9 Most iconic JoJo poses from JoJo's Bizarre Adventure

JoJo poses and why some of them have stood the test of time (Image via David Production).
9 Most iconic JoJo poses from JoJo's Bizarre Adventure (Image via David Production).

JoJo's Bizarre Adventure author Hirohiko Araki is a known fashion fan, and that is where many of the iconic JoJo poses come from. Whether it's Giorno Giovanna's pose with Golden Experience or Caesar and Joseph posing before facing the Pillar Men, the series has taken a lot of inspiration from fashion, and Araki, combining it with his love for sculptures, has got the most out of them.


While it's true that the JoJo poses have been an endless source of memes over the years, they also give the series a unique feel. JoJo's Bizarre Adventure can be epic, dark, strategic, and emotional but also very stylish and even have some metrosexual appeal. These nine iconic poses, in no particular order, have withstood the test of time over the years.

Disclaimer: This list is ranked in no particular order and contains spoilers for the JoJo's Bizarre Adventure series.


DIO's back pose and 8 other top iconic poses seen in JoJo's Bizarre Adventure

1. Joseph and Caesar against the Pillar Men (Battle Tendency)

One of the most iconic JoJo poses (Image via David Production).
One of the most iconic JoJo poses (Image via David Production).

A lot of fans of the series have argued that the second part, Battle Tendency, made JoJo what it is today: a bizarre (pun intended) combination of strategy, insanity, and, yes, poses. One of the most iconic JoJo poses in the series's history was the one Joseph Joestar and Caesar Zeppeli did when facing the Pillar Men.


Joseph and Caesar were not getting along at the beginning of the part and were bickering with one another to no end, but things started to change when they went up against Kars, Eisidisi, and Wammu.

A German friend of Caesar's had been killed by the Pillar Men as if he was nothing, and the young Zeppeli was out for blood, with Joseph stepping in to help, leading to this memorable pose.


2. Giorno Giovanna and Golden Experience (Golden Wind)

Giorno and Golden Experience during his battle with Bruno Bucciarati (Image via David Production).
Giorno and Golden Experience during his battle with Bruno Bucciarati (Image via David Production).

Giorno's battle with Bruno in the opening chapters of the fifth part, Golden Wind, has a lot of great moments - it's the first time people see Golden Experience and Sticky Fingers fighting, the "this is the taste of a liar" moment by Bruno, their resolution and them teaming up, and, of course, Giorno's way of introducing his Stand to the world.


It is a very iconic JoJo pose that stems from Araki's love for fashion as it was directly taken from a Versace photo shoot (fitting with the part's Italian setting). It was also an excellent way to introduce his new protagonist's Stand, and keep the spirit of the series with the poses, which had evolved dramatically since the early days of Phantom Blood in the mid-80s.

3. Jean Pierre Polnareff's legendary pose (Stardust Crusaders)

Polnareff pulled one of the most iconic JoJo poses (Image via David Production).
Polnareff pulled one of the most iconic JoJo poses (Image via David Production).

Jean Pierre Polnareff's personality, charisma, and fantastic fighting prowess made him a very popular character in the third part, Stardust Crusaders, with some fans even going as far as saying that he was more of a main character than Jotaro Kujo. There is no denying that the Frenchman was a very compelling character, and this pose, in a way, said a lot about him.


He was defeated by Muhammad Avdol when the former was mind-controlled by DIO and regained his free will in the aftermath of this combat. Thankful of Avdol and the rest of the Crusaders, he joined them in their quest to defeat DIO as he searched for the man who killed his sister.

As he reveals his tragic past to his new friends, Polnareff pulls off this pose, which has become an endless source of memes.


4. Jotaro Kujo's legendary finger-point pose (Stardust Crusaders)

Jotaro's signature JoJo pose in the first Stardust Crusaders opening (Image via David Production).
Jotaro's signature JoJo pose in the first Stardust Crusaders opening (Image via David Production).

In recent years, it has become fashionable in the JoJo fandom to say that Jotaro is not a very good protagonist. Still, there is no denying that he is the face of the franchise: his look, his character design, the iconic hat, and, of course, his now-legendary finger-point pose.


Among JoJo poses, this one is a lot tamer, which fits Jotaro's stoic personality. It's also worth pointing out (pun intended) that this pose was inspired by Clint Eastwood's Dirty Harry character but using the finger instead of a gun. Araki has gone on record saying that Eastwood's loner and silent heroic characters directly inspired Jotaro.

