Aharen-San Wa Hakarenai was one of the most awaited anime adaptations of the original manga by Asato Mizu. With its premiere on April 2, 2022, the series gained immense popularity due to its unique storyline and the endearing bond between Reina Aharen and Matsuboshi Raidou.
For Aharen, it was hard to figure out how chummy she could be with someone, but Raidou got her back. In Episode 7, fans got to see that Aharen forgot to bring her lunch for the first time. Raidou and Aharen will once again cross their paths with Futaba.
With each episode getting funnier than the previous one, fans can hardly suppress their anticipation regarding what comes next for Raidou and Aharen in Aharen-San Wa Hakarenai.
When will Aharen-San Wa Hakarenai Season 1 Episode 8 be released?
Aharen-San Wa Hakarenai Season 1 Episode 8 will be released on May 20, 2022. Fans can watch the episode on the popular streaming platform Crunchyroll worldwide.
The series is also available on Bilibilli and Netflix, but only for a few regions. The timing of its broadcast is mentioned below with different time zones.
- Pacific time: 10:25 AM PDT
- Central time: 12:25 PM CDT
- Eastern time: 1:25 AM EDT
- British time: 5:25 PM GMT
- Indian time: 10:55 PM IST
- European time: 7:25 PM CEST
- Australian time: 02:55 PM ACDT
- Philippines time: 1:25 PM PHT
- Japanese time: 2:25 AM JST
Aharen-San Wa Hakarenai Season 1 Episode 7 recap
Aharen-San Wa Hakarenai kicked off by showing that the gluttonous chibi queen had forgotten to bring her lunch for the first time in her life.
This scared her, but Raidou panicked to the core as well, as he was aware of how much she ate despite her petite appearance.
Aharen decided to buy something to eat from the school store, but Raidou didn’t want her to go alone as she may get lost in the crowd.
They both tried to get their hands on anything possible to eat, but all Aharen successfully bought was a melon bun, which wouldn’t be enough for her large appetite.
Although Raidou exchanges his lunch with her, he finds out Aharen’s pet dog Nui has already brought her lunch. Raidou, Aharen, Sato, and Ishikawa gather to play cards before the class begins.
Raidou voluntarily suggested playing Old Maid, a Victorian card game where he thought he had attained mastery. Despite strategizing and giving his all, Raidou lost miserably and didn’t even secure a single victory.
If sleeping anywhere at any given time is a sport, Aharen will be the champion of it. She was found sleeping in a class by Raidou.
After sleeping for hours, she couldn’t move as her body went numb, but Raidou carried her on his back in a modified backpack chair. Being concerned about Raidou’s appetite, Aharen made a special lunch for him.
Later in Aharen-San Wa Hakarenai, Aharen and Raidou were about to start eating their lunch, and all of a sudden, Futaba appeared in front of them.
As usual, she was berating Aharen and threatening Raidou. Futaba challenged Aharen to a lunch duel, but she failed due to her lack of expertise in cooking.
Futaba desperately wanted to cook good food for Akkun, so she took cooking lessons from Aharen in the home class of the school. Futaba didn’t even thank Aharen for her efforts, and she even felt bad for that.
Later Raidou and Aharen found out that Futaba fed Akkun the lunch they prepared yesterday, which got spoiled and made Akkun bedridden.
As the deadline was getting closer, all the students had to submit an art project of their choice.
Both Raidou and Aharen had difficulty deciding what to do, but eventually, they concluded. Raidou decided to sketch himself while Aharen was busy with her clay model.
Aharen went all out and made her own life-size figurine, which was as indecipherable as she is. Aharen gifted her clay figurine to Raidou, which the latter placed beside his bed. With each gift by Aharen, it is possible that one day, Raidou will be flooded with nothing but plush toys.