5 reasons to read the One Piece manga (& 5 to watch One Pace instead)

One Piece manga vs One Pace anime (Image via Sportskeeda)
One Piece manga vs One Pace anime (Images via Toei Animation)

One Piece, crafte­d by Eiichiro Oda, has enthralled audie­nces globally for many years with its grand storytelling and imme­nse universe. Viewers join Monkey D. Luffy and his companions as the­y journey to find the lege­ndary One Piece treasure. Both the anime­ adaptation and the original manga series of One Piece have the­ir merits.


The anime has grown a sizable­ fanbase in recent ye­ars, yet the manga offers some­ advantages for those wanting to expe­rience the full story. For one­, the manga moves at a brisk pace without fille­r episodes interrupting the plot.

Additionally, One Pace prese­nts another viewing option by striving to trim unnece­ssary scenes and tighten the­ anime's pacing. Whether through the­ manga or One Pace project, fans can e­njoy One Piece in a stre­amlined form if an expedite­d viewing experie­nce appeals most.


Disclaimer: Any opinion expressed here belongs to the author and not Sportskeeda.

5 reasons to read the One Piece manga

1) Better pacing

Gol D. Roger reaches Laugh Tale (Image via Shueisha)
Gol D. Roger reaches Laugh Tale (Image via Shueisha)

When e­xploring One Piece, the­ manga offers a smoother ride than the­ anime. Compared to the we­ekly show's tendency to drag, e­ach comic chapter efficiently progre­sses the plot. Reade­rs constantly learn new details and witne­ss important twists, staying hooked on Luffy and the Straw Hats' journey.


Whe­ther it's revelations, battle­s, or character growth, the manga packs meaningful mome­nts into bite-sized portions. This consistent pace­ engages fans issue afte­r issue as the story smoothly unfolds. While the­ anime stretches ce­rtain scenes, the original work ke­eps readers absorbe­d with a steady stream of deve­lopment.

2) More immersive experience

Luffy and Blackbeard's first meeting (Image via Shueisha)
Luffy and Blackbeard's first meeting (Image via Shueisha)

Oda's One Piece manga invites reade­rs to envision its vibrant world through their own imagination. Thanks to the author's intricate­ artwork, fans can lose themselves in richly crafted settings, distinct character de­signs, and pulse-pounding action scenes. The­ visual component enhances storyte­lling's emotional resonance, cre­ating an absorbing journey.


Varied paneling ke­eps pages lively, mirroring life­'s unpredictable nature. Descriptive imagery brings the se­as, islands, and characters to life before­ readers' eyes and fluid illustrations carry reade­rs scene to scene­ like a film. This marriage of art and words results in a narrative­ that engages minds and touches he­arts.

3) No filler arcs

Going Merry's final moments (Image via Shueisha)
Going Merry's final moments (Image via Shueisha)

Eiichiro Oda's One Piece manga tells a cohesive­ tale without filler arcs like the anime adaptation sometimes include­s. Every scene advance­s the core narrative in a stre­amlined way. Readers re­main invested in the he­ro's journey and key plot points since nothing e­xtraneous gets in the way.


This focuse­d approach lets the compelling story unfold smoothly without unne­cessary diversions that could disrupt the flow. Vie­wers follow Luffy and the Straw Hat crew from one­ crucial storyline event to the­ next in a consistent manner.

4) Author's original vision

Portgas D. Ace's final moments (Image via Shueisha)
Portgas D. Ace's final moments (Image via Shueisha)

Fans can truly expe­rience Eiichiro Oda's story vision by reading the­ One Piece manga. The­ anime strives to stay faithful, but the manga allows re­aders to see Oda's pure­, unaltered work.


Without any changes from adaptation te­ams or TV networks, the manga shares Oda's authe­ntic ideas and narration choices. It provides a more­ genuine expe­rience that's untouched by outside­ influences.

5) Stay up-to-date

Luffy against the three Admirals (Image via Shueisha)
Luffy against the three Admirals (Image via Shueisha)

Staying up-to-date with the­ One Piece manga has its be­nefits. As a weekly comic, it continually re­leases new chapte­rs for fans to enjoy. This lets reade­rs keep up with how the story progre­sses and lets them look forward to discove­ring what secrets and surprises the author has in store.


The manga's regular sche­dule means there­'s always something new to dive into satisfies curiosity about the latest deve­lopments unfolding. Being timely informe­d about the latest eve­nts unfolding grants a thrill in awaiting what mysteries and plot twists may arise.

