Solo Leveling, the immensely popular South Korean novel series turned manhwa, has captured global audiences with its gripping tale and memorable cast. The story mainly follows Jinwoo Sung, yet diverse women impact the plot significantly. Jin Ah plays an integral supporting role as Jinwoo's sister, worrying for his safety as he undertakes dangerous quests.
As the deputy leader of the Hunter's Guild, Cha Hae-In directs operations competently while developing a fondness for Jinwoo. Each female character offers unique strengths that complement Jinwoo and the other hunters, adding layers of intrigue to the narrative as mysteries deepen around the gates and ongoing threats.
Disclaimer: This article contains spoilers from the Solo Leveling manhwa.
From Cha Hae-In to Lee Joohee: Here are the 8 strongest female characters in the Solo Leveling series
1) Querehsha, the Monarch Of Plagues
Querehsha, the Monarch of Plagues, reigns as the Queen of Insects in Solo Leveling. She is among the most powerful figures yet paradoxically ranks among the weakest monarchs. Though Querehsha dazzles with beauty, her thirst for blood remains openly voracious.
In the Monarchs War Arc, where she, as the Monarch of Frosts and the Monarch of Beastly Fangs, fought against Sung Jinwoo, she changed her form using Spiritual Body Manifestation. Being able to use Spiritual Body Manifestation showed her tremendous power. However, it wasn't powerful enough to defeat Sung Jinwoo, who ended up taking her life.
2) Cha Hae-In
Cha Hae-In, the Deputy Leader of the Hunters guild, is one of the most formidable characters in Solo Leveling. She possesses exceptional swordsmanship skills, standing as the sole woman among South Korea's S-rank hunters.
Initially, Cha Hae-In despised the scent of other hunters. However, she grew fond of Jinwoo, the protagonist. Despite their romantic involvement, she stays a formidable figure in her own right, earning a top spot on our list through her demonstrated abilities.
3) Kanae Tawata
Kanae Tawata is a powerful and well-built Japanese S-rank hunter connected to the Draw Sword Guild. Known for her fiery attitude, she carries a katana and has remarkable fighting talents.
Tawata's intriguing character and noteworthy deeds, like her remarks and contrasts with Jinwoo, make her stand apart from the female characters in Solo Leveling. She is strong-willed, with a keen observation and skills that show dedication to protecting others.
4) Mari Ishida
Mari Ishida was an elite S-rank hunter and proud member of Japan's renowned Draw Sword Guild. As a Hunter of immense skill, she participated in the tragic Jeju Island Raid alongside colleague Akari Shimizu. Unfortunately for Mari and Akari, the mission proved fatal when the sinister Ant King caught them off guard with a devastating surprise attack.
In a swift and brutal motion, the Ant King decapitated Mari, ending her life far too soon. Kanae Tawata was thus left as the sole surviving woman from the ordeal, a stark reminder of the Ant King's formidable strength and threat as a villain. While the loss of Mari and Akari was deeply felt, their courage and sacrifice will never be forgotten.
5) Akari Shimizu
Akari Shimizu, a top-ranked healer and part of the Japanese Draw Sword Guild, offered her healing talents to assist the team. Tragically, she lost her life at the Ant King's doing during the Jeju mission. Even after her unfortunate end, Akari's role highlighted the trials faced by the female characters in the story and added layers to the overarching plot.
6) Yoo Soohyun
Cousin Yoo Soohyun to Jin-Ho and niece Myung-Han is not merely a model and actress but also a highly skilled A-ranked hunter. While she no longer actively works in the field, her significance lies in her ties to the prominent Ahjin Guild and her part in fulfilling the organization's needs. Soohyun offers richness to the varied female personas in Solo Leveling through her role.
7) Park Heejin
As one of the few female hunters in Korea, Park Heejin stands out in Solo Leveling. She is a B-rank hunter recognized for her cleverness and tactical reasoning. During the Red Gate Incident, Heejin's swift thinking and prudent approach preserved her life. Furthermore, her association with the White Tiger Guild contributes to her character's consequence and demonstrates her skill as a hunter.
8) Lee Joohee
Lee Joohee used to be a B-rank hunter and healer who helped the main character explore the lowest level gates. She displays a kind and caring nature, especially towards Jinwoo, constantly worrying for his well-being and getting upset by his frequent injuries.
Despite her B-rank status, extreme fear prevents Joohee from facing portals above C-rank. She participated in the Double Dungeon, where the protagonist achieved Double Awakening and a mission in a Goblin-filled Dungeon. Both experiences put her life in danger and led to the decision to retire from hunting and return to her hometown.
Final thoughts
Solo Leveling presents a diverse array of strong and influential female characters who contribute significantly to the story. From Cha Hae-In's exceptional combat skills to Lee Joohee's role as a motivation for the protagonist, each character brings a unique perspective and adds depth to the world of Solo Leveling.
These eight female characters, ranked based on their abilities and impact, stand out as formidable forces within the series. As the narrative continues to unfold, their contributions will undoubtedly shape the course of events, making Solo Leveling anime an engaging and thrilling experience for fans worldwide.