One of the most exciting parts of an anime series for some are the romances that pop up throughout the story, and One Piece is no exception. While author Eiichiro Oda has expressed his distaste for making romance a major point of the series, there are still some One Piece relationships that pique the interest of fans.
Some of these are canon, with those involved being married, but a majority are fan-made and based on interactions in One Piece between the two characters. In both cases, there exist examples that nearly every One Piece fan loves, as well as ones nearly every One Piece fan despises.
Usopp x Kaya, and 4 other One Piece relationships everyone loves
1) Fan ship: Monkey D. Luffy x Boa Hancock

This one-way attraction from the One Piece series is one that fans have grown to love since its introduction. Its popularity is partially due to Luffy’s innocence when around Boa Hancock, and the two are just adorable when interacting with one another.
The former’s authenticity plays off of the latter’s love for him tremendously, with thanks and praise from the former to the latter becoming even more meaningful. Very few, if any, fans of the series hate this fanon ship.
2) Fan ship: Roronoa Zoro x Kozuki Hiyori

This fan-loved ship began when One Piece’s Wano arc saw the former save the latter from a mad Killer, who seemed somewhat deranged at the time. The popularity of this match only grew when the two slept together, and the cherry on top was when Zoro received Hiyori’s Enma, which was originally her father's sword.
The two are an understandably desirable match, due to his status and rank as a swordsman and her likely being the next shogun of Wano. Although not canon yet, fans are still hoping this will eventually come to fruition.
3) Fan ship: Usopp x Kaya

Kaya and Usopp have an interesting relationship. Canon evidence of their interest in each other exists, but nothing is confirmed yet. As a result, until One Piece officially confirms their love for one another, this is a fan ship.
However, fans still love it despite it not being canon, with the two close friends clearly at least having some sort of deep love for one another. One of the major moments which proves this on Usopp’s part is when the Straw Hats must leave the Merry behind, and he desperately fights against this because it reminds him of Kaya.
4) Canon: Shakky x Silvers Rayleigh

One of the few canon relationships in this article, Shakky and Silvers Rayleigh are business partners as well as husband and wife. Their on-screen interactions are sparse, but the few interactions they have make it clear they care for each other.
Fans primarily love this relationship because of the mentor-like role they take on for the Straw Hats, with both committing to help the crew however they can. While Rayleigh is a little more hands-on than Shakky in that regard, she nevertheless helps by letting them use her bar as a meeting place post-time-skip.
5) Fan ship: Sabo x Koala

Sabo and Koala are an interesting, albeit understandable fan ship, considering the two are brothers-in-arms with one another. Nevertheless, the ship at least makes sense given how close the two clearly are, in addition to how well they know one another.
The concern Koala showed for Sabo during the tease of his post-Reverie fate further fueled the fire for this fan ship, with her reaction being more over-the-top than other Revolutionaries. While not canon yet, it would certainly please a majority of the fanbase if One Piece chooses to canonize their relationship.
Sanji x Pudding, and 4 other One Piece relationships everyone wishes would break
1) Fan ship: Roronoa Zoro x Tashigi

While a certain segment of the One Piece fanbase loves the idea of a Zoro and Tashigi relationship, a vast majority despises the idea. For one, the two are on opposite sides of the isle from one another, with the former being a pirate and the latter a marine.
Additionally, Tashigi has stated her dislike for Zoro multiple times throughout the series, going as far as to say he doesn’t deserve the Wado Ichimonji. The only real link between the two is that Tashigi looks like Kuina, which is an incredibly superficial foundation for a relationship.
2) Canon: Sai x Baby 5

The only other canon relationship on this list, One Piece’s Dressrosa arc saw these two lovebirds first fight each other and then fall in love. Perhaps because of author Eiichiro Oda’s distaste for love in his story, however, the two are incredibly annoying when seen together.
Their flirting stage was essentially Sai yelling out that he would win their fight, with Baby 5 misconstruing it as a proclamation of love, leading to Sai getting embarrassed. While funny at first, the gag simply went on for too long.
3) Fan ship: Sanji x Pudding

Sanji and Pudding are another interesting ship that seems to have both supporters and detractors in the fanbase. However, due to the latter’s rude attitude and attempting to murder the former, a majority of the fanbase typically dislikes this ship.
The main argument against the hypothetical pairing is Pudding’s constant ridicule and poor treatment of Sanji throughout One Piece’s Whole Cake Island arc. There’s only been one time he’s cried throughout the series, and it was as a result of Pudding ridiculing him and proclaiming her love to be fake.
4) Fan ship: Yamato x Luffy

Yamato and Luffy are a very interesting ship that a very small portion of the One Piece fanbase seems to support. The main support for this pairing is the relationship the two have had throughout the Wano arc thus far, as well as her having known Ace and learning about Luffy from him.
However, the clear favorite for any relationship he may have throughout the series is Boa Hancock. Furthermore, Yamato seems to be prioritizing her becoming Oden and starting her journey on the seas above all else. Given what has played out in the story so far, this ship just doesn’t seem realistic and doesn't make a lot of sense either.
5) Fan ship: Mihawk x Perona

One fan ship that a majority of the fanbase wishes would stop happening is that of Mihawk and Perona. One Piece’s time-skip showed them living with one another and having a somewhat friendly relationship, which was further established when she later left during the Wano arc.
However, there’s not much to support this ship beyond these basic interactions and facts, making it very strange. While it’s not necessarily impossible for the two to one day become an item, there’s simply not enough evidence to even theorize it with what the story has shown so far.
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