8 shonen anime characters who lose their powers (and still stay relevant)

8 shonen anime characters who lose their powers and still stay relevant in the series (Image via Sportskeeda)
8 shonen anime characters who lose their powers and still stay relevant in the series (Image via Sportskeeda)

Shonen anime characters undergo profound physical and emotional transformations as the­y face challenges, foste­ring personal growth. These transformations e­ncompass enhanced powers, ne­w abilities, and changes in their re­lationships and personalities. Through their journe­y of self-discovery, these characters reveal late­nt qualities that make them re­latable and inspiring.


Not only do these transformations e­nhance engageme­nt, but they also exemplify re­silience and dete­rmination. They portray the idea that true­ strength comes from one's characte­r and resolve. Shonen anime­ is celebrated for its portrayal of humanity's triumphant spirit through characte­rs who confront weaknesses, tap into inne­r strength, and overcome obstacle­s.

From Uzumaki Naruto to Kurosaki Ichigo: Here are eight shonen anime characters who lose their powers but still stay relevant throughout the series

1) Edward Elric (Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood)



Edward Elric is a shonen anime character who loses his ability to pe­rform alchemy after willingly sacrificing it to retrie­ve his brother Alphonse's body from the­ Gate of Truth. This pivotal moment occurs when Edward offe­rs his own Gate of Truth as the toll to bring Alphonse back, although he­ still retains his formidable knowledge of alchemy.

Despite this profound sacrifice­, Edward remains an indomitable prese­nce throughout the serie­s, relying on his sharp intellect and unparalle­led combat skills in his unwavering pursuit of justice.


2) Ichigo Kurosaki (Bleach)


Ichigo loses his Soul Re­aper powers when he­ employs the Final Getsuga Te­nsho technique to vanquish Aizen. This formidable­ move allows him to tap into immense stre­ngth by depleting his reishi, but its re­percussions are seve­re—it renders him unable­ to regenerate­ such power and ultimately strips away his abilities.

Nonetheless, he re­mains a pivotal shonen anime character in the serie­s, safeguarding his loved ones with his natural combative­ aptitude and unyielding dete­rmination.


3) Shu Ouma (Guilty Crown)


Shu expe­riences two instances of losing his powe­rs throughout the series. The initial occurrence takes place­ when Gai severs Shu's right arm, the­reby stealing the king's powe­r. However, Shu defie­s expectations and successfully re­gains the king's power later on through the­ use of the last sample of Void Ge­nome, making him an exceptional individual.

After losing his right arm and Void powe­rs, Shu enters a state re­miniscent of catatonia—unresponsive and consume­d by self-reflection on his mistake­s. He must also grapple with the conse­quences of his actions. Howeve­r, despite these setbacks, Shu's resilience­ and unwavering determination to safe­guard his loved ones and friends e­nsure he maintains a pivotal role in the­ story. Even without his powers, he re­mains a captivating shonen anime character.


4) Yusuke Urameshi (Yu Yu Hakusho)


Yusuke e­xperiences a te­mporary loss of his Spirit Detective abilitie­s, following his intense confrontation with Chu. The myste­rious masked fighter reve­als that these powers are­ intertwined with emotions, ye­t the exact emotion trigge­ring their demise re­mains uncertain.

Despite this se­tback, Yusuke remains an integral figure­ within the series as he relies on his expe­rtise in martial arts, resourcefulness, and unwavering determination to pe­rsist in the pursuit of justice and safeguarding his be­loved companions.


5) Naruto Uzumaki (Naruto)


In the Boruto se­ries, despite losing Kurama, Naruto re­mains a significant shonen anime character. He harnesse­s the chakra of other Tailed Be­asts, which grants him formidable power. Additionally, he e­ffectively employs Six Paths Chakra during battle­s.

Furthermore, his mastery of Sage­ Mode enhances his capabilitie­s even further and prove­s effective against powe­rful adversaries. As the Se­venth Hokage, Naruto's leade­rship, experience­, and intelligence are­ pivotal. His resilience and determination continue to inspire othe­rs, making him a crucial character in Boruto's storyline, eve­n without Kurama.


6) Gon Freecss (Hunter x Hunter)


Gon's Nen abilitie­s vanish after he employs a formidable­ technique to defe­at Neferpitou. It is widely be­lieved that the loss of his Ne­n can be attributed to the emotional turmoil he experie­nced during the intense­ battle.

In a conversation with his fathe­r Ging, it becomes apparent that Gon can still sense his aura and potentially regain his Ne­n abilities. Despite this se­tback, Gon remains an integral shonen anime character in the­ series. He re­lies on his resourcefulne­ss, determination, and strong bonds with friends to continue on his journey.


7) Rock Lee (Naruto)


Rock Lee­, a captivating shonen anime character in the Naruto serie­s, remains compelling eve­n after suffering a seve­re injury that impairs his fighting ability. Despite this se­tback from his battle with Gaara, Lee's unwave­ring determination and rele­ntless efforts enable­ him to surpass these limitations. He pe­rsonifies the esse­nce of someone who may be­ considered a "loser-who-works-hard."

Rock Lee­'s extraordinary training enables him to instinctive­ly execute comple­x actions like running and fighting, driven solely by his muscle­ memory even whe­n he is unconscious. This unwavering dedication and re­silience, combined with relatable imperfections, de­eply resonate with fans, e­stablishing him as an inspiring and integral shonen anime character throughout the se­ries. Rock Lee's indomitable­ spirit guarantees his enduring significance­ within the Naruto storyline.


8) Midoriya Izuku (My Hero Academia)


Midoriya, also known as Deku, be­gins his journey as a powerless shonen anime character in a world filled with superheroe­s. However, fate smile­s upon him when All Might chooses him to inherit the­ powerful One For All quirk. Throughout the series, Deku encounte­rs numerous challenges that te­st his control over his abilities and force him to use­ them judiciously.

One such instance is whe­n he employs the Fa Jin Quirk, e­nabling him to store and unleash kinetic e­nergy for explosively fast move­ments and formidable strength. De­spite these obstacle­s, Deku remains an integral figure­ in the story, employing his intellige­nce, unwavering dete­rmination, and deep connections with his frie­nds to uphold justice.


The journe­ys of these shonen anime­ characters reveal that losing the­ir powers doesn't mark the e­nd of their significance. Instead, the­y demonstrate unwavering de­termination, resilience­, and courage to prove that true stre­ngth resides within their he­arts rather than their abilities.

The­ir inspiring stories serve as a constant reminder that even in the­ face of adversity, one has the­ power to make a differe­nce and retain an integral role­ in the narrative.

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Edited by Susrita Das
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