Shounen and Slice-of-Life anime are well known for never shying away from adding glimpses of bullying to further enhance the story and to develop antagonistic characters. This disgusting behavior has been treated and tolerated as a form of progression or a rite of passage through adolescent life.
Egotistical characters, who want nothing more than to dominate others, are not really the typical fan favorites. The feeling of redemption when these despicable bullies get what they deserve is unmatched. This article lists eight such bullies who got what they deserved.
Akira from Assassination Classroom and 7 other anime bullies who got what they deserved
1) Akira Takaoka from Assassination Classroom

Bullies don't always have a menacing look on their faces. Some play games and deceive the people they bully with a pleasant smile. Akira is a prime example of such a character since he seemed to be friendly and had a wholesome smile across his face when he was introduced as a character.
His true colors were revealed when he didn't hesitate to beat up his own pupils just to create a sense of dominance. He went absolutely crazy when he lost to Nagisa two times in a row. His self-harm marks from that time still haunt this selfish and sadistic bully.
2) Dio Brando from JoJo's Bizzare Adventure

Before turning into a god-like vampire in the latter part of the anime series, Dio bullied Jonathan Joestar at every chance he could. He kicked Jonathan's dog in the face intentionally when he arrived at his mansion and later burned the innocent animal to death in a furnace.
Dio also stole Erina's first kiss from Jojo and tried his best to completely destroy his spirit. He also tried to manipulate George Joestar into hating his own son. Jonathan bested him using Hamon when they fought after Dio became a vampire.
This fued carried on until Jonathan's descendent, Jotaro, had to step up to save his mother from a curse caused by Dio's schemes.
3) Takamiya from Little Busters

Sometimes, calling the bullies out is the most passive-aggressive thing that one can do and for good measure. Takamiya's conspiracy against members of the Little Busters is a classic move bullies pull.
Takamiya bullied Noumi due to her lack of proficiency in English, which would be perfectly okay in a country where English is not the first language. She took bets that Yamazaki would fail her exams while being present in front of them, and also stuffed trash into Yuiko's school locker.
Takamiya was called out for her horrible actions by Yuiko and that was the final push she needed to stop picking on the Little Busters.
4) Katsuki Bakugo from My Hero Academia

Bakugo's rise in popularity among fans of the anime was completely unexpected as he used to bully Midoriya mercilessly back when he didn't have a quirk. Having a powerful and attention-grabbing quirk messed with his personality. Thus, he had difficulty coming to terms with Midoriya's newfound abilities.
His temper and rough attitude come off as very unheroic, and his superiority complex always finds a way to get shattered when Midoriya achieves a lot more than him. In a way, Midoriya gets redemption in the process.
5) Demon Lord Clayman from That Time I Got Reincarnated As A Slime
Clayman was a deceitful and devious Demon Lord who loved insulting his subordinates. His intelligence gave rise to his superiority complex and egotistical nature didn't make him any more courageous.
He overestimated his abilities and let pride get the best of him. Turns out that he was not as good as he thought he was.
6) Ruruka Ando from Danganronpa

Ruruka is one of the most selfish characters in the anime where betrayal is a necessity for survival. She is extremely manipulative and selfish, which could be regarded as a blessing in her environment. However, this doesn't change the fact that she uses her manipulative and mean methods on people who don't even deserve it.
Her insecurity of getting betrayed made her betray people she trusts. Throughout her screen time in the anime, she acted sweet just to her boyfriend, but she couldn't keep her selfish nature in check for too long. Ironically, she dies from being manipulated by a brainwashing video and her death is too brutal even for someone like her.
7) Johan Liebert from Monster
On the outside, Johan looks like a chill and charismatic individual. However, if one is to see through the positive facade, a calculated and cunning psychopath can be seen lying below. He is a master of manipulation and generally decides to brainwash his victims before killing them in the anime. While in terms of "bullying," Johan does take it up a notch.
He is a firm believer in nihilism and has little to no regard for human life. Johan's despicable use of manipulation techniques affects his victim's psychological well-being to the point where they decide to end their own lives. He met his end when his mother chose to sacrifice his life to save his identical twin sister, Nina.
8) Paul from Pokemon
Pokemon doesn't seem like an anime that would feature something as despicable as bullying, but Paul is an exception. He can be described as heartless and full of himself. He abandoned his chimchar as it couldn't meet his superior standards and left it to fend for itself.
Ash being the compassionate and kind trainer that he is, kept that same chimchar under his wing and defeated three of Paul's Pokemon at that time, including Electivire, his best Pokemon.
Final Thoughts
Bullies deserve nothing but the worst and most animes teach them a lesson. All of the characters listed here have met their unfortunate fate since Karma does hit hard. Characters like Akira from Assassination Classroom are living proof of the dire consequences people have to face when they manipulate and harm people.