Characters in anime have a wide range of unique and distinctive personalities. While some may be highly extroverted and crave attention, others may play it cool or stay completely silent. These characters may be shy, reserved, or even aloof, but they always bring excitement to the table due to their unpredictability.
Over the years, characters like these can be seen more often, and even though they don't add much to their respective stories, their vibe sets the stage subliminally.
Komi Shouko and 7 other anime characters who don't talk much
1) Komi Shouko from Komi Can't Communicate

Shouko is one of the most attractive people among her schoolmates but her crippling anxiety makes it very difficult for her to make new friends. Her inability to speak effectively contradicts her flawless looks, and her friend, Tadano Hitohito, plans to help her make more friends.
He tries his best to help Shouko overcome her fear of rejection and anxiety while interacting with her peers. Her quest to attain a hundred friends seems quite far-fetched judging by her inability to communicate properly.
2) Kisa Sohma from Fruits Basket

Kisa, the Tiger of the Chinese Zodiac, holds little to nothing in common with a Tiger, as her name suggests. She was a reserved and shy girl who was bullied into being completely silent.
Thankfully, Tohru understood her soft side and helped her overcome the trauma that she hid close to her heart. She is also quite sensitive and loves Tohru like an older sister ever since she could relate to her.
3) Toge Inumaki from Jujutsu Kaisen

Toge Inumaki is very quiet and calm, as shown in Jujutsu Kaisen. However, he has a very tender and kind-hearted nature, which is known to his close peers. He cares deeply about his fellow sorcerers but can't help his quiet and composed nature to prevent accidentally cursing people he cares about.
Inumaki's calm demeanor acts as one of his strengths since he doesn't shy away from difficult battles. He analyzes the situation he is in before acting. He also understands that his voice holds an immense power and that it should be reserved to protect the people he cares about.
4) Shoko Nishimiya from A Silent Voice

Shoko Nishimiya, a clinically deaf girl, possesses a kind and gentle personality. Forgiveness is another notable quality of Shoko since she decides to go easy on Shoya, her childhood bully, after he tries to reconnect with her.
She is sympathetic to the point where she blames herself for the majority of the negative events that occur throughout the movie and doesn't blame anyone for their unjust behavior. While being deaf has affected her lifestyle and influenced her family, she tries her best to have a positive outlook on life.
5) Nezuko Kamado from Demon Slayer
Nezuko was a gentle and caring girl with an ordinary lifestyle until she was accidentally transformed into a demon by the Demon Lord, Muzan Kibutsuji. Ever since, she wears a bamboo muzzle to prevent herself from going through the bloodlust that a typical demon possesses.
While she can't be seen talking to her brother, her child-like behavior and funny shenanigans light up the world of Demon Slayer immensely. Her help is somewhat essential to Tanjiro and his fellow swordsmen while fighting powerful demons.
6) Noro from Tokyo Ghoul
Noro didn't say a word to his fellow members in Aogiri Tree or after the time-skip in the anime. He was a masked ghoul with his hair tightly tied into a thick ponytail. One would never be able to read his face since he never displayed any emotion.
Noro seemed to completely ignore his enemies while he massacred others mercilessly. His attacks were on point and his healing prowess made him an incredibly vicious opponent. During his final moments, he finally let fans know that he could speak and wasn't just an emotionless mummy.
7) Ko Sakuragi from Watakoi: Love is hard for Otaku
One wouldn't perceive Ko as a lady due to her appearance but she definitely is one. However, she is extremely introverted and always acts like she's being a bother to everyone around her.
She suffers from anxiety and finds comfort in gaming rather than socializing like her peers. Still, like Komi from Komi Can't Communicate, she hopes to have a lot of friends someday.
8) Juromaru from Inuyasha
Juromaru was shown to be oblivious and distracted when he was introduced in the world of Inuyasha. However, he was incredibly powerful as he held his own against the likes of Inuyasha and his gang.
His incredible speed fazed Sango and scared Koga into running away for a backup. Juromaru proves how much a character can impact the story without even speaking for themselves.
Final Thoughts
Silent characters never fail to create a sense of mystery around them. Whether it's Inumaki's way of communicating via words like Salmon and Fish Flakes, or Noro's unpredictable ways, they never fail to amaze anime fans all around the globe.