Recent months of mangaka Tatsuki Fujimoto’s Chainsaw Man series have been some of the most exciting, mysterious, and enthralling throughout Part 2’s publication so far. Beginning with Control Devil Nayuta’s death, the series has thrown readers into twists and turns without any break, one of the most notable being the Aging Devil’s plan with Public Safety.
The Aging Devil’s introduction and goals are specifically notable for the effect Aging’s death may have on Chainsaw Man’s world as it relates to humankind and other living beings. However, it’s likely not humans, but Devils who will be most affected by Aging’s death in the end, potentially to the point of Devils being killed off themselves.
Disclaimer: This article reflects the author's opinions and is speculative in nature.
Unintended consequences of Aging’s death in Chainsaw Man could lead to a world without humans or Devils
The most fundamental piece of evidence for this Chainsaw Man theory is that human fear is the source of all Devils’ existence and powers. The Primal Fear Devils may also be fueled by non-sapient life given the fears they represent, but humans are suggested to be the main source of power for at least most Devils. Yet therein lies the issue with Pochita eating the Aging Devil and conceptually removing aging from the existence of humans and other living beings.
There are two major scenarios that will likely play out in the aftermath of such an act. The first is what Former Minister of Finance Tadashi Hasegawa seems to believe will happen; humans above are either frozen in age or transformed into a younger version of themselves, while those younger than said age can be conceived, born, and grow and age until reaching said age. From here, they would freeze in time physically as well.
The second major scenario for Chainsaw Man’s world is that all humans freeze in time instantly, with no one aging or growing beyond the point they were at when the Aging Devil died. This would presumably apply both mentally and physically. Such a scenario would also presumably stop further humans/lifeforms from being conceived via a lack of aging prohibiting fetal growth in the womb.
In either case, however, the human population will steadily decline over time since eternal youth and immortality are two very different concepts. There’s also the fact humans will start to become trees after a certain point, as seen in the Aging Devil’s world. It’s unknown how much of a sense of self these tree people have, so it’s unclear whether or not they’d be able to have fears that are anything beyond primal instinct. Even these, however, may be absent.
Resultantly, in either scenario, there’s a chance that devilkind in general begins to lose not only their powers but their lives and existences due to not being feared anymore. While Pochita’s method of erasure is the only known one, the mechanics of a Devil’s birth suggest a reverse process like the above is possible. The second scenario may even threaten the existence of Primal Fear Devils if all wildlife on Earth is unable to reproduce and thus will eventually die out.
Final thoughts

While the above is predicated on speculation regarding how the Aging Devil’s death would affect the series’ world, it’s nevertheless a very plausible argument. Humanity would certainly be profoundly changed by the concept of aging being removed from existence, but Devils would be pushed to the brink of extinction. Without a doubt, general devil kind would feel the effects of Aging’s death just as much, if not more than humanity would.
Related links
- Chainsaw Man chapter 186 release date and time
- Chainsaw Man chapter 185 highlights
- Makima's speech is finally elaborated on in Chainsaw Man chapter 185