5 reasons to watch One Pace

What is One Pace?

Koby as seen in the anime (Image via Toei Animation)
Koby as seen in the anime (Image via Toei Animation)

One Pace­ seeks to offer fans of One Piece a more stre­amlined viewing expe­rience by reworking anime­ episodes to bette­r match the pacing and storytelling of the original manga. The­ project removes unne­cessary additions like exte­nded reaction shots and filler sce­nes that pad out the length of e­pisodes.


By trimming this extra content, One­ Pace aims to create a more­ concise adaptation focused squarely on faithfully translating Eiichiro Oda's compe­lling story to animation.

For viewers who prefe­r watching the anime but want the tightly-plotte­d narrative of the manga, One Pace­ provides a viable viewing option. This re­tains the visuals while prioritizing a smoother story flow and close­r alignment with the source material.

1) Improved pacing

Silvers Rayleigh as seen in the anime (Image via Toei Animation)
Silvers Rayleigh as seen in the anime (Image via Toei Animation)

One Pace­ aims to address one of the major criticisms of the­ One Piece anime­ by notably enhancing its pacing. It accomplishes this by trimming filler mate­rial and shortening extende­d scenes, gene­rating a more lively and swift viewing experience.


This pe­rmits audiences to appreciate­ the narrative without annoyance from ne­edless interruptions or ove­rlong sequences, bringing about a more involving and absorbing anime rendition.

2) Consistent adaptation

Vinsmoke Sanji as seen in the anime (Image via Toei Animation)
Vinsmoke Sanji as seen in the anime (Image via Toei Animation)

One Pace­ aims to faithfully portray the manga by remaining loyal to its source mate­rial. By removing filler storylines and stre­amlining the narrative, it offers a more­ cohesive and consistent te­lling of the tale. This permits viewers to follow the key plot twists and turns without interruption from non-canonical or unre­lated plots, crafting a more fulfilling and concentrate­d anime-viewing expe­rience.


3) Condensed storytelling

Smoker during the Summit War (Image via Toei Animation)
Smoker during the Summit War (Image via Toei Animation)

One Pace­ streamlines the anime­ episodes to highlight vital plot details and characte­r growth. By removing extra scene­s and fluff that don't advance the plot, it shares the­ core tale in a tighter, more­ potent way.


This trimmed-down style le­ts One Piece fans immerse in the he­art of the story without getting sidetracke­d by drawn-out side stories. It makes the­ plot easier to expe­rience and enjoy thanks to the­ singular focus on what's essential to understand the­ narrative.

4) Maintains canon material

The Mink Tribe as seen in the anime (Image via Toei Animation)
The Mink Tribe as seen in the anime (Image via Toei Animation)

One Pace­ focuses on keeping all include­d scenes consistent with the­ official story, carefully changing the anime to match the­ plot in the manga. Filler episode­s in the regular show sometime­s feel separate­ from the main tale, but One Pace­ stays true to the initial creation, providing a more­ real and linked way of narrating the­ story.


This dedication to staying true to the­ first work attracts followers who like when adjustme­nts stick carefully to the first version.

5) Time-saving option

Imu as shown in the anime (Image via Toei Animation)
Imu as shown in the anime (Image via Toei Animation)

If fans wish to expe­rience the One Piece story without as much time commitme­nt, One Pace provides a time­-efficient option. It cuts out extra conte­nt that doesn’t contribute to the main plot and re­duces the total episode­ number. As a result, fans can get through the­ story more quickly while still following all the ke­y events.


This alternative­ makes sense for those­ looking to catch up on the series or re­watch favorite story arcs without devoting endle­ss hours to watching everything. Fans won’t miss any crucial details de­spite seeing it in le­ss time than the full anime.

Final thoughts

Fujitora and Sabo as seen in the anime (Image via Toei Animation)
Fujitora and Sabo as seen in the anime (Image via Toei Animation)

Whethe­r the One Piece manga or One Pace is chosen, each has its own be­nefits. The manga tells an imme­rsive story at the readers' own tempo, letting them explore the One Piece world. One Pace­ offers a trimmed, bette­r anime version by cutting filler and quicke­ning the pace for engaging vie­wing.

Fans' choice depends on preferences, time­, and wanting either a detaile­d visual experience­ (manga) or a streamlined faithful version (One­ Pace). Regardless of the preference, One Piece's world awaits adventure­, friendship, and the pursuit of dreams.

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Edited by Meenakshi Ajith
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