In the Boruto series, Konoha faces tremendous challenges, and the story could benefit from incorporating beloved characters in unexpected ways. One such theory is the return of Might Guy, but this time, as a Shinju, a monstrous entity born from the Divine Tree.
This transformation would be a shocking development for fans and the perfect catalyst to bring Kakashi Hatake back into action. Not only would this open the door for epic battles, but it would also provide Kakashi with a deep emotional arc centered around saving his best friend from darkness.
Disclaimer: This article reflects the opinions of the writer.
The unstoppable force of Might Guy as a Shinju in Boruto: Two Blue Vortex
Might Guy’s transformation into a Shinju would be a perfect way to reintroduce him to the narrative. The theory imagines a version of Guy that can use the Eight Gates without the devastating physical repercussions, thanks to his new Shinju abilities.
Drawing from the power of the Divine Tree, a Shinju Might Guy could instantly heal by teleporting to the dimension controlled by the tree, much like Hidari as seen in the Two Blue Vortex manga. As seen before, the Eight Gates are a multiplier of the user's base strength, meaning a Shinju-enhanced Guy would be a nearly unstoppable force.
The theory talks about how Shinju Guy could absorb tailed beasts, like the Three Tails, enhancing his chakra reserves and making him a more terrifying adversary. The stakes would be incredibly high, pitting the emotional core of his character against his new villainous persona, all while Kakashi faces the moral dilemma of saving or defeating him.
Kakashi’s potential power-ups in the Boruto series: Wolf Sage Mode and double Mangekyou Sharingan
For Kakashi to defeat a Shinju Might Guy, he would need a significant power-up. The theory suggests that Kakashi would gain access to his double Mangekyou Sharingan, potentially through advanced ninja technology.
This would allow him to use Kamui on a greater scale, but even that might not be enough against a Shinju-powered Guy. To truly stand a chance, Kakashi would need to unlock a new power, the long-theorized Wolf Sage Mode.
Sage Mode would not only boost Kakashi’s physical capabilities but also provide him with the chakra reserves needed to maintain his Mangekyou Sharingan techniques without strain.
Wolf Sage Mode, in particular, could enhance Kakashi’s senses and speed, allowing him to match Guy’s ferocity in battle. The narrative potential here is immense: Kakashi must combine all his skills and powers, including the newly acquired Sage Mode, to save his best friend from an unimaginable fate.
Final thoughts
A Shinju Might Guy could be the perfect way to reintroduce Kakashi into the Boruto story, offering an emotional, high-stakes battle between old friends. By giving Kakashi new powers like Wolf Sage Mode and double Mangekyou Sharingan, the narrative would continue to develop in exciting directions. If executed well, this story arc would pay homage to the original Naruto series while keeping the Boruto storyline fresh and compelling.
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