While the Boruto anime has several overpowered antagonists, one adversary that has been ever-present since their first appearance is Momoshiki Otsutsuki. The character was defeated at the start of the series itself. However, through a karma seal, he survived this long by making Boruto his host.
That said, Momoshiki previously lost due to the collective efforts of Naruto, Sasuke, Boruto, and other Kages. With both Naruto and Sasuke unavailable to fight in the manga right now, here we shall take a look at anime characters that can obliterate Momoshiki Otsutsuki.
For this, we shall be considering all power systems to be the same in function.
Disclaimer: This article may contain spoilers from several manga.
Lucius, Gojo, and 5 other anime characters who can obliterate Momoshiki from Boruto
1) Son Goku
Son Goku from the Dragon Ball franchise is one of the most overpowered anime characters and can easily defeat Momoshiki Otsutsuki from Boruto. This is because the power scaling between the two franchises is too different.
Momoshiki is bad at taijutsu and evidently avoids using it to fight his opponents. Meanwhile, Goku is a martial artist, giving him the edge over the Otsutsuki. Other than that, he also has his Ultra Instinct technique to avoid Momoshiki's attack and Hakai to erase Momoshiki from existence.
2) Lucius Zogratis
While Lucius Zogratis from Black Clover has yet to showcase the full extent of his powers, the type of magic attributes he has acquired from various Devils and his siblings Dante, Vanica, and Zenon suggest that he will be overpowered against Momoshiki Otsutsuki from Boruto.
Given that Momoshiki has the ability to absorb chakra, Lucius can choose not to use any tangible attacks. Instead, he can use his Gravity Magic to subjugate Momoshiki, following which he can use his Bone or Time Magic to defeat him.
3) Shigaraki Tomura
Shigaraki Tomura from My Hero Academia should be able to obliterate Momoshiki Otsutsuki through his Decay quirk. As evident from the anime, Shigaraki was capable of destroying multiple cities with his awakened quirk, so a single enemy should be an easy fight for him.
Other than the Decay Quirk, the manga series also saw Shigaraki attain the All For One Quirk, allowing him to use the quirks previously collected by All For One. With such a large number of quirks, Shigaraki could easily defeat Momoshiki.
4) Boruto
Surprisingly, even the series' protagonist, Boruto, can defeat Momoshiki. While the Shinobi was previously weaker than the Otsutsuki, following his training with Sasuke Uchiha, he has become overpowered.
Besides the jutsu he had in the past, Boruto can now use the Flying Thunder God Technique to move instantly across the battlefield and Rasengan Uzuhiko to immobilize his enemy. The only problem the protagonist has, for now, is that he is Momoshiki's host, making it difficult for him to fight his enemy.
5) Satoru Gojo
While Satoru Gojo from Jujutsu Kaisen passed away some time ago in the manga, his abilities would have easily allowed him to obliterate Momoshiki Otsutsuki. This is evident from the fact that he was known as the strongest sorcerer.
Gojo's Infinity would have helped him defend himself against all forms of attacks from Momoshiki. As for the offense, the sorcerer can use his domain expansion, Cursed Techniques Red and Blue, and Hollow Purple.
6) Saitama
Saitama from One Punch Man is one of the most strongest characters in all of anime. Hence, he should be able to defeat Momoshiki Otsutsuki easily. While Momoshiki might be able to deal some damage through his jutsu, they shouldn't cause Saitama much trouble.
As his series' name suggests, Saitama should be able to defeat Momoshiki Otsutsuki with a single punch. Even if he fails, as evident from his fight against Garou, Saitama should soon be able to become stronger exponentially.
7) Kisuke Urahara
Kisuke Urahara from Bleach is one of the most underrated anime characters. Nevertheless, his abilities, powered by his intellect, should help him defeat Momoshiki Otsutsuki from Boruto.
This is because Kisuke Urahara's Bankai allows him to split open anything and restructure it. This, along with Kisuke's intellect to come up with numerous solutions for a single problem, should help him defeat the Otsutsuki.
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