability in the other two fields.
Here are five Naruto characters who will never surpass Might Guy, and five more who were always stronger than him.
Hinata Hyuga, 4 other Naruto characters always inferior to Might Guy
1) Tenten

Kicking off the list is, unfortunately for her, the easy target in Tenten. Her combat scenes and overall contributions throughout the Naruto series are not very impressive, with very few of either even existing to base such critiques off of.
At a certain point, it’s a fair argument that Tenten never really got a fair chance to shine as the other side characters did.
In the same breath, however, if she was meant to be particularly strong or impressive, series author Masashi Kishimoto would’ve undoubtedly made that clear.
2) Konohamaru Sarutobi

While Konohamaru does grow up to become one of the Leaf Village’s strongest ninjas, he’s far below the level of Naruto’s taijutsu master. Some of Konohamaru’s most impressive feats include defeating one of the Pain’s as a child, as well as being hailed as an elite jonin as an adult.
Despite his immense chakra reserves and skills as a fighter, he’s unfortunately simply not at the level of Might Guy or anywhere close. It’s a high benchmark to reach, and Konohamaru falls much more than just short of it.
3) Hinata Hyuga

While powerful and skilled in her own right, Naruto’s Hinata Hyuga will likely never reach Might Guy’s level. Even with her Byakugan, she seems to lack the raw power which Guy had to work with throughout his life and used as the basis of his taijutsu skill.
In terms of taijutsu itself, she is very skilled, and with training could potentially, eventually, match the level of skill Guy had with the martial art. However, power is another thing entirely, and is one facet of the Blue Beast’s prowess that Hinata will never be able to reach.
4) Kiba Inuzuka

Similarly, Kiba Inuzuka is another Konoha 12 ninja who will never be able to reach Might Guy’s level. His relevance and ability to contribute likely reached its peak during the Sasuke Retrieval arc, with not much significant progress in the story’s later stages.
While he does still fight alongside the other shinobi of the world in the Fourth Shinobi World War, he’s not seen making any incredibly significant contributions to the effort. Foot soldiers will always be needed in wars, but Might Guy was incredibly far above the level of a mere foot soldier.
5) Choji Akimichi

Last but certainly not least, Choji Akimichi’s gentle and nurturing nature is one of the major barriers to his becoming as strong as Might Guy. While the Ino-Shika-Cho team member is incredibly strong in his own right, he simply doesn’t have the devotion to training or fighting that is needed to reach the upper levels of taijutsu.
Furthermore, Choji’s strengths lie in his clan's trademark body-size ninjutsu abilities rather than hand-to-hand combat prowess. With much of his youth being focused on training the former skills rather than the latter one, there’s no chance he’ll ever approach Might Guy’s level.
Madara Uchiha, 4 other Naruto shinobi were always superior to Might Guy
1) Kakashi Hatake

One of the easiest shinobi to point to as being stronger than Might Guy is his rival and best friend, Kakashi Hatake. The two were always neck and neck in their rivalry races, with a margin of one typically being the differential in scores throughout the series.
Additionally, Kakashi was skilled enough in taijutsu alone that the immense power and strength he held in other combat areas could make up for his deficiency.
While Guy was able to hone his taijutsu into an incredibly sharp spear, Kakashi was able to use his talent and training in all three areas to establish himself as overall superior.
2) Obito Uchiha

In essentially any form he took as an adult, Naruto’s Obito Uchiha was always superior to Might Guy as a fighter. The rogue Uchiha ninja’s Mangekyou Sharingan ability alone gave him an incredible edge over Guy, who was unable to counter the technique with just taijutsu.
Furthermore, like Kakashi, Obito is more skilled in all three facets of shinobi combat to the point of being able to be generally superior to Guy. There are simply too many favorable variables for Obito and too many unfavorable against Guy to arrive at any opinion other than Obito’s superiority.
3) Madara Uchiha

One of the more obvious and easy-to-answer comparisons is undoubtedly Madara Uchiha and Might Guy, thanks to their battle in Naruto: Shippuden. However, just like that battle, the latter undoubtedly loses to the former in this on-paper matchup.
While Guy did almost kill Madara, which came out at the latter’s own admission no less, he was unfortunately unable to finish the job and kill history’s most notorious ninja.
Considering this singular battle is the absolute peak of his power in the series, it’s no surprise that Madara was always superior to him.
4) Naruto Uzumaki

One of the main reasons for Naruto’s always being superior to Guy is due to him being an incarnate of Ashura Otsutsuki, and the destiny such a role comes with. While a battle between the two in the former’s younger years may not have ended the same way, that latent power and ability always existed, even when it wasn’t being tapped into.
As a result, it’s a no-brainer to say that the series’ eponymous ninja Naruto Uzumaki was always superior to Might Guy. While this may not have always been true in practice, it certainly was on paper.
5) Sasuke Uchiha

Finally, and similarly, Sasuke Uchiha also ranks above Might Guy for a number of reasons, including one similar to Naruto’s. Unlike his reincarnate compatriot, there are undoubtedly points in the series where this Uchiha could win the hypothetical matchup.
Once unlocking the eternal mangekyou sharingan, there’s essentially nothing stopping Sasuke from defeating Might Guy in battle. Whether it’s through spamming Sharingan techniques or on the back of his overall skill as a ninja, Sasuke has a clear path to victory against the Hidden Leaf’s Blue Beast.
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This article was modified on Thursday, June 29, at 4:46 pm.