One of the most recurring lessons One Piece has to offer fans is that the concepts of good and wrong are often subjective. No matter how evil a character may appear at first, there is always a reason for most of them to act like that. Some of the series’ villains even regret their past, proving that they were never truly evil.
Nonetheless, despite having a large number of relatable villains fans can sympathize with, the show also has many characters who can only be described as evil. These individuals are cruel and enjoy causing pain and suffering wherever they go. This list will talk about five of the most empathetic One Piece villains and five of the vilest characters.
Disclaimer: This article reflects the author’s opinion. It contains spoilers for the One Piece anime and manga series.
Reiju and four other One Piece villains fans can relate to
1) Fujitora

Despite being tasked with maintaining order in One Piece’s world, the Marine Admirals often act as the series' villains. They are under direct supervision from the World Government, meaning that they act in the Celestial Dragons’ best interest, not that of the common folk's. The only Admiral who truly wants to bring justice and equity is Fujitora.
The blind man is the only one out of the three current Admirals with a true understanding of what the Marines should be. He always avoids fighting in populated areas, as he knows the innocent people of the world should not suffer collateral damage. Fujitora is also a benevolent soul who has spared countless enemies.
2) Aokoji

Before joining the Blackbeard Pirates, Aokoji was a compassionate, laid-back, and powerful member of the Marines, and acted as one of their three Admirals. However, he never allowed his position or powerful Devi-Fruit to corrupt his strong moral code and his kind heart. Aokoji followed his own rules, which often led to clashes with Akainu.
If the black-haired man believed a person was doing the right thing, he would help them, no matter if they were a Marine or a pirate. He helped the Straw Hat crew on more than one occasion, allowing them to escape or aiding in their survival.
3) Katakuri

The Big Mom Pirates are not only one of the most powerful organizations in One Piece but also one of the biggest families in the world. Out of all the members of this group, Charlotte Katakuri is without a doubt the most loyal, caring, and protective member. This fierce warrior swore to protect his family no matter the cost.
Tragically, Katakuri was brainwashed by Big Mom, who likes to see her children as nothing but pawns in her game, to follow her orders without question. This is why the scarf-wearing man fought so hard against the Straw Hat Pirates during their time in Toto Land. Katakuri was questioning his mother’s teaching the last time we saw him, meaning he could still become a hero.
4) Reiju

The Germa Kingdom is ruled by a man, Judge Vinsmoke, who strongly believes emotions to be a burden and a weakness. Due to this, he modified his children to be born without any semblance of emotions beyond the need to fight. The only two characters who were saved from this fate were Sanji and his sister Reiju.
The pink-haired woman acted as a minor antagonist for a little while in One Piece before changing sides and joining the Straw Hats in their quest to save Sanji. She decided to help her father’s enemies because of her deep love for her brother, whom she has been helping survive since they were kids.
5) Hachi

The Straw Hat crew has faced many villains throughout the story of One Piece, with the Arlong Pirates being one of the first ones they had to encounter. The ruthless and somewhat sinister group led many to misunderstand Fishmen who just wanted justice called home, like Hachi. Hatchan grew up with a deep hatred of humans, due to the prejudices they had against his people.
Believing he would bring justice to Fishmen all over the world, Hatchan joined the Sun Pirates and later the Arlong Pirates. However, after his fight with the Straw Hats, Hachi learned that his actions were wrong and instead focused on opening a takoyaki restaurant.
Kaido and four other heinous One Piece villains
1) Doflamingo

Born as a son of a World Noble, Doflamingo had the chance to enjoy the luxurious life of the Celestial Dragons for the first few years of his life. Unlike his humble family, who never thought of themselves above the rest, the pink-haired man saw himself as better than the rest of humanity, which is in line with how most Celestial Dragons think.
To prove to his son that he was no better than his peers, his father took Doflamingo, Rosinante, and his wife to live amongst the common folk. Sadly, the hatred most people felt for the World Nobles led the family to a life of poverty and sickness. Tired of it, Doflamingo killed his own family and took over the Kingdom of Dressrosa, where he ruled with an iron fist.
2) Blackbeard

As a youngster, Marshall was received with open arms by the Whitebeard Pirates, a group in which the black-haired man found a family. Still, this new love and affection never dissuaded him from his dream of obtaining the ultimate power. That is why, at his first opportunity, he betrayed Whitebeard, the man who saw him as a son, in order to take his Devil Fruit powers for himself.
After betraying Whitebeard, Marshall went on to form his own pirate crew, which would become one of the vilest organizations in One Piece. The man would often kill powerful Devil Fruit users to take their abilities and give them to his crew members. His lust for power has driven Blackbeard to the point of insanity, as proven many times in the series.
3) Kaido

The four Emperors of the Sea are considered One Piece’s most powerful and influential pirates. As expected from a former member of the organization, Kaido was an insanely strong man, to the point where he was known as the World’s Strongest Being. Taking advantage of this strength, Kaido started building an empire in which he would be the one to rule.
He took over the Land of Wano, killing everyone who would oppose him and his dreams. Kaido was ruthless to an extreme degree, going as far as to torture children to appease his violent impulses. If not for Luffy and his friends, Kaido would have completely taken over the Land of Wano, killing everyone who disagreed with him in the process.
4) Akainu

The Fleet Admiral of the Marine Corps, as well as the most powerful weapon the World Nobles have under their control, Akainu is one of the most heartless individuals in the series. Sakazuki is a firm believer in the idea of Absolute Justice, a concept in which the rules imposed by the Celestial Dragons must be followed without question.
This belief has led the man to commit several atrocities in the course of the One Piece story. If the Celestial Dragons want something, Akainu will not rest until they have it. He is capable of attacking even other Marines if they dare question his authority, with no semblance of remorse whatsoever.
5) Aramaki

Also known as Admiral Greenbul, Aramaki is the most recent addition to one of One Piece's highest-ranking Marine officers. Ryokugyu is extremely arrogant and often sees others as inferior to him. Like Akainu, he believes that the Celestial Dragons’ laws are absolute, and those countries that do not follow them deserve no right to exist.
The black-haired man also believes that any being who does not bend to the Celestial Dragons’ will should be executed. Out of all the Marine Admirals we have seen in One Piece, Aramaki is without a doubt the foulest and most atrocious of them all.
Final thoughts

In the world of One Piece, good and evil are never as easy to differentiate as in other anime. Luffy and his friends are technically considered villians by the World Government, despite the multiple times that they have helped others. The Marines are seen as heroes, even after all the atrocities they have committed in the name of justice.
The show always tries to go the extra mile by implementing this same lesson into its villains. The series features a lot of individuals whose goals and personalities clearly align them to the side of evil. Yet, there are many other villains who cannot be perceived as wicked, due to various reasons. This is one of the reasons why the story of One Piece has captivated so many fans throughout the years.