Spy x Family is one of the most popular anime and manga series today, garnering a lot of attention from fans all over the world. Its popularity skyrocketed when the series announced the anime adaptation, and so far, the reviews have been strongly positive.
A good reason why this series is popular is because of the character design and the interactions that take place between them. Let’s take a look at some of the most likable characters in Spy x Family.
Disclaimer: The article contains slight spoilers from the manga.
Spy x Family: Characters in the series that fans adore
1) Anya Forger

When it comes to anime characters that the entire fanbase adores, Anya springs to mind. There isn’t really anything annoying about her, and the interactions that take place between her, Loid, and Yor, is quite enthralling. Not only is she adorable, but she portrays a certain level of social intelligence that not many people have.
She played a big role in helping Loid marry Yor because she was able to read Yor’s mind and started singing about how sad she felt because of the absence of a mother. Anya is one of the most beloved characters in the entire series.
2) Loid Forger

Loid Forger is another character that is hard to dislike. He is the best spy in all of Westalis and is posted in Ostania for a crucial mission that will decide whether or not there will be peace between the two countries.
Despite having no experience in being a father, he displays great parenting skills. Even when Anya disagreed with him and went into her room, he respected her feelings and waited for her to come out again. He cares a lot about Anya’s safety as well.
While he might have a mutual agreement with Yor, he still goes out of his way to ensure she feels comfortable in this relationship, making him someone the entire fanbase likes and respects.
3) Yor

Despite Yor’s gentle demeanor, she is an assassin and has killed numerous people. That being said, she too displays great parenting skills, even though she has never had a child.
She is extremely calm and is the type of person who would do anything to take care of the ones she loves. This was seen when Anya was in danger and Yor was able to intimidate and hurt the ones who attempted to kidnap her. Yor is a character that everybody loves, with no annoying traits.
4) Franky Franklin

Franky Franklin is a goofy character who plays an important role in the series. He might not be as important as Loid in this mission, but without his help, Loid would not be able to carry out his mission efficiently. Franky supplies Loid with the right kind of information for any mission that he is supposed to carry out.
One of the biggest reasons why fans love Franky is because of his relationship with Anya. He is constantly encouraging Anya to ask Loid for whatever she wants, putting Loid in a tough spot. The interaction between these three characters is quite entertaining, to say the least.
5) Henry Henderson

Henry Henderson is one of the Headmasters at the Eden Academy. He is someone who is quite obsessed with elegance and was quite happy with the amount of elegance that the Forger family displayed on the day of their test.
Murdoch Swan becomes quite rude and insensitive towards Anya, and Henderson attempts to intervene. When Loid almost smacks him and created a scene, Anya’s chances of getting turn slim. Howver, Henderson stands up for the Forger family and decides to back them up despite him facing potential trouble in the school. Henderson is someone fans liked since he defended Anya and pointed out Swan’s rude behavior.
6) Bond Forger

Bond Forger is a dog that is with the Forger family. This dog has the ability to look into the future since it was a test subject alongside Anya in the past. Anya had named him after her favorite character, Bondman, since his black paws reminded Anya of Bondman's gloves.
This dog is very kind and also saved a child from getting hit a by a bus using its ability to look into the future. Bond Forger also helped Anya retrieve her favorite pair of gloves from another dog by intimidating it.
7) Dominic

Dominic is a side character and happens to be Camilla’s boyfriend. Unlike Camilla who has a sharp tongue and a rude nature, Dominic is quite kind and always tries to have a conversation with Yor, since he is good friends with her brother, Yuri Briar.
During earlier episodes of the series, Dominic discouraged Camilla from picking a fight with Yor and tried to intervene. This suggested that he is far nicer than all of Yor’s co-workers and fans certainly seemed to like him.
8) Walter Evans

The character received very little screen time in the series, but he certainly managed to accumulate good remarks from the viewers. He had a gentle demeanor and was quite respectful towards Anya despite her young age. He is the Headmaster of the Malcolm Hall at Eden and happens to be an English as well.
He was quite polite and did not like the way Mr. Swan conducted his interview by asking rude questions. Given the stark contrast in behavior when comparing Walter Evans and Murdoch Swan, fans grew fond of the English professor.