5. DIO's back pose is the stuff of legends (Stardust Crusaders)

DIO's legendary JoJo pose (Image via David Production).
DIO's legendary JoJo pose (Image via David Production).

If Jotaro is the iconic face of the franchise, then DIO is the most iconic villain in the series. Most of the events in JoJo's Bizarre Adventure occur because of DIO's actions and his constant desire for more power and to crush the Joestar family, adding to his charismatic and charming personality.


By the time that third part, Stardust Crusaders, came around, DIO was a borderline god-like presence in the series. He had obtained Jonathan Joestar's body at the end of the first part, Phantom Blood, and his new Stand, The World, was very powerful.

However, he had to recuse himself at night in Egypt for being a vampire, which is why there is one scene where he pulls off this back pose, becoming one of his most iconic images.


6. Kars conquering the sun (Battle Tendency)

Kars becoming the ultimate life form (Image via David Production). osuke's last scene in the series (Image via David Production).
Kars becoming the ultimate life form (Image via David Production). osuke's last scene in the series (Image via David Production).

Very few villains can brag about achieving their end goals, and Kars is one of those cases. By the end of Battle Tendency, he had become the ultimate life form and conquered the sun, which was the Pillar Men's significant weakness, and this evolution brought much horror to Joseph and his friends.


In terms of why this pose is so iconic, it's not only the way Kars is standing there but also the context and how imposing he looks. He is a villain who has reached the pinnacle of evolution and is enjoying the moment, making this pose feel all the more epic and memorable.

7. Josuke's final pose (Diamond is Unbreakable)

Josuke's last scene in the series (Image via David Production).
Josuke's last scene in the series (Image via David Production).

Josuke became a fan favorite among the JoJo protagonists in the fourth part, Diamond is Unbreakable, but he is never featured again in the series. That is a shame because he is very compelling, and most fans would have loved to see a lot more of him in canon, which makes this pose of his all the more memorable because it is his last image in the franchise.


Hirohiko Araki progressively moved away from drawing classic muscular men. Diamond is Unbreakable is where most readers could see the transition to a slimmer, more stylish way of designing characters. On that front, Josuke's pose is significant because it shows how much Araki changed as an artist and how little he cared about gender-based portrayals.

8. Rudol von Stroheim's pose against Kars (Battle Tendency)

Stroheim was an underrated player in Battle Tendency (Image via David Production). akyoin made a mark in Stardust Crusaders (Image via David Production).
Stroheim was an underrated player in Battle Tendency (Image via David Production). akyoin made a mark in Stardust Crusaders (Image via David Production).

Stroheim's political affiliations have made him a very controversial character in JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, but there's no denying that he was one of Joseph's most valuable allies in Battle Tendency. It was shown in multiple battles against the Pillar Men, but his reintroduction to the story, facing off against Kars, paved the way for one of the most iconic poses in the series.


The German soldier had died in Mexico while helping Joseph fight Santana, but he is reintroduced as a cyborg in Switzerland as he fights Kars. Stroheim shows off many of his new abilities, and his pose to shoot the cannon from his abdomen has become the stuff of legends in the franchise.

9. Kakyoin's pose when fighting Tower of Gray (Stardust Crusaders)

Kakyoin made a mark in Stardust Crusaders (Image via David Production).
Kakyoin made a mark in Stardust Crusaders (Image via David Production).

Noriaki Kakyoin only showed up during the events of Stardust Crusaders. Still, he became one of the most popular characters in the JoJo series, and his earlier battle with the Tower of Gray helped with that. And as he fought, he showed he could pose like the best.


The Crusaders were planning to head to Egypt and defeat DIO, but they were attacked by the Stand known as Tower of Gray. Kakyoin faced the Stand and finally overwhelmed it using Hierophant Green, which impaled the little mosquito-like enemy. His victory would prove vital in saving many people's lives and gave Kakyoin a moment to shine while posing.

Final thoughts


Araki is known for his love of fashion and Western culture, which shows in his art. One can find references to the poses from various fashion magazines and even industry icons. The main appeal of the JoJo poses is the flair and extravagance they add to the characters and story. Also, if you were as muscular or had extraordinary abilities like Stands or Hamon, you would strike poses, too.

There are many more iconic JoJo poses, but these are the best out there. This series has produced many memorable characters and moments, showing the level of creativity that Araki has and how many boundaries he has pushed with this franchise.

Edited by Upasya Bhowal
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