A Girl and Her Guard Dog episode 1 of the anime adaptation of Hatsuharu's popular manga series of the same name has premiered on September 29, 2023, at 1:05 am JST. The debut of A Girl and Her Guard Dog episode 1 promised a heartwarming and romantic start to the series as viewers anticipated the unlikely alliance between Isaku and Haruto as they navigate the challenges of living in the yakuza world.
The anime adaptation of A Girl and Her Guard Dog was officially announced last year on October 10. It is being animated by studio Project No. 9, with the first season consisting of 13 episodes that will be released on a weekly schedule, starting from September 29, 2023.
A Girl and Her Guard Dog episode 1 is now available to stream on Crunchyroll
Release date and time, where to watch
As mentioned earlier, A Girl and Her Guard Dog episode 1 has premiered on September 29, 2023, at 1:05 am JST on Tokyo MX, BS Asahi, YTV, and other networks in Japan. For international viewers, the series is available to stream on Crunchyroll.
Here are the specific release times for various regions for A Girl and Her Guard Dog episode 1:
- Japan Standard Time (JST): 1:05 am on Friday, September 29, 2023
- Eastern Standard Time (EST): 12:05 pm, Thursday, September 28, 2023
- Indian Standard Time (IST): 9:35 pm, Thursday, September 28, 2023
- Australian Capital Territory (ACST): 2:05 am, Friday, September 29, 2023
- Pacific Time (PST): 9:05 am, Thursday, September 28, 2023
- Philippines Standard Time (PHT): 12:05 am, Thursday, September 28, 2023
A brief recap of A Girl and Her Guard Dog episode 1
A Girl and Her Guard Dog episode 1 introduces the main characters, Isaku and Haruto. The former is the daughter of a yakuza boss and has been confined to a sheltered existence, while Haruto is her assigned bodyguard and is tasked with ensuring her safety.
In this episode, the initial encounter between Isaku and Haruto takes place and they begin to form a strong connection. Viewers see Isaku's backstory and her longing for a simple, ordinary existence. Additionally, fans of the series come to see Haruto's deep sense of protectiveness towards Isaku and his unwavering commitment to ensuring her safety.
The episode concludes with Isaku and Haruto enrolling in the same high school. This sets the stage for a heartwarming and romantic tale of two individuals from different backgrounds who discover love and find solace in one another.
Plot of the A Girl and Her Guard Dog
The heartwarming story of A Girl and Her Guard Dog revolves around Isaku and Haruto. Isaku, who is the daughter of a yakuza boss, has been forced to live a sheltered life due to her family background. However, she dreams of living a normal life. Her bodyguard Haruto, who is compassionate and understanding, guides Isaku toward embracing a life that resembles normalcy.
Isaku and Haruto face numerous challenges of living in the complicated world of the yakuza, all while forming a deep connection with each other. As they uncover more about each other, their feelings for one another deepen into love.
As such, A Girl and Her Guard Dog is a romantic tale about the power of love, friendship, and discovering where one truly belong. This captivating story will touch the hearts of audiences regardless of their